I never felt pretty and of course was way too smart for most folks. I had graduated valedictorian in June with the top SAT scores.
Martha Ann was pretty, in a shy sort of way. Her hair was long and black and came half way down her back when she combed it out. She usually wore it in one plait doubled up in a knot.
Mama always said it was the Indian on her mother's side of the family that gave her that hair. Martha Ann wore glasses and had that serious, studious look about her. She was very smart and could sew some fancy clothes, so she was always dressed right on. Neither one of us was even noticed though, if Elmira was around and of course Melinda being the youngest got all the cute.
We girls all knew Mira had no intentions of being a teacher, she was just waiting to graduate and get to Atlanta and get to all that partying going on.
Martha Ann still had two years to go and was taking early childhood education. She actually did want to be a teacher. Martha Ann was the other type, who wanted a husband, small town and to me all that boredom that goes along with it.
Poor Lin had a long way to go with being only eleven, but I tried to cheer her up with how I would come home on the greyhound as often as I could. She was the cutest thing with her long plaits hanging down her back. She was light skinned like mama, but small for eleven. She often reminded me of the tiny princess from a fairy tale.
I knew deep down inside she would miss me greatly; I was the big sister who would take care of her and play with her, but I was not going to blow my chance at freedom.
We girls had been playing around in the kitchen watching for mama to come home. It was Mira's day to cook, so she was at the big table making biscuits. Martha Ann had just finished cutting her part of the grass and had come inside to wash some of the sweat off her face. Lin and I were playing with the fish we would fry up once mama got settled.
Daddy had gone to bed because he had to go in to his night shift job. All in all we were feeling good, because Friday's were pay days and daddy had brought ice cream and soda, and we would fry fish and have a good time.
Mama came home that hot Friday in August as usual . . . tired and sweaty. Being as few cars came along the road by our house, we could hear a car coming from a ways off. We saw her slowly drive down the graveled driveway in the Chevrolet Impala.
Big Boy jumped up from his usual spot under the shade tree and ran circles around the car as she pulled in. She pulled into her spot beside the old Chevrolet truck that daddy drove to work. Both parking spots were in the back outside the back porch, and she came through the kitchen door smiling and asking us if we had cooked yet.
Of course, we had everything under control. There was something about the weekend that put a smile on everyone's face, even though mama was tired, she was looking forward to Friday fish, Saturday shopping in the larger town of Lakeview and Sunday at church.
As mama went quietly into her bedroom to put away her purse, I suddenly caught my breath. I realized I had seen this scene before and not just because this was the usual Friday thing.
Later I found out I was having something the old folks called "second sight". At the time, I only knew that I knew what was going to happen next and went so far as to say it before mama could.
"Martha Ann, did you finish the dress you were sewing for church? You better hurry up if you are going to wear it this Sunday. Melinda baby, what kind of ice cream did your daddy buy this time, peach or lemon?" I blurted this out before mama could.
Mama looked at me strangely and said, "Angel, how did you know I was going to say that?"
I stood there stupidly replaying the whole scene in my head, down to the look she was giving me. "I just did," I said. As I stood there I also clearly remembered a dream I had the night before and knew this was not going to be the usual wonderful Friday.
In the dream, we were sitting in the living room watching Friday evening TV. In that dreamy sort of way, the phone rings. Of course, Mira jumps up to answer, expecting one of her many boyfriends.
She was still rocking those hot pants with the bicentennial red, white and blue design from the fourth of July. Everything she wore was always too short or too tight or both. Mama was always fussing at her about her clothes and being on the phone too long and nobody else being able to get through. I supposed she was waiting to see which boyfriend would call first and take her out to the movies.
Mira swishes over to the phone with real attitude. I was so surprised to hear her say, "Yes mam, hold on, here's mama."
Mama goes to the phone and says, "Hello." In the dream I see tears start to roll down her cheeks, she asks, "Was anyone with her when it happened? Oh my Lord, oh my Lord."
In the same dreamy sort of way of understanding I know it is my mother's sister that something has happened to.
Aunt Elmira is my mother's oldest sister. She was at least twelve years older than mama. My sister Elmira was named after her. Aunt