If he isn't already reading these do me a favor and tell him to kiss my ass.
Shaking my head I reply back.
G relax I'm fine. I just lost my phone.
You scared me half to death. I thought you were dead until your truly beloved answered the phone. You know what he said to me? He told me the only reason he answered my call was to get me to shut up and bc he didnt want me coming anywhere near New York! Jokes on him when I get an invitation to your wedding.
I am getting invited to your wedding right?
Of course you you really think you will be able to come though?
I will figure something out.
Ok bc I need you there. The engagement party is in two days and I have no idea how I am going to get through it.
You'll be fine. Just keep your chin up and be the bad ass bitch I know you are. Unfortunately I have to go though. My father has guests tonight and I have to be present to greet them. Talk to you tomorrow? Love you Lil, MUAH!
I set the phone down on the nightstand by the bed. Looking back over at Nico I ask him, "Gianna can come to the wedding right?" Looking up at me he sets his phone down on the nightstand.
"Lil, I don't know if that would be a good idea."
"What, why not?"
"I don’t know how the families will feel with her here. Aside from that how is she going to convince her father to come here? He isn't just going to let his daughter come to an enemy's territory. If she tells him the truth then Dante and everyone else will know what happened it won’t be long until he pieces everything together and goes after your father.”
“I don’t really care what Dante does to my father. Nor do I care what some stuffy old chauvinistic men, who have tradition stuck so far up their ass they can’t see past it, think. I do care if the only person I care about is at my own wedding. I need her there.”
“I will think about it, I will not cause problems between the families just to bring her here.”
“But I-”
He drops his voice low, lacing it with authority as he speaks. “Liliana, that is enough. If I say it is not a good idea then I am doing it with your best interest in mind. Now drop it.”
My best interest my ass. Flipping back down I roll to the edge of the bed turning away from him once again. Not wanting to talk to him any further. I pull the blankets up and over my body covering myself as I force my eyes closed. He doesn’t understand, Gianna isn’t just my closest and only friend. She is the only family I have.
I wake the next morning to find I am alone in the bed. Turning over I glance around the room. Still pissed off about the discussion over Gianna I lay in bed, refusing to get up. Not really wanting to venture out and find him.
As I lay there, my mind tries to compile ways to convince Nico to change his mind and let Gianna come. Maybe I can seduce him. My mind pipes up. I have never done it before but how hard could it be. I already know he is attracted to me. Why not? It should be easy.
Sliding off the bed with a newfound purpose I rush to the bathroom to brush and freshen up, trying to hurry before I lose my courage. Going into my closet I pull out some of the more sexy underwear Gianna had made me buy, sending her a silent thank you. Putting on a sexy bralette and some matching underwear, I grab one of his black button up shirts off the hanger. Sliding it on overtop but leaving it hanging open. Taking a deep breath, trying not to waiver I leave the room.
Heading down the stairs I can hear the TV on indicating he is somewhere in the living room or kitchen. As I round the corner I don’t find him sitting on the couch, but the sound of a bag of chips rustling leads me to the kitchen. As he is bending down digging something out of the fridge I walk over next to the island. Propping my hip against it as I try to do my best version of a seductive voice.
“I was hoping we could revisit that talk we had last night. If you would be willing to reconsider it, I would be happy to make it well worth your while.” Letting the well drag out a little.
Jerking up and spinning around, eyes wide as they look down at my barely covered body. Daveon knocked back into the fridge in surprise. A startled scream escapes my lips at the same time words fall from his mouth. “Oh shit!”
“Oh my gosh, Daveon what are you doing here?” Wrapping the shirt closed around my body as I move behind the counter trying to cover myself further.
Running his hand through his hair he looks up at the ceiling, making it pointed clear he isn't looking at me. “I, um, Nico had to go take care of some business stuff today, he asked me to come stay with you for the day.”
Feeling a flush all over my body, I want to die from embarrassment. He clears his throat, regaining my attention. “Do you ugh, want to go put some clothes on? Nico would surely kill us both if he walked in right now.” Not bothering a reply I flee from the kitchen and up the stairs, slamming the door behind me as I fall onto the bed. Wanting to smother myself for my idiocy.
After getting dressed and taking quite some time trying to get over my sheer