embarrassment, I drag myself out of the room. Going back downstairs Daveon looks up at me as I come around the corner to the living room. I shuffle on my feet feeling awkward at having no idea what to say after this morning. Settling on an apology might be a start.

“I am so sorry about this morning. I had no idea that you were here.” Looking down not wanting to look up at his eyes.

“It’s okay Liliana, but if you don’t mind, I think I would like to keep this between you and I.”

Confused, I look up at him. “Won’t Nico be pissed?”

“That is precisely why I don’t want him to know. He has an unreasonable temper when it comes to you. And I really don’t want to end up on the other end of his gun. Understand what I mean?”

“Oh my gosh he would kill you for this??”

Laughing a little he puts me a little more at ease. “No, I don’t think he would kill me. But I wouldn’t doubt he would pull his gun on me or punch me in the face.” Pausing as he scrunches up his face in distaste. “And I really don’t want to have to deal with a broken nose again. It just fucking healed from the last time.” As if recalling the memory he absently reaches up and touches his nose.

Nodding at him I agree. “Okay sounds good, I won’t mention it if you don’t. I just want to forget the whole thing happened.”

“What thing?”

“Exactly.” He grins at me. Leaning back on the couch arms extended he goes back to his show. Feeling a little better at being able to pretend it never happened, I go to sit on the opposite couch. We watch whatever show he has on in silence. As a commercial comes on the tv I can see he is quite easy to be around. He puts off a calming and peaceful vibe that makes you feel content with him.

“So just out of curiosity, then we will drop it. What would make you want to dress up,” pausing, “or down and taunt a feral animal who on his best day has very little control?” I flush again at his words.

Hearing him put it that way I now realize it was probably not my best idea. Not having responded to his question he continues. “Must have been something important to want to take your chances and do that.”

Nodding, “she is.”

“She?” He questions looking up at me. Sighing, I explain my situation.

“Nico doesn’t want to let Gianna come to the wedding. He said he thinks it would be a bad idea.”

“It would be.” Gaping at him I am about to argue when he holds up his hands. “It would be a bad idea, but I’m sure if it is that important to you he would reconsider. I know you don’t know him well enough to know this but he would do just about anything for you.”

"I doubt it, he barely knows me nor I him. I don't see anything indicating he would be willing to do something let alone anything for me."

Getting up from the couch he grabs a cigarette from the coffee table. Walking past he pauses looking down at me. "Darlin, you didn't see him for those two years before he had come for you."  Shaking his head as if recalling memories he chuckles lightly at them and walks out to the balcony. Leaving me alone to ponder what he said, while giving me hope.

The following day starts out quite uneventful as I am stuck at home again with Nicoli out doing business. Before leaving he told me an outfit would be delivered sometime this afternoon for the announcement later tonight. He also mentioned he would be sending over some stylists to help get me ready this evening.

Coming downstairs I was slightly disappointed to see that Daveon was not the one to stay with me today. In his place was an awnry looking Ciro. He isn’t as friendly and easy to be around as Daveon is, in fact he is quite the opposite. I try my best to avoid him most of the morning until I have to go down for lunch. Expecting to see him sitting on the couch like Daveon had, I look around when I don't see him. In fact I don't see him anywhere, though I know he is still here. Maybe he is in Nico’s office. I shrug to myself. It’s easier that way, and puts me a little more at ease not having him in the room with me. He just gives off the stern but silent fifty shades of fucked up kind of vibes that I would rather avoid entirely.

Grabbing my food I turn to head back upstairs. Passing through the small hall as Nicoli’s office door opens and Ciro steps out, phone in hand. Not giving me any attention as he brushes past me to the door, calling up the elevator before stepping inside and leaving. Umm is he supposed to just leave? Looking around confused as I just stand there. It's only moments later the door dings again before Ciro walks back inside carrying a garment bag and a box of shoes.

“Nicoli had these sent to you for tonight. He would like you to go try them on to ensure everything fits properly.”

“Okay.” Grabbing the items from him I retreat back upstairs, eager to see what the dress looks like. Setting them down onto the bed I unzip the bag, pulling out the dress as I lay it out onto the bed. It’s beautiful, and sexy. Slipping into it, I go to look into the mirror. It has a deep plunging neckline that runs down past my breasts and slits that run high on both thighs. A black ribbon wraps around the middle where sheer black tulle starts before flowing to the ground. It is a mix between sexy yet still classy and elegant. And it fits me perfectly. Going

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