K. Verweij et al., “Shared Aetiology of Risky Sexual Behaviour and Adolescent Misconduct: Genetic and Environmental Influences,” Genes, Brain and Behav 8 (2009): 107; K. Verweij et al., “Genetic and Environmental Influences on Individual Differences in Attitudes Toward Homosexuality: An Australian Twin Study,” Behave Genetics 38 (2008): 257.


K. Verweij et al., “Evidence for Genetic Variation in Human Mate Preferences for Sexually Dimorphic Physical Traits. PLoS ONE 7 (2012): e49294; K. Smith et al., “Biology, Ideology and Epistemology: How Do We Know Political Attitudes Are Inherited and Why Should We Care?” Am J Political Sci 56 (2012): 17; K. Arceneaux et al., “The Genetic Basis of Political Sophistication,” Twin Res and Hum Genetics 15 (2012): 34; J. Fowler and D. Schreiber, “Biology, Politics, and the Emerging Science of Human Nature,” Sci 322 (2008): 912.


J. Ray et al., “Heritability of Dental Fear,” J Dental Res 89 (2010): 297; G. Miller et al., “The Heritability and Genetic Correlates of Mobile Phone Use: Twin Study of Consumer Behavior,” Twin Res and Hum Genetics 15 (2012): 97.


L. Littvay et al., “Sense of Control and Voting: A Genetically-Driven Relationship,” Soc Sci Quarterly 92 (2011): 1236; J. Harris, The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do (NY: Free Press, 2009); A. Seroczynski et al., “Etiology of the Impulsivity/Aggression Relationship: Genes or Environment?” Psychiatry Res 86 (1999): 41; E. Coccaro et al., “Heritability of Aggression and Irritability: A Twin Study of the Buss-Durkee Aggression Scales in Adult Male Subjects,” BP 41 (1997): 273.


E. Hayden, “Taboo Genetics,” Nat 502 (2013): 26.


Несколько сильных критических замечаний по близнецовому методу и усыновлению: R. Rose, “Genes and Human Behavior,” Ann Rev Psych 467 (1995): 625; J. Joseph, “Twin Studies in Psychiatry and Psychology: Science or Pseudoscience?” Psychiatric Quarterly 73 (2002): 71; K. Richardson and S. Norgate, “The Equal Environments Assumption of Classical Twin Studies May Not Hold,” Brit J Educational Psych 75 (2005): 339; R. Fosse et al., “A Critical Assessment of the Equal-Environment Assumption of the Twin Method for Schizophrenia,” Front Psychiatry 6 (2015): 62; A. V. Horwitz et al., “Rethinking Twins and Environments: Possible Social Sources for Assumed Genetic Influences in Twin Research,” J Health and Soc Behav 44 (2003): 111.


Самые весомые работы защитников этих подходов: Кеннет Кендлер: K. S. Kendler, “Twin Studies of Psychiatric Illness: An Update,” AGP 58 (2001): 1005; K. S. Kendler et al., “A Test of the Equal-Environment Assumption in Twin Studies of Psychiatric Illness,” Behav Genetics 23 (1993): 21; K. S. Kendler and C. O. Gardner Jr., “Twin Studies of Adult Psychiatric and Substance Dependence Disorders: Are They Biased by Differences in the Environmental Experiences of Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins in Childhood and Adolescence?” Psych Med 8 (1998): 625; K. S. Kendler et al., “A Novel Sibling-Based Design to Quantify Genetic and Shared Environmental Effects: Application to Drug Abuse, Alcohol Use Disorder and Criminal Behavior,” Psych Med 46 (2016): 1639; K. S. Kendler et al., “Genetic and Familial Environmental Influences on the Risk for Drug Abuse: A National Swedish Adoption Study,” AGP 69 (2012): 690; K. S. Kendler et al., “Tobacco Consumption in Swedish Twins Reared Apart and Reared Together,” AGP 57 (2000): 886. Томас Бушар: Y. Hur and T. Bouchard, “Genetic Influences on Perceptions of Childhood Family Environment: A Reared Apart Twin Study,” Child Development 66 (1995): 330; M. McGue and T. J. Bouchard, “Genetic and Environmental Determinants of Information Processing and Special Mental Abilities: A Twin Analysis,” in Advances in the Psychology of Hum Intelligence, ed. R. J. Sternberg, vol. 5 (Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1989), pp. 7–45; T. J. Bouchard et al., “Sources of Human Psychological Differences: The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart,” Sci 250 (1990): 223. Роберт Пломин: R. Plomin et al., Behavioral Genetics, 5th ed. (New York: Worth, 2008); K. Hardy-Brown et al., “Selective Placement of Adopted Children: Prevalence and Effects,” J Child Psych and Psychiatry 21 (1980) 143; N. L. Pedersen et al., “Genetic and Environmental Influences for Type A – Like Measures and Related Traits: A Study of Twins Reared Apart and Twins Reared Together,” Psychosomatic Med 51 (1989): 428; N. L. Pedersen et al., “Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Related Traits in Adult Twins Reared Apart and Reared Together,” JPSP 55 (1988): 950. См. также: E. Coccaro et al., “Heritability of Aggression and Irritability: A Twin Study of the Buss-Durkee Aggression Scales in Adult Male Subjects,” BP 41 (1997): 273; A. Bjorklund et al., “The Origins of Intergenerational Associations: Lessons from Swedish Adoption Data,” Quarterly J Economics 121 (2006): 999; E. P. Gunderson et al., “Twins of Mistaken Zygosity (TOMZ): Evidence for Genetic Contributions to Dietary Patterns and Physiologic Traits,” Twin Res and Hum Genetics 9 (2006): 540; B. N. Sánchez et al., “A Latent Variable Approach to Study Gene-Environment Interactions in the Presence of Multiple Correlated Exposures,” Biometrics 68 (2012): 466.


Доказательства того, что моно- или дихориальность являются значимой характеристикой: M. Melnick et al., “The Effects of Chorion Type on Variation in IQ in the NCPP Twin Population,” Am J Hum Genetics 30 (1978): 425; N. Jacobs et al., “Heritability Estimates of Intelligence in Twins: Effect of Chorion Type,” Behav Genetics 31 (2001): 209; M. Melnick et al., “The Effects of Chorion Type on Variation in IQ in the NCPP Twin Population,” Am J Hum Genetics 30 (1978): 425; R. J. Rose et al., “Placentation Effects on Cognitive Resemblance of Adult Monozygotes,” in Twin Research 3: Epidemiological and Clinical Studies, ed. L. Gedda et al. (New York: Alan R. Liss, 1981), p. 35; K. Beekmans et al., “Relating Type of Placentation to Later Intellectual Development in Monozygotic (MZ) Twins (Abstract),” Behav Genetics 23 (1993): 547; M. Carlier et al., “Manual Performance and Laterality in Twins of Known Chorion Type,” Behav

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