Clary could feel a headache that he was annoyed to have, given the fact that there was so much hope that should be felt at the moment. Shaun took the rifles as Greg handed them out and was thinking it’d be fair if the other two had guns, but if they were smart and lucky, they would go the rest of the day without needing to use the rifles.
Chapter 11
Everyone did as told except for those unlucky few who were sitting in the middle seats in between people. Joe floored the gas, sending the giant Humvee in reverse, trying to keep any distance that he could from the Turned, who only knew one speed. They raced across the field with a hate and hunger that had no equal. Ellie was thinking, but after all this time of waiting for Shaun or also trying to tell herself that he wasn't dead, then she finally got him back, and now after everything, she herself might not survive the day. Ellie was ready to pop the hatch on the Humvee and start sending cover fire until they could get the distance that they needed to get away. She was more than confident that, regardless of if they killed or not, they were not going to come back immediately from a blown-out hip, knee cap, or even a shot through an Achilles tendon. She felt two hands on either side of her hips, holding very firm, and did not leave any question of if they were trying to help her up or to bring her back down. Joey pulled as hard as he could, bringing Ellie back down in the back seat on his leg.
Joey said, “You go out there, you die. Joey isn't going to let anything happen to his favorite girl. You stay inside; look at what's coming!”
Ellie tried to fight to stand up but she wasn't going to be able to overpower Joey. When she realized she wasn't going to be doing what she wanted to do, she noticed very quickly why he was holding on to her like her life depended on it... It was pretty easy to figure out because her life would have ended and she would have opened up a hole for all of the dead to make their way into the Humvee, turning this mission to take care of the Turned once and for all into a death ride. Even as fast as Joe was driving, the Turned were making up distance not having to worry about not hitting cars and objects left in the road. The Turned were leaping over cars one after another, looking like Olympic hurdlers on crack. The gold medal they so desperately wanted was staying just a short distance ahead of them.
Everyone knew it was just a matter of time before they caught up. The Turned came from behind the vans as Joe was doing his absolute best to try and keep everyone alive and to keep from crashing the Humvee. He knew that staying calm in a crisis situation such as this was one of the most important factors in staying alive. His nerves were shot after he heard the fourth thud on the Humvee. No one could see the Turned which were up on top of the vehicle but the sick feeling that they were there was more than enough. Joe was going to say something when a child slid down the windshield. Joe figured the boy couldn't be more than six years old, and if it didn't have bleeding eyes and its entire left cheek torn from where it once belonged then it might have been a cute kid.
Joe pulled a pistol from his side. He placed it point blank up next to the glass ready to fire off a single round and decimate this kid’s skull. Ellie was going to yell shoot the son of a bitch in the head but Yassa beat her to it. “Joe you, you can't shoot him.”
Kya asked, “Why in the hell not? There's no coming back. Remember, that's like the entire reason we are out here is to get ingredients to make sure that he dies.”
“You misunderstood; I don't give two shits if you shoot him. I do care if we start putting bullet holes through this windshield and over a short amount of time, we are going to very quickly run out of windshield to protect us. I hope to God that we get out of here alive, but at the very least I'm not going to jeopardize your guys’ lives by guessing optimistically that we're going to make it out of here.”
Kya was ready to respond, but the boy, like any of the Turned, didn't realize what their head was actually for. The young boy began slamming his face directly up against the glass. Within the first three strikes he’d broken his nose and split his head open. When it still wouldn’t break, he began alternating with his fist and looked like at some point he'd started to actually try to bite them through the window. Ellie really wished they were back on the base and not out here putting themselves in jeopardy. The end result was absolutely worth it, but at the same time was stupidly dangerous. It never seemed as bad until it had long since hit the fan.
“Then can we get that thing off the hood before it breaks the windshield? I mean, unless you just want to go and make one hole in