clit, before I finallyslipped it down and found my entrance.

Corbin gave a low curse, his voice thickwith lust, as the broad head pressed inside me. “Gods, you’retight.”

“You’re just big,” I pointed out, ratherbreathlessly. “And so thick.”

“Take me slowly, then,” he murmured. “Asslowly as you need to, darling.”

“I will,” I whispered. Slowly, as he hadrequested, I lowered myself down, moaning softly as his thick shaftfilled me completely. It felt so good—so right and I knew itwas exactly what I needed. “Corbin,” I said, looking into his eyes.“Now. I need it now.”

“My pleasure, darling,” he growled softly.“But as I said, we are going to take it slow.”

And he did take it slow, incredibly,amazingly slow. Looking into my eyes, he pulled almost allthe way out and then sank back into me, filling me to the hiltagain…and again and again and again. With every deep, slow thrust Ifelt the head of his cock kiss the mouth of my womb and his pelvicbone pressing hard against my swollen clit. It was exquisitetorture. My pleasure began to build once more and this time I knewnothing would hold it back.

“Corbin,” I moaned, digging my fingers intohis shoulders. “Close, I’m so close…”

“Come for me then,” he murmured, stillthrusting. “Come for me while I make love to you, darling.”

“But…but won’t you come too?” I gasped as hepulled out of me again and pressed up into me.

Corbin shook his head, his eyes glinting.“Not yet. Not for a long, long time. I told you we were taking itslow, didn’t I?”

“Not that slow though,” I protested.“Not…oh, oh!” Just then my pleasure peaked and I could feelmyself contracting all around him, squeezing his shaft as though mybody was begging for him to fill me.

But Corbin didn’t come…he just held stillinside me, pressing deep and hard, giving me what I needed until Iwas ready to go on.

“So beautiful when you come, darling,” hemurmured hoarsely. “And I love the feel of you all around me,milking me so hard.”

“Corbin,” I begged. “Come with me—comein me. I want to feel you filling me up.”

“Not yet,” he growled softly and began tomove again.

* * * * *

I don’t know how long it lasted but I wascompletely worn out by the time we were done. I had lost count ofthe orgasms Corbin gave me—by the end I was so exhausted I couldbarely stay upright in his lap.

When he finally allowed himself to come, wecuddled in bed with my head on his chest and I sighedcontentedly.

“That was amazing.”

“It was,” Corbin agreed, kissing the top ofmy head. “Are you happy, darling?”

“Very.” I sighed. “It’s funny, I never wouldhave thought I could be happy with a vampire.”

“We are an irritating bunch,” Corbin agreedwith a hint of laughter in his deep voice. “Still, I hope over thenext few centuries you can learn to put up with me.”

“Centuries…” I sighed and shook my head.“It’s too much to take in right now.”

“Then don’t try. Simply sleep,” he urged.“Sleep in my arms as I wanted you to the first night I brought youhere.”

“I want to.” I yawned. “But…I’mworried.”

“About Taylor?” he asked. “I told you, shewill be fine.”

“It’s easy for you to say.” I sighed. “Afterwhat that bastard Roderick put her through, I don’t think she’llever be fine again.” I looked up at him. “Corbin, do you thinkpaying the Crimson Debt—having someone else pay it for her or toher or whatever—would heal her trauma?”

He shook his head. “I do not know. It issaid to heal all ills—physical, emotional, and spiritual. But Ibelieve that physical ailments are what most who pay the Debt seekto treat. Taylor’s wounds are deep—much deeper than any surfacetrauma.”

“I know.” I pressed my face against his sideand yawned. Sleep was overtaking me and I could barely talk I wasso tired. “I just…just want her to be happy,” I said with anotheryawn. “I wish she could get her life back and…and be as happy as weare.”

Corbin answered something but I didn’t catchit. As I drifted off in his arms, my last thoughts were of howhappy I was and how much I wished the same for Taylor. Before sleepclaimed me completely, I sent a prayer to whoever might belistening that my friend would find the road to her ownhappiness.

The End

Author's Note:

I hope you've enjoyed thefirst book in my new Born to Darkness series--if you did, pleasetake a moment to leave a review for Crimson Debt. As you can see,there is a lot more ground to cover here. Taylor desperately needsher own book and so does Gwendolyn. Read on for Scarlett Heat, the secondbook in the Born to Darkness series, and then you can continue withthe third book, Ruby Shadowsif you're in the mood for a binge reading fest.And after that, there's Brides of the Kindred book 1,Claimed, at the end ofthis box set.

There's also anever-before-published story, Dessert, included as atreat, nestled just after Scarlet Heat.

Happy reading!


Born toDarkness

Book 2: Scarlet Heat

Taylor is a vampire—but she doesn’t want tobe. Turned against her will by her sadistic mistress, Celeste, shehas been living a miserable life of bondage and abuse for the pastsix years. Finally, through the help of her best friend Addison,Taylor is rescued but she can’t relax for long. In order to saveher from an even worse fate, she is married off to Victor—a veryreluctant groom who just happens to be a werewolf.

Victor doesn’t want to be responsible forthe fledgling vampire, no matter how beautiful she is. Especiallywhen he finds out he is the only one he can drink from. But asidefrom the strange arousal that overtakes him every time she sinksher dainty fangs into his throat, he has other problems to dealwith…and a very big secret to hide.

Their marriage of convenience is onlysupposed to last for three months but Victor and Taylor findsthemselves drawn together by more than the vows they took. But astheir attraction grows, so does something else. Inside Taylor,something is changing. She begins to have physical cravings she hasnever had before, insatiable appetites that only Victor cansatisfy.

Will she succumb to the madness growingwithin her or can Victor save

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