I’m like Rapunzel and Madison from Splash. Eek Eek Eek Eek. Hang on.

Ok. I brushed it. I think it grew an inch since we started Grease rehearsals. Q even believe that?

Do you like when I spray my bangs up or when I curl them over my forehead?

Anyway, Matt (I actually like callin’ you Matt sometimes ’cuz it takes less time to say than Matthew. Don’t get me wrong, Matthew is a much more proper name, but Matt is just quicker and I don’t always or usually have a ton of time to reference you ’cuz I’m a Senior and have tons of obligations socially and academically and extracurricularly). But as I was sayin’, Matt . . . is Joy a Kev Brandolini? Like, is she gonna make love to you and then skip town? You know what I mean?

Think about it. I know you’re a bright young kid, so I have no doubt you will make the smartest CHOICE. It’s no joke bein’ in high school. I mean, yeah, in middle school you could mess around and be stupid, but this is real life now. Every move we make is important.

I’m gonna leave you with this, Kiddo. Season. Reason. Lifetime. Those words seem very simple at first blush, but go deeper. People are in our lives for a season. A reason. Or a lifetime.

What’s Joy, Matt? Once you know the answer to that, you will know whether or not you should ask her to be your girlfriend.

Alright, Pipsqueak. I gotta brush my hair some more ’cuz it is sooooooo verrrry long and cumbersome if I don’t brush the crap outta it. And yes, Matt—Thank God It Is Friday. I have a party to attend this evening at Nikki Perroni’s home. She is pretty cool but has been known to be a klepto at many stores. Word is she switches tags out so she, like, buys stuff but for much cheaper than it usually is. I don’t even want to go to this stupid party, but Christopher does so I will.

Take the weekend to think things over. Season. Reason. Lifetime. And write me first thing Monday mornin’. You can always slip notes in my locker if you fold ’em tight enough.

Be good, you,

Tara Maureen

To-est Cream of Mushroom (new one!)—

Oh my dearest sister slash soul mate slash sometimes-daughter (when I protect you like a mama bear)—I just adore you, you BB Minkey. No one else has created a language like we have. Minkey instead of Monkey. Q even instead of Can You Even. SOOF (swear on our friendship), SOML (swear on my life), BB instead of Baby, BB Minkey instead of Baby Monkey, and the list goes on and on, My Girl of Girls.

Miss Trésor (tee-hee, tee-hee)—that brought a smile to my face. It is kinda funny just the absurdness of it all. Ahhhhh, LIFE!!

You know, Stef, things are kinda lookin’ up. New day, new chance at finding happiness in a town not very known for happiness.

I think, for now, we will just put a pin in the Balloon Day events. Maybe it wasn’t Stacey Simon after all. And who even cares, right? Look, whoever popped that balloon has some serious “Karma (Chameleon)” on their hands, but that’s their story, not ours. And as for the ski trip . . . water under the Bourne Bridge. And I have a vague memory of Dougie Fitz that day in Mr. Donovan’s class (who can forget a pig person blowing a boogie on an innocent girl’s back?!). Anyway . . . all that nonsense is wicked in the past, as we are college bound. I am X’ing out days in my Month-At-A-Glance. NYU, here I come!! I mean, I of course want to get in everywhere else, but is there really any other place like NYU for me? I’ll answer that. No!!

So, Stacey Simon wants to hang out the three of us? Wow. What has she said? How many times has she asked? Gotta say, I’m impressed. She knows that the only way to properly know you is to know your best friend. That’s cool. Good for her. You know what, cutes . . . okay!! I would like nothin’ more than to put history in the books. We are all Seniors, and that’s sayin’ a lot. So, yeah, Stef. Yeah. Let’s hang out with Stacey Simon.

But first, I thought you should know I pulled my hearts-and-stars sheets from the attic, and they are waiting for us to make our matching pock-a-books. I even told Christopher that I have to blow off Nikki Perroni’s party tonight (you were probably goin’ too, but who cares, right?) to hang out with my best friend. Wanna just skip the party and hang out in my room and . . . sew? That way, come Monday, we will have our matchin’ pock-a-books? And besides, we need just us time! Bring your Month-At-A-Glance so we can calendar a proper time with Stace. Does feel like a very powerful trio: me, you, and Stacey Simon. Senior year is full of surprises!

So? What do ya say?

All my love . . .

T-Murphs, Tmurphette, Tara Maureen

To-est Tar—

Yes! Consider the party blown off! I am coming to your house, sewing machine in hand. Will need your help unloading it from my trunk but can’t wait.

Want to order Chinese? Oh, and I will definitely bring my calendar. I told Stacey we are going to all hang out, and she is thrilled!

So thankful we have cleared that “polluted, storm-cloud-filled air.”

Love you, BB Minkey,

Muchly and Moreso,


To-est Soup!!

I have been gettin’ so many compliments on my pock-a-book. People are like, “Where did you buy that—it’s so cool and different!” I’m like, “Me and Stef Campbell sewed them,” and everyone freaks out.

I knew walkin’ into school this morning with matchin’ pock-a-books would get everyone talkin’. You, the other half of me, are a genius! My famous hearts-and-stars sheets

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