The Turned took the rear of his head with both hands, pulling one back quicker possibly than it had meant to and ripped a section of hair out of the rear of his skull. Lucas did a half-assed job of screaming, it was nothing of his doing, but because the Turned held so tightly on his face it had smashed the bones in his jaw, and his lower lip and teeth hung limp, swaying side-to-side.
The Turned used its other hand and began smashing his face into the Humvee’s roof. Lucas was beginning to black out very quickly and realized he didn't have much longer left on Earth if he didn't try and do something quickly. He tried firing off a few more shots but it did nothing and the Turned only seemed to get angrier by the second as it became intoxicated with the idea of eating him, given the blood that was like a sweet perfume making its way into its senses. His blood was coming from between his clenched teeth.
Lucas knew as soon as the blood came from his face and head that it was pretty much over. There were no white gloves used when it came to being handled by the Turned, they were brutal and ruthless, and passion, if they could talk, was not something in their vocabulary. It turned out he was still kneeling down, keeping its balance the best that it could, to put him in the perfect spot to get a chunk of his neck. If Lucas could have put himself out of his misery, he would have, but being able to focus under pressure was something you learned from experience, not a book.
Ellie could see the blood gushing down his neck and as much as it hurt her heart to not do everything she could for someone she knew, it was too late. There would be no more Lucas; he would only become another one of the Turned. He would not be saved, and in less than a few minutes, he would not be Lucas anymore.
Lucas felt her hands on his thighs, and even though he knew what the outcome was, he felt hope or that there was a chance. He hadn't really seen people turn first hand, so at this point in time, ignorance was bliss. He thought she was going to pull him free of the Turned’s grasp. Lucas was wrong and this would be his end. The Turned was chewing frantically, like it was the last time it would ever eat again. Little pieces of his neck were dropping out of its mouth; small pieces of skin dangled from between its teeth. Lucas was still trying his best to yell, but shock was the only thing he was going through as the hands, which he thought were there to try and save him, lifted his legs up, pushing him out of the Humvee. Lucas let go of the side of the roof, falling down, trying to grab on and hold onto the door handle, but lost his grip sliding beneath the Humvees tires. It bounced a foot up in the air, making a sandwich unfortunately no one, even Yassa, would be forgetting anytime soon.
Everyone cringed but it only lasted for a moment, because just as soon as Lucas was gone, a replacement that no one wanted was in his place. The Turned came down quickly, holding on to the side of the Humvee,, a tattered replacement for Lucas was in its place and everyone with a gun was bringing up their rifles, not hesitating for a moment. They all were too late to the game though. When the dead came leaping inside of the Humvee it was met with a 3-inch spike through the center of its skull. Joe, who had never felt so incapable to help another, saw Joey with a look of anger like he’d never seen in a teen. Especially this one, considering he was a very, very good-natured, sweet boy, who Joe would have to guess had not been upset too many times in his life. Joey pulled back the bat, putting up a foot to brace the Turned, and when he got it free, kicked it out of the Humvee.
Yassa looked over to Joey and said, “You are a badass, Joey. You know that right? How could you possibly be single?”
Joey's cheeks started to grow red, the sweet smile the boy was known for quickly started to come back into his normal happy expression. Joey was going to reply how there were just too many choices and he didn't want to break all the other girls' hearts, but a sobering thought came out as Ellie screamed, “I think there's still one more up there!”
Ellie unfortunately for them was correct. When the Turned appeared out of nowhere only showing its head, Joey went to strike a second one in the face. The Turned grabbed onto his bat, ignoring the spikes. Joey sure as hell was not going to allow that to happen. Clary had taken the bat early on, once he saw Joey didn’t want anything to do with guns. He had heavily modified it to look more medieval than baseball friendly. There were spikes coming out of all directions on the top of it as well. Joey, who had no shortage of muscles available, pulled back as hard as he could, slicing through the Turned’s hand. He left only one intact, which at this time, he kind of wished it would have grabbed his bat with both