were half raw inside. “I love how selfless you are, always putting everyone before yourself.” He kisses my lips softly, his lips lingering on mine.

“I love you,” I whisper. “I love how much you love my kids. I love how you took us all on. I love that you don’t actually kill Kaleigh every day, even though I’m sure you want to.” I smile. “But most of all, I love how you love me. I love how safe you make me feel. How you make me feel so sexy and, most of all, so loved that it’s overwhelming.” I give him a smile that I’m sure lights my eyes, because my heart is soaring and I feel like the happiest person in the world.

“Now, wasn’t that romantic?” he whispers to me, and I can feel him smiling while he kisses my lips.

“Very. Much better than when you tried to woo me.” I nip his lip.

“None of that now. We have Rachel searching for bowls.” His hands cup my face. “Now, let’s go make pancakes.”

“You are totally getting the best blowjob of the year as soon as the kids go to school and I call in sick.”

“Oh, and we’re totally playing hooky today and having sex all day long,” he informs me.

“That we are, Mr. Mackenzie, that we are,” I agree as I get down from the vanity and walk out of the bathroom to head downstairs. Once there, I see that Rachel has started by getting the mixing bowl out as well as the box of pancake mix, which must have fallen on the floor, because there is power all over the place with little footprints in it.

“I’m ready!” she shouts excitedly, standing on a chair that she pushed to the counter.

“What is all the noise for?” Gabe says, dragging his feet as he comes downstairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes that are squinting as they adjust to the light.

“We are making pancakes with chocolate and bananas!” Rachel yells at him, far too loudly for this hour of the morning.

“Hey, Austin.” He looks right at him. “You didn’t leave yet?”

“Leave?” Austin questions him right back.

He smirks at him. “I know you sleep here and sneak out.” He smiles at both of us. I’m too busy with my mouth hanging open to answer. “I got up early last week, and you guys were sleeping, but then he was gone in the morning.”

“Um… ahh… well, um…” Austin stutters, not sure what to say.

“It’s cool,” Gabe says. “If Ms. Camilla can sleep over naked at Dad’s, it’s ok that you sleep here.” He shrugs before going over to the refrigerator and grabbing the orange juice.

“Yeah, she’s naked a lot,” Rachel agrees from her chair at the counter.

“Rach,” Gabe says to her in warning.

“And she says ‘oh God’ a lot, too,” Rachel continues. “I don’t want to pray like that at night, Mommy. Once is good.”

I look at Austin, who is trying to hide his smile, then I look at Gabe, who is pretending he doesn’t hear anything.

“Let’s make pancakes. How many do you want, Gabe?”

I mix the pancake batter while we change the subject and chat about what we should make for supper. By the time the kids leave for school, the conversations of the morning are long behind us.

I finally close the door and lock it. I look at Austin in the kitchen, putting the dishes in the dishwasher. “That is almost like watching porn,” I tell him. “You doing stuff like washing dishes, vacuuming, homework with Gabe. It’s mom porn.”

His eyebrows shoot up. “Are you checking me out?” he questions with a smile.

“I’m doing more than checking you out. I’m undressing you in my mind,” I tease him as I lean against the counter.

He shakes the water from his hands. “Really? Well, in that case, where the fuck is the vacuum?”

“How about we do that after. I believe I owe you a world-class blowjob.” I turn around and head out of the kitchen. I turn my head to look at him over my shoulder. “You coming?”

I don’t have to ask him twice. He storms over to me and lifts me up and over his shoulder with a slap to my ass. “Your mouth on my dick, and there’s no doubt about it, I’ll be coming, alright. Maybe all over you,” he states as he walks us up the stairs and throws me onto the bed. “How long are they in school?” he asks, stripping his pants off.

“They get home at three.” I watch him strip down and his cock spring free.

“Good. We have all day.” He fists his cock, giving it a few rough jerks.

“How will we fill the time?” I ask him, taking off my shirt now.

“Oh, we’ll think of something.” He meets me on the bed.

And do we ever. We find ways to fill the time in the bed, on the kitchen counter, on the kitchen table, and finally, in the shower.

The rest of the week goes off without a hitch. Austin runs home and brings back some suits, since he doesn’t have to leave at five a.m. anymore.

Now, here we are on Sunday morning, getting ready for my parents to come over for brunch, when Kaleigh and Noah walk in.

Another thing that has changed is that she is never home anymore. She comes to get the kids off the bus in the afternoons, but when it’s time for dinner, she leaves. I’ve never seen her looking happier. Except this morning, she looks a little pale, with circles under her eyes.

“Are you okay?” I ask her while readying the roast for the oven. I set the alarm to make sure we put it in on time.

“I just feel tired, and I think I caught a bug.” She sits on the stool at the counter.

She is beautiful, her hair curled at the ends, in tight blue jeans and a pink long-sleeved sweater that’s tight at the top and flares out at the bottom.

“She was up all night barfing. You

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