by it. His cock starts pulsing at my strokes. Leaning forward over me he braces his hand on the counter behind me again. Towering over me as his breath quickens. I feel my own core tighten at the sight of him losing control of himself under my touch.

“Look at me,” he commands down at me. Turning my eyes up to him I hold his lustful gaze. “I’m going to cum.” He barely gets out before I feel a warm wet liquid on my hand and leg. A moment later, he reaches down, slowing my hand to a stop as he tries to regain and control his breathing. Releasing him I just stood there, not able to move, being trapped between him and the counter. The air in the bathroom is hot and thick with steam as I try to still my own slightly erratic breathing.

Pushing back he looks down at me. “You have no idea how badly I needed that release, having constantly tortured myself with your body.” Glancing down at me, he sees his liquid glistening on my hand and leg. “Come shower with me.” Not really a question but more of a request. Feeling my nerves spike back at the request.

“I, ugh, I don’t know if.-”

“We won’t do anything Liliana, I only want you to shower with me.”

“Okaayy,” I drawl out still unsure. “You promise that is all?”

“I swear on my honor.” He says holding up his hand as if he were a boy scout. I scoff but don’t stop him as he grips the bottom of my shirt lifting it up and over my head. Out of self conscious habit I move to fold my arms across my chest covering my breasts. “You don’t need to do that. I promised we wouldn’t do anything Lil.” I reluctantly drop my hands allowing him to see me again. Reaching out again he sticks two fingers under the waistband of my shorts on both sides on my hips. Pushing down he slides them past my butt letting them go as they too drop to the floor at my feet. Taking a step back he looks me over before grabbing hold of my hand pulling me into the shower.

Under the spray of the shower head I feel a little better. Knowing his eyes are on me but not feeling quite so afraid of them. He reaches for a loofah squeezing on some soap before he starts to lather my body with it. Starting with my back he washes every inch of my skin with a gentle circular motion.

This feels really nice. I start to relax at the touch under the hot water. Pulling lightly on my side he edges me to spin and face him, slowly working the loofah down the front of my body. Though taking a little more time than I think necessary on my breasts and a bit more attention between my legs, he otherwise upholds his promise. Once we are both finished and cleaned he allows me to rinse before turning off the shower. Stepping out he grabs two towels holding his hand out to help me step over the edge and onto the tile. Wrapping me in a towel he uses the same gentle caress he did in the shower to dry me off. Once he is satisfied we go back into the room where he allows me to head into the closet to gather my clothes and get dressed.

Stepping back into the bedroom, Nicoli is already on the bed leaning his back against the headboard, reading something on his phone. Hearing me walk out he looks up to me. Even with the clothes now covering my body he looks at me as if he can see right through them. I stand there unsure of where to go. It doesn't feel familiar enough to just walk to the bed and climb in. It doesn't quite feel like mine yet.

"Are you going to come climb into bed or just stand there all night?" Doing my best to hold back a glare at his comment. I shuffle over to the bed and climb on, making sure to stay on my side. At having me in the bed he returns his attention to his phone. I lie down turning to my side away from him. With his attention diverted I think back to Gianna.

Oh I haven't text her yet! Wondering why I haven't noticed my phone blowing up with her nosy questions. Wait a minute...where is my phone. I sit up looking around, trying to think of when I last had it. The plane! Oh shit.

"It's right here," Nicoli responds to my silent panic, holding my phone up between two fingers. His eyes not moving from his screen.

"When did you"-

"You left it in the bed on the plane. My men grabbed it before we left."

"And you kept it because?"

"Because you clearly didn't need it if you had forgotten about it all day." Swiping it from his hand I glance at the screen.

"By the way Gianna has been texting you all day, that woman is insufferable."

Grinning at his description of her as I unlock the screen. I see thirteen texts and a couple missed calls from her. Looking through them they start out normal, slowly turning more dramatic as they go.


Good morning, I miss you already!


How was your flight?


Did you make it to New York?


What's it like to be outside of L.A?


Bitch why aren't you texting me back.


You better start responding to me.


Oh my hell your plane went down!


Are you dead. Please Lord don't let her be dead!


Lil I swear on everything if you do not text me back or call me to let me know you're alive I will get on a plane and come find you!


Your fiancee just answered your phone! He told me you were fine and he had your phone. Wtf.


He is an awnry ass.


He told me to stop calling and texting, said

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