itmust be shaking my whole body but at the same time I felt a kind oflanguor creeping over me, a delicious sexual flush that seemed totake over my whole body. It made me want to give Corbin anything hewanted, made me want to open myself to him in every possibleway.

“Yes,” I whispered, reaching out to glide myfingers through his hair. “Oh, yes, Corbin. Yes.”

He gave me a little half smile. “You seemvery willing to be healed, my darling.”

“Extremely willing,” I assured him. “Foranything you might have in mind.”

“Only healing,” he reminded me sternly.“That’s all for tonight.”

“Then heal me, Corbin,” I begged,knowing there was no point fighting with him. “Please, I need youto heal me now.”

“Of course.” He dropped a soft kiss at thetop of my slit. “The outside first, I think.”

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep frommoaning in frustration as he lowered his head and began to takelong, slow licks of the outside of my pussy. I was so swollen withneed I could feel my outer lips parting for him on their own but hesteadfastly avoided my inner folds until I thought I wouldscream.

“Corbin!” I gasped at last. “Please, I needyou inside now.”

“Like this, you mean?” he murmured.Spreading my outer lips with his thumbs, he took a long, slow,loving lick, lapping my pussy with the flat of his tongue andmaking me moan and writhe with delight.

“Yes, like that!” I said breathlessly. “Onlymore, Corbin—more.”

“I am just trying to heal you, Addison. Notpleasure you,” he said with mock severity. “If you would lie stilland not squirm so much, the process would be much simpler.”

“I can’t help it,” I whispered as he bent tolick me again. “The way you heal me feels so good…soright.”

“Of course it’s right,” he murmured, lickingme again, this time paying special attention to my throbbing clit.“We belong together, you and I. I knew it from the first moment Isaw you.”

“It took me…a little while longer to…tofigure that out,” I admitted with a little gasp as he sucked myclit between his lips and began to torture it with his tongue. “Ah!Corbin!”

He looked up at me, his mouth shiny with myjuices. “You are delicious, Addison,” he said thickly. “Always sosoft and creamy under my tongue. I need to get deeper into you,though. I think it is time I healed you inside.”

“Yes,” I whispered. “All right.”

“Good. I’m going to lift you a little, toget better access,” he murmured. Placing his large, warm handsunder my ass, he lifted me and tilted my pelvis as though it was abowl of water and he was a thirsty man looking for a drink. “Goingto put my tongue as deeply inside you as I can, Addison,” he said,looking into my eyes. “Just relax and let me in.”

I had no wish to do anything else. With alittle moan, I let my thighs fall open even wider and gave myselfto him completely.

Corbin fastened his mouth to my core andpressed deep inside me, fucking my pussy gently with his tongue,tasting me, loving me…healing me. And though I hadn’t reallynoticed it before, I could tell now that I had been tenderfrom his rough use the night before. Now, everywhere his tonguetouched me I felt a sweet, soothing pleasure pouring over me.

But though it was sweet and tender, thepleasure still built inside me, begging for release. I could feelmyself getting close…so close…but I needed just a little more to goover the edge.

“Corbin,” I gasped at last, threading myfingers through his hair. “Please…please, I need tocome.”

He looked up at me, his eyes filled withneed. “I swore I would only heal you tonight.”

“And you did,” I protested. “But yousaid yourself it was sexual between us when you healed me. Please,Corbin—you can’t leave me hanging like this! I’m going crazy.”

Soft laughter rumbled up from his chest. “Ican never refuse you anything, darling. And I do love to make youcome. How do you prefer me to take you—with my mouth or myfingers?”

“Neither,” I said, looking into his eyes. “Iwant you to take me with your cock.”

Corbin frowned and sat back abruptly. “No. Iwon’t do that. Not so soon after—”

“Stop punishing yourself,” I interrupted himimpatiently. “And stop punishing me. I want you inside me,Corbin—I need you there. Need to feel owned by you,completely just like…” I stopped abruptly, biting my lip.

“Like what?” Corbin demanded, joining me onthe bed. “Tell me, Addison.”

“Like I did the other night,” I whispered,hoping I didn’t make him feel bad again. “You don’t understand,Corbin. It was scary to see you like that but when I finally…when Ifinally submitted I felt so…so…like I was completely yours. Likeyou were marking me, claiming me so no other man would ever comenear me.”

He growled softly. “That is probably exactlywhat I was doing. I just wish I hadn’t done it so roughly,darling.”

“Make up for it tonight,” I begged softly.“Make love to me.”

“We never have truly made love, I suppose.”Corbin sounded thoughtful. “I have fucked you when Roderickdemanded it and you did the same to me last night when you tied medown before I lost control and…”

“Before you claimed me,” I finished for him.“Before you made me completely yours. But you’re right, we’ve neverreally ‘made love’. Not the way you mean.”

Corbin stroked my cheek. “Then I will makelove to you now, darling. Slowly and tenderly. But you must promiseto tell me if I am hurting you.”

“I promise,” I said breathlessly. “But don’tmake me wait any more. I need you.”

“Gods, Addison,” he growled. “I need youtoo…so much. But I don’t want to hurt you. Come here and straddleme again.”

He took off his clothes and sat at the headof the bed before holding out his arms to me. I went to him and didas he asked, straddling his narrow hips as I had done earlier. Icould feel the heat of his shaft, its broad head just brushingagainst my bare pussy lips.

“Now,” Corbin murmured, looking into myeyes. “Put me inside you, Addison.”

I reached between us and grasped the thick,hot shaft of his cock. Taking a moment, I rubbed it over my innerfolds, gasping at the heated contact with my

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