E=mc2 (Bodanis)

Earth: age of; Archaean period; Ashfall Fossil Beds, Nebraska; asteroid craters and impact; atmosphere, creation of; atmosphere and weather; auroras; average species longevity; baked apple theory; birth of; birth of the Moon; conditions for life; cores; cosmic dust, accumulation; crust, early burst theory; Cryogenian age (Snowball Earth); Denver, mystery of; distance from surface to center; earthquakes; extinctions, major and minor; geology of; heat of interior; hydrosphere, see also oceans; ice ages; impact of asteroid or comet; interior of; land bridge theory; life, creation of on; magnetism; magnetism, reversal of; measuring circumference; measuring distance from the Sun; measuring mass or weight; Moon’s distance from, measuring; Moon’s importance; movement of surface,see also plate tectonics; nearest stars; ocean floor; orbit; ozone layer; planets in proximity to; rotation, speed of; shape, controversy over; size; temperature; Van Allen belts; volcanoes

Earth, The (Jeffreys)

earthquakes; commonality of; intraplate quakes; Kobe; Lisbon, Portugal; New Madrid, Missouri; Prince William Sound, Alaska; Richter scale; San Andreas Fault; Tetons; Tokyo; Yellowstone National Park

Earth’s Shifting Crust (Hapgood)


Ebbing, Darrell

ebola virus

Eddington, Sir Arthur

Eight Little Piggies (Gould)

Einstein, Albert; cosmological constant; equation, E = mc2; general theory of relativity; grand unified theory; quantum theory and; special theory of relativity

elan vital

electricity, experiments with



electron; microscope; spin resonance (dating method); thermoluminescence (dating method); Uncertainty Principle

elements: abundance, order of; discovery of; life, necessary for; naming; number of

Elliott, Charles

Ellis, Len

Elwin, Whitwell

encephalitis lethargica

energy: quantum theory and; radioactive decay and mass into energy; special theory of relativity. See also Einstein; Albert; Newton, Isaac


Erwin, Terry

Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus)

Eternal Frontier (Flannery)


Evans, Robert

Everest, Mount

evolution. See Darwin, Charles; humans; life

Exclusion Principle

Extinct Humans (Tattersall amp; Schwartz)

extinction of species; asteroid or comet impact (impact theory); average lifespan of a species; causes, hypothetical; cooling of Earth and; Cretaceous; Devonian; dinosaurs; human-caused; ice ages and; minor kill-offs; Ordovician; Permian extinction; plate tectonics and; sea creatures; solar flares theory; survivors; Triassic; volcanic eruptions and


Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel

Fermi, Enrico

Ferris, Timothy

Feynman, Richard

fish, depletion of

Fisher, Osmond


FitzRoy, Robert

Flannery, Tim

fluorescent light

Forbes, Edward

Fornax (constellation)

Fortey, Richard

fossils; Ashfall Fossil Beds, Nebraska; Burgess Shale; Cambrian explosion and; cladistics; conditions that create; evidence for age of the Earth; evolution, lack of evidence for; extinctions, lack of fossil record; gathering, England; Hell Creek, Montana; human, scarcity of; Mantell’s collection; marine; microbes; plate tectonics and; Precambrian (Ediacaran); Smith’s map of British rock strata; trilobites

Fossils and the History of Life (Simpson)

Fowler, W. A.

France: French Royal Academy of Sciences, Peruvian expedition of 1735; Reign of Terror; transits of Venus expeditions


Franklin, Benjamin

Franklin, Rosalind

Fraser, John

Frayn, Michael

fungi; molds

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