across his face against my skin. Pulling back he holds my gaze.

“Maybe a little.”

“Don’t be, I won’t let you out of my sight all night. Everything will be fine.” Looking down to admire me one last time he wraps my hand around his arm and leads me into the hotel. Leaning closer to my ear as we walk he whispers to me. “You know, seeing how sexy you are in this dress makes it really hard to resist slamming you against the wall and fucking you in it right here in the hallway." I stumble a little at his words but he catches me, keeping me upright, without missing a step.

We enter the banquet room with a wicked smirk still on his face. Looking around I can’t help but gape at how many people are here. Relax your fine. We barely get a few steps in before people stop and greet us...or greet Nicoli. No one seems to acknowledge me, or gives me a second look.

That is until we get a little farther in and the blonde I held such resentment for comes sauntering up to us. Blatantly ignoring me, she grabs hold of Nico’s other arm, pushing herself against him in a slightly pathetic display of desperation. “Nico, where have you been.” She whines with a forced pout. “I have missed you so much this last week. When are you going to invite me back into your office for another one on one meeting.” She winks at him as if the way she said the words wasn't enough of an indication of what she meant. I hadn’t thought I could hate this woman more than I already had, but she definitely just made me prove myself wrong.

“Alice.” He greets her with a clipped tone. Shaking off her grip on his arm he pulls me closer. “This is Liliana. Liliana, Alice.” He gestures between us introducing us to one another. Irritation starts to build as the idiocy he would have to introduce me to this woman. I make a point not to acknowledge her as she does the same regarding me. Instead she places her hands on her hips and glares up at Nicoli.

“Seriously? Again?” Her voice screeches out. “How many times are you going to flaunt your new whore of the week in front of me? How long will this one be around for before you come crawling back to me huh?”

“Alice that is enough.” His tone is hard and commanding.

“No, I don’t want to hear it Nico. I am tired of these constant games.” Giving me a once over she pinches her face in clear disgust. “Where did you find this slut this time anyway? One of your clubs? That seems to be a fan favorite of yours.”

Not having the patience to sit here any longer I speak up finding my voice. “Oh I am sorry I think Nico here may have forgot to mention something in our introductions. This whore is actually his fiancee.” I say sticking up my finger that adorns his ring, half tempted to raise a different one to get my message across. “Now if you don’t mind excusing me I am going to find a drink and let you finish out your desperate tantrum.” Ripping my hand off Nico’s arm, I push away. Heading in the direction I had just seen a waiter with a tray of champagne going. Getting a small bit of satisfaction at watching Alice's face fall at my words.

Walking away I hear a frustrated groan escape Nicoli’s throat. Not caring, I push through the crowd now unbelievably pissed off. This is so not a good start to the night. Why hadn’t he introduced me as his fiancee in the first place? Finally catching up to the waiter, I take two glasses off his tray, downing one in a large gulp. I return the empty glass, still holding onto the other. This is going to be a long night.

Wandering around the room no longer caring that I don’t know any of these people. They don't know me either so no one will care to bother me. Having a moment to myself I move around taking in the beautiful architecture of the room. With Nico no longer beside me I begin to notice glances and looks from a few different men around the room. Each of them making it pointedly clear what and where they are looking. As I begin to feel uncomfortable under their gazes I decide to search for Nico once again. Having cooled off slightly myself, I'm sure he is pissed that I stormed off like that. As I make my way around the room I can't seem to find him. Maybe he stepped outside? Moving through the mass of bodies I get out to the main hallway. Walking down to step outside I hear arguing off to my side coming from the women's restroom. That sounds an awful lot like…- my mind trails off as I turn towards it, pushing the door open. I freeze at the sight in front of me.

Nico is flush against Alice, her back pushed up against the wall. His hand over her throat. “It was supposed to be me Nico, you were supposed to be with me!”

“That's enough Alice. If you ever disre-.” Hearing the creak of the door his head whips around to see who interrupted them. Meeting his harsh gaze before taking an automatic step back in retreat, I let the door swing back closed. A mixture of hurt and anger pulse inside of me. Fuming that he would be alone with her after that performance she had done earlier. She thought he would be marrying her? He didn’t come to find me when I was clearly upset, instead he went to her!

Pushing open the door leading outside, I step out into the night air. Walking down the entryway before I am stopped by two men. One with a phone to his ear. “Yes she is right here.” Pausing. “Okay,

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