want to see my ring glisten in the sun when you drink coffee at work. I want to see my ring on your finger when we go to hockey games and the other moms all drool over you.” I smile at him. “So, I guess that would be a yes. Yes, I’ll be yours. I’ll be your wife. I’ll be yours forever.” I tell him and in one second, he is off his knee and twirling me in his arms. I laugh out loud while I wrap my arms around his neck, my head leaning against his. He stops and puts me down, taking a blue ring box from his pocket. When he opens the box, the round diamond solitaire sparkles in the candlelight. He grabs my left hand, slipping the ring on my finger. It is a perfect fit.

“She said yes!” he calls out, and I laugh at him before, seemingly out of nowhere, Gabe and Rachel run to us, followed by my mother and father. Noah, Kaleigh, Barbara, and all of our closest friends and family follow them.

I hear congratulations being shouted out while a waiter comes around with glasses of champagne. Austin makes his way back to me with Gabe next to him and Rachel holding his hand, and he raises his glass to toast. “Thank you, everyone, for coming. I would like to toast to my future wife, and to Gabe and Rachel for giving me their permission. Cheers.”

“To tempting the boss,” I say as I raise my glass with a smile for the man who started off as my boss and ended up being the man of my dreams. He leans down and kisses my lips, sealing the deal.

And they lived happily ever after.

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Books by Natasha Madison

This Is

This Is Crazy

This Is Wild

This Is Love

This Is Forever

The Only One Series

Only One Kiss

Only One Chance

Only One Night

Only One Touch


Southern Chance

Southern Comfort

Southern Storm

Southern Sunrise

Hollywood Royalty

Hollywood Playboy

Hollywood Princess

Hollywood Prince

Something Series

Something So Right

Something So Perfect

Something So Irresistible

Something So Unscripted

Something So BOX SET

Tempt Series

Tempt The Boss

Tempt The Playboy

Tempt The Hookup

Heaven & Hell Series

Hell and Back

Pieces of Heaven

Heaven & Hell Box Set

Love Series

Perfect Love Story

Unexpected Love Story

Broken Love Story

Mixed Up Love

Faux Pas

Dare To Hold

By Carly Phillips

As always, there are people without whom, my books could not get written.

To Janelle Denison … for everything.

To Chasity Jenkins Patrick for knowing what I need before I need it … and for everything else.

To Shannon Short for listening and sharing your business smarts with me.

To Julie Leto and Leslie Kelly for plotting, daily help answers and more.

To Marquita Valentine for reading, cheerleading and being my daily texting buddy.

And to my Skype sprinting pals, Carrie Ann Ryan, Shayla Black, Stacey Kennedy, Kennedy Layne, Angel Payne, Lexi Blake and Jenna Jacobs for being there to sprint when I need a push – and a chat – and a pick me up. And to Mari Carr who’s supposed to be there sprinting but mostly just hooked me up with this wonderful group!

You all rock and I couldn’t do what I do without you. At the very least it wouldn’t be as much fun! xo

Chapter 1

Some women always managed to get it right. To make the right choices, to pick the right man, to nail this crazy thing called life. Meg Thompson, on the other hand, managed to end up single and pregnant. But she couldn’t regret the baby growing inside her, and from now on, she was determined to get things right.

She pulled on her favorite pair of jeans, tugged them up over her hips, and unsuccessfully attempted to close the button. She grunted and laid down on the bed, pulling the sides closer together, but no luck. She wriggled, sucked in a deep breath, and tried again, only to end up huffing out a stream of air in frustration.

“Didn’t these fit just last weekend?” she asked herself, peeling the denim off her legs and tossing them onto the floor with a groan.

She glanced down at her still-flat stomach, placing her hand over her belly. “How can something I can’t see or feel cause so much upheaval in my life?” And how could she love the baby growing inside her so much already?

A vibrating buzz told her someone was sending her a message. She checked her phone.

Lizzy: Almost ready?

Meg sighed. Her best friend, Elizabeth Cooper, was due to pick her up in ten minutes. Girls’ night out. Or, in Lizzy’s words, hookup night and Meg’s last chance for a hot, no-holds-barred fling before she started to show and her sole focus became being a new mom. Meg was up for girls’ night, but no way would she be picking up a stranger for a one-night stand. Her days of choosing the wrong men were over. Mike was the last in a long line of sucky choices. So not only did she not trust her judgment when it came to the opposite sex, but it no longer mattered. She was finished relying on men to define her or make her happy.

“Right, baby?” She patted her belly and headed to her closet for a pair of elastic-waist leggings.

Meg and her friends settled into their seats at Mel’s, a popular spot for casual drinks after work and on the weekends. Mel’s was a dimly lit bistro with a wood-fired oven and grill in the back, dark mahogany-looking tables throughout, and a funky

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