couple hours, we just got to the Haven,” says Phil over the radio.

“See what William and Bruce know about the prisoners or anything going around here if you can,” I say into my radio.

“Will do, I’ll let you know what we find out when we get back home,” replies Phil over the radio.

“What the fuck, now we have an escaped prisoner problem around here?” asks Matt.

As Matt finishes his question, the guys see Jeremy and several Haven Warriors walk through the open Haven central courtyard, dressed in full zombie fighting gear, and make their way towards the Haven parking lot.

Shaun, Phil, and Matt hear shouting coming from inside a Haven classroom and they decide to check it out.

Phil and Shaun hear William shouting at someone inside a classroom and Phil sees William shouting at Bruce.

“Do you want me to go after them?” asks Bruce to William.

William sees Phil standing outside of the classroom doorway and he answers Bruce, “No, just let them go. I can’t keep holding Jeremy back.”

“Everything okay William?” asks Phil as he makes eye contact with William.

“Just some parenting problems,” jokes William.

Phil steps into the classroom and Shaun and then Matt follow behind Phil.

“Have you or your men seen any escaped prisoners around here?” asks Phil to William.

“What do you mean? How would we know if they are from the prison?” asks Bruce.

“I don’t know, but Ryan just told me that he was attacked by escaped prisoners,” answers Phil.

“It was only a matter of time, they must be running out of food in the prison,” says William.

“Do you know anything about the prison?” asks Phil.

“No, but I would think people would be surviving there,” answers William.

“What about the Conquerors?” asks Shaun.

“That, unfortunately, I do know about… We have been attacked recently by a group of Conquerors,” answers William.

“Where?” asks Phil.

“Several locations, but we had to give up the Big Club as they killed most of the people that I had there,” answers William.

“Is that why Jeremy was pissed off?” asks Shaun.

“One of the many reasons, but yes. He was good friends with Jakobe and Wesley and they both died when the Conquerors attacked the Big Club,” answers William.

“Where was Jeremy going?” asks Matt to William.

“I’m not 100 percent sure, but I know he is still hell bent on getting his revenge against the Conquerors,” answers William.

“Aren’t you going to stop him?” asks Matt.

William looks directly at Matt and answers, “I can’t keep stopping him. Jeremy has wanted to go after the Conquerors for some time now. He’s been wanting to fight them for a while and now is his chance.”



“I wouldn’t let my son go off and fight like that,” says Matt as he gets into Phil’s new SUV, that is parked in the Haven parking lot, and sits next to Kylie in the backseat.

“What happened?” asks Kylie.

“Jeremy stormed out with a group of Haven Warriors and he’s going after the Conquerors,” answers Matt.

Phil gets in the driver seat of his new SUV and asks, “We got everything?”

“Yeah, we’re all set,” answers Nicole from the passenger seat of Phil’s SUV.

“I’m really glad someone got this big SUV, we all fit in here so well,” says Kylie from the backseat.

Phil reverses out of the parking spot and exits the Haven.

“Are you sure everything is okay? You have been throwing up in the mornings though,” says Matt to Kylie.

“That’s normal Matt. Dani said it’s a little on the early side to have morning sickness, but everything looks fine,” replies Kylie to Matt.

“You can’t worry so much, you’re starting to go bald,” says Nicole to Matt.

“Shut it, you know I’m self-conscious about my hair,” says Matt to Nicole.

“Your hair looks great babe,” says Kylie to Matt.

Phil makes it back to Citrus Oaks and stops his new SUV in front of Matt’s house.

“We’ll see you guys later, thanks for the fun day,” says Nicole to Kylie and Matt as they exit from Phil’s new SUV.

“You going to meet with Ryan?” asks Matt to Phil as he stands by the open rear passenger side door of Phil’s SUV.

“Yeah, after we get all situated I will,” answers Phil.

“Keep me in the loop,” says Matt and then Matt closes the rear passenger side door of Phil’s new SUV.

Phil and Nicole take Mason and Mia into their house and Nicole asks Phil, “What’s going on with Ryan?”

“I’m not sure, but something happened with him today,” answers Phil.

“Well, that’s a pretty vague answer,” jokes Nicole.

“Ryan said he was attacked by two escaped prisoners, but he is okay,” says Phil.

“Really, where did that happen?” asks Nicole.

“I’m guessing around JJ’s old house, but I don’t know specifics,” answers Phil.

“Well, get going and get the deets. I want to know what happened,” jokes Nicole to Phil.

“Okay, man, you and Matt are so a like sometimes,” jokes Phil.

Nicole smiles at Phil and then Nicole jokes, “That’s kind of disturbing.”

“I’ll get the details and let you and your brother, and everyone else around here know what happened,” replies Phil with a joking tone.

Phil exits his house and walks down the sidewalk.

Phil sees a car coming towards him and it’s Jon and Jordan in Jon’s electric car.

Jon stops driving and Phil asks Jon, “Where are you coming from?”

“We got a shit ton of good stuff. We’ll divide it up and bring it around later,” answers Jon.

“Sounds good, I’ll see you later,” replies Phil.

“Where are you going?” asks Jon.

“I have to talk with Ryan,” answers Phil.

“Okay, see you later,” replies Jon and then Jon drives down the street towards the back cul-de-sac of Citrus Oaks.

Jon and Jordan arrive at Jon’s

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