Chambers, Robert

Chapman, Clark

Chappe, Jean

Charpentier, Jean de

chemistry; atomic number; atomic weight; Avogadro’s number; conventions and formulas,; Dalton and; elements; organic and inorganic; periodic table; radioactivity, discovery of; societies; symbols and abbreviations


chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

Christiansen, Bob

Christy, James

Cod (Kurlansky)

cod fish

Comet (Sagan)

comets: Kuiper belt and; long-period; Shoemaker-Levy 9, and impact on Jupiter; speed of. See also specific comets

Coming of Age in the Milky Way (Ferris)

Compston, Bill

Conard, Henry S.


Conway Morris, Simon

Cook, James

Coon, Carleton

Cope, Edward Drinker

Coriolis effect

cosmic background radiation

Cosmos (Sagan)

Cox, David

Cox, Peter

Crab Nebula

Crampton, Henry Edward

Crick, Francis

Croll, James

Cropper, William H.

Crouch, Henry

Crowther, J. G.

Crucible of Creation, The (Conway Morris)

Crystal Palace, London; Park

Curie, Marie

Curie, Pierre

Cuvier, Georges


Dalton, John

Daly, Reginald

dark energy (vacuum energy, quintessence)

dark matter; DUNNOS; MACHOs; WIMPs

Dart, Raymond

Darwin, Charles

Davies, Paul

Davy, Humphry

Dawkins, Richard

de Duve, Christian

de Vaucouleurs, Gerard

de Vries, Hugo

DeMoivre, Abraham

Denver, Colorado, mystery of

Descartes, Rene

Descent of Man, The (Darwin)

Diamond, Jared


Dicke, Robert

Dickinson, Matt

dinosaurs: Anchisaurus; appearance of; Archaeopteryx; discovery of; bones, American sites for finding; Crystal Palace Park, London; Diplodocus; extinction; fossils, England; fossils, paucity of record; Hadrosaur; Hylaeosaurus; identification of; iguanodon Megalosaurus; museum fakes; ornithischians and saurischians; Owen coins the word; ranges of, northern; tracks, Massachusetts; tyrannosaurus rex

Diversity of Life, The (Wilson)

Dixon, Jeremiah

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid); amount in cells; cells and; chemical components; coding of; cosmic rays, effect of; discovery of; durability; fingerprinting; hox genes and; Human Genome Project; irradiated; life, creation of and; non-coding; replication; RNA and; polymerase chain reaction; proteins, creation of and; reproduction dependent on; SNP (snip); structure and discovery of double helix


Doppler, Johann Christian

Doppler shift

Doss, Paul

Double Helix, The (Watson)

Drake, Frank

Dreams of a Final Theory (Weinberg)

Drury, Stephen

Dubois, Marie Eugene.

Dyson, Freeman

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