savage way he hadsucked it the night before.

“I think we need to reposition,” hemurmured, coming to sit on the bed with me. “Come, Addison—sit onmy lap. And you can leave the robe on the floor.”

Being completely naked with him still mademe blush but there was nothing but love in his eyes as I shed myrobe completely and crawled into his lap. Corbin cradled me in hisarms and I turned my head to the side and offered him my throat,just as I had the night before. The position brought back notraumatic memories—in fact, it made me even hotter, remembering howI had submitted to him, had given everything he demanded andmore.

He took a long time healing my neck,caressing my sensitive flesh with his tongue and covering my throatwith slow, hot kisses until I thought I was going to scream.

“Corbin,” I gasped at last, squirmingagainst him. “Corbin, please, you’re driving me crazy.”

“Forgive me, darling. That was not myintent.” He looked at me seriously. “I simply want to be certainyou’re truly healed.”

“Well, I am—there anyway,” I said, sittingup in his lap. “But I have…other areas that hurt.” I arched myback, indicating my breasts—my nipples were so tight they ached.“Please, Corbin,” I whispered.

I could see the lust in his eyes but therewas self-control there as well. “Very well,” he said at last. “Butyou must tell me where it hurts. You are not as marked here asother places.”

“Here.” I pointed to the slope of my rightbreast. My breath caught in my throat as Corbin ducked his head andplaced a hot, wet kiss where I had indicated.

“And here,” I continued, pointing to a placemuch closer to the center of my breast, right by the pale pink bandof my areola. He complied again, lapping gently at the hurt spotthough he somehow managed to avoid my nipple, which was aching forhim. Well, I would fix that.

“And here.” I touched my tight littlenub lightly and bit my lip. Even my own touch sent fire through me.I could only imagine what Corbin’s mouth would do.

He frowned at me. “Are you certain?Remember, darling, I am doing this for healing purposes only.”

“I know but it aches,” I said, which reallywas true. “They both do, Corbin.”

“Very well,” he murmured. “Then I think itwould be best if you straddled my legs so I can reach you.”

I did as he asked. Getting up on my knees, Iput one leg on either side of his narrow hips and thrust my chestout so he could get to my breasts. I knew the pose made me lookwanton and open and that was exactly what I wanted because it wasexactly how I felt.

Corbin groaned softly at the sight of meoffering myself so willingly.

“Come here,” he growled softly and pulled meto him, sucking one of my nipples as deeply into his mouth as hecould.

I gasped and buried my hands in his hair,arching my back to offer him even greater access as sparks ofpleasure shot through my body. The position I was in, with my legsspread wide to straddle his hips, made my pussy feel open and hot.I couldn’t help remembering how good it felt when he touched methere…when he tasted me.

By the time Corbin switched to the othernipple, I knew I had to have more than just healing tonight. Mybody needed to come—needed it badly. But how could I convinceCorbin that I wanted him—needed him—even after what we hadbeen through the night before?

Keep taking it slow, whispered alittle voice in my head. I knew I should but it was hard advice tofollow—especially when my whole body was throbbing with need.

“Thank you, Corbin,” I said at last,breathlessly. “I think…think I feel better now. There anyway.” Iindicated my nipples, which were dark pink and extremely sensitivefrom his sucking.

“I am glad, darling.” His voice was thickwith desire but I could still see the self-control in his eyes.

“So maybe…maybe you should turn yourattention to other areas.” I nodded at the area between my legs andhe frowned.

“Yes, you are right. Your thighs sufferedmuch abuse.”

He was beginning to look remorseful all overagain and I couldn’t have that.

“Here,” I said, slipping out of his lap andlying down on the bed in front of him. Feeling nervous andvulnerable, I slowly spread my thighs, opening myself for himcompletely. “You…you can heal me if you want,” I whispered.

“You know I do,” he murmured. “Come to theedge of the bed, Addison. It will be easier for me to reach youthat way.”

Lying on the edge of the bed with my calveshanging over the side, I couldn’t help remembering the first timehe had “healed” me, after the spanking. Then I had been reluctantto let him in—now I was eager, letting my legs fall open to him atonce when he parted my knees. My whole body felt hot and tight andneedy and I waited impatiently to feel his hot breath on mycore.

But Corbin had been serious about healing mythighs, which, to be honest, did have more than their fairshare of finger-shaped bruises. He licked long, slow trails acrossmy skin, making me shiver with tension and need. The tingling,healing magic was driving me crazy. God, I needed him so badly…

I was afraid I would have to beg but finallyCorbin finished with my thighs and positioned himself over mypussy. I closed my eyes and waited for him to begin…and waited andwaited. Finally, I opened them and looked at him, frowning.


“I used you so roughly, darling.” His deepvoice was hoarse with emotion and I could see he was stillexamining me. “I cannot forget how hurt you were. You are stillvery swollen here.” His fingertips trailed lightly over my baremound, making me shiver.

“Then…heal me,” I whispered, breathlessly.“Like you did everyplace else.”

“But this is different,” he protested. “Ihurt you inside as well. I will need to penetrate you, Addison. Toget my tongue as deeply into you as possible to heal all the damageI have done.” He looked up at me. “Can you open for me and let medo that? Can you spread your thighs and give me complete access toyour soft little cunt?”

My heart was beating so hard I thought

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