My heart thumps wildly in my chest. Even though we’ve only been dating a few weeks, I care a lot about her. I don’t know what could’ve gone wrong between our time together earlier and now, but the idea of losing her so soon slams into my chest like the hoof of a stallion. I take a deep breath and scrub my face before hopping out of my truck and making my way to her house.
Sutton opens the door before I have a chance to knock.
“What happened?” I rush out when I come face to face with sad eyes.
“Come inside. I’ll explain everything.” She steps aside for me to enter her house.
“Let’s sit.”
I shake my head. “Just tell me what’s going on,” I demand, pacing through the living area.
“Gavin.” Sutton holds my hands and stills me. “Please,” she begs. Her usually bright eyes seem as if the light’s been switched off. Her entire body seems that way.
I give in and take a seat on the sofa, waiting for her to explain what’s going on. Sutton takes a deep breath, exhaling through her lips. When her eyes find mine, I know that whatever she’s going to say isn’t going to make me happy.
“We were photographed one day while we were out. It’s a couple of pictures of you, me, and Penny when we went for cupcakes last week. They’re speculating about our relationship.”
My insides freeze as I hear her speak. “Pictures?” Is she talking about the paparazzi? As I try to grasp what she’s saying, my mind goes to Penny.
“Yes,” Sutton sighs. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea they would come to Everton to see what I was doing. I don’t know if someone tipped them off and told them we were dating. I don’t know anything except that I hate this.”
“Can I see them?” I run a hand through my hair.
“Yeah. Harris sent me links to both articles published. He’ll also forward any new ones that may come out.”
Any new ones.
As she passes me her laptop, I skim the articles and stare at the pictures. Sure enough, Penny, Sutton, and I are walking down the sidewalk, laughing. I close my eyes and run a hand down my face.
“What are you thinking?” Sutton whispers.
“I don’t even know what to think. I’m stunned. How did they take such clear pictures without us noticing them?”
“They have professional cameras that can shoot clear photos from further away. We also weren’t searching for them. Trust me that if I’d seen them, I wouldn’t have stayed quiet.” Her eyebrows knit together, and her face is etched with worry.
After staying silent, Sutton adds, “Tell me what to do. If you want me to keep my distance, I will. I hate this, and I’d hate not spending time with you even more, but I’d understand. Penny comes first, and I can only imagine you’d want to protect her from being photographed in the future.”
I don’t even know how I’d begin to explain this to Penny. I’m hoping I won’t have to.
“Can you say something?” Sutton’s small voice snaps me.
“I don’t know what to say. I’ve never gone through this. You’re right that I want to protect Penny. I sure as hell don’t want these creeps taking pictures of my daughter. Isn’t it illegal or something?”
Sutton shakes her head. “As long as we’re in public property, anyone can freely take pictures. Knox, Harris, and Ainsley guarantee it will quiet down after a while.”
I remember everything Knox and Ainsley went through when he moved back to Everton. I feel as if I’m living a parallel experience to theirs. If it were just me, I’d push through, but I can’t risk Penny’s privacy. The last thing I want is Hadley to see this and come back, demanding her daughter. Daughter. I scoff at the idea. Hadley’s as much Penny’s mom as the next stranger.
“I need to process this,” I say. “This is the last thing I was expecting. Hell, I thought you were going to break up with me. But this…” I shake my head.
“I don’t want that,” Sutton shakes her head and swallows thickly. “I’d understand if you do after this, though. I wouldn’t like it, but I’d understand it. This career isn’t for everyone, even if dragged into it by association.” Her hazel eyes cloud with tears, and I pull her into me, inhaling her sweet scent.
“I wouldn’t want that either, but I need to figure this out.” She nods against my shoulder.
“I’ll stay home tomorrow. You can tell Penny I didn’t make it to church because I wasn’t feeling well. That will be easier than me going and sitting on the other end of where you are. Besides, we don’t know if the photographers are camped out around Everton waiting to catch us together again.”
I nod even though I hate the idea of disappointing Penny. She’s excited about sitting with Sutton during service and going horseback riding together. I was excited to spend the day with Sutton. This is one situation I was never prepared for, and I’m not sure if there’s a solution that includes keeping Sutton in our lives.
My shoulders are tight, and I grip Penny’s hand while I scan the area outside of the church. I’ve been on watch duty since my conversation with Sutton yesterday, seeking out the creeps that are documenting our relationship and my private life.
So help me God, if I spot one of those photographers.
“Why isn’t Sutton coming?” Penny tugs my hand. I bend down and look at her in the eyes.
“I told you she wasn’t feeling good. She’s sorry she can’t sit next to you today.” I hate lying to my daughter. Penny pouts but accepts my answer with a nod.
The entire time I sit in church, my mind is preoccupied with this fiasco. I have no idea how far these photographers will go, and if