Joey yelled, “That's my bat and Mr. Clary made it. You don't get it.”
The Turned tried to still grab with what was left of its deformed mutilated hand, not realizing apparently what function it served for, and this case past tense: served. Joey checked his bat making sure that everything on it looked intact and okay. When the Turned tried to enter a second time, it just ran out of dumb luck, reached, grabbing onto the handle of the Humvee and lifted it up and the door flew open as the Humvee was bouncing around as Joe was trying his best to keep everyone alive and not crash the Humvee.
The Turned only stayed for a moment on the door, but unfortunately for them they were practically dealing with a professional bodybuilder, only worse. The Turned, as it fell to the ground, used its one remaining good arm, putting it around and gripping hard unto the window of the Humvee and when they thought they were going to be rid of it semi-painlessly, it put its feet down on the ground pushing hard, pulling back, and the door and the zombie both disappeared.
Yassa could not hold back the sarcasm and just felt compelled to ask, “So when we get to the college and try to get all that shit on our list? Are we thinking we're going to lock up the Humvee? I mean we wouldn't want anyone going and taking it, right?”
Without hesitation Ellie responded, “Cute, Yassa. No, but I would probably suggest checking the back seat. I mean, unless you want to get in first and we can go from there?”
He responded as maturely as possible, scratching the invisible build up in his eye with his middle finger.
Joe said, “We just need to find somewhere smart when we park. It doesn't take a genius, but I do believe it is doable. Now if anybody wants to go back, just say so now. Otherwise, I say we make do with what we have. I don't think we want today to be a complete loss, do we?”
“I'm sad that we lost Lucas,” Joey said, “I don't understand why people who haven't dealt with these things just assume that it's easy. If they were that easy to deal with, not everyone would have to hide from them. I bet there are a ton of people who just don't come outside because like they don't want their faces ripped off of them. Don't you think?”
Lucas's friend Brett said, “I know I don't want my face ripped off. If Lucas was too dumb to wait, I guess unfortunately that is on him. That wasn't what we wanted to have happen but you can take a dump in one hand and wish in the other and see which one you get full first.”
Joey took the comment literally asking, “Why would you ever take a dump in your hand?”
Brett rolled his eyes, trying not to be a jerk about it. He simply said, “You know Joey, I honestly can't think of one reason why anyone would ever want to poop in their own hand. It was just something that my Grandpa Danny used to say. He had a lot of weird sayings that, to be honest, were funny but didn't make a whole lot of sense.”
Joey asked, “Do you guys think they poop?”
They should have known what he was talking about but they didn't. Yassa replied, “Who poops? Are you talking about girls? Because they definitely poop, and they fart. They won't ever let you know that until after you've dated them for a while. Joey, you just remember that though if something stinks and you know for a fact it wasn't you, it was them. That's all there is to it, I mean…”
Joey said, “No, I mean the Turned. Do you think they eat and like, take dumps and stuff? You think they drink?”
Yassa could go all day with this as a conversation and thoroughly enjoy himself doing it. Kya responded, “Hey, I don't know if you guys realize any of this; but I think that you might be missing the fact that we just lost someone to The Turned, again. He's probably already ripping off a chunk of his own arm. Do none of you guys care? I mean, are we that numb to losing people that it is what it is and it just happens? Because if that's the way we're going to act, I don't really know that that's worth going on for.”
Joe knew damn well that cops would do their best to try and mask their feelings, mostly by talking in a joking matter about the gruesome horrible things that people, not even counting the Turned, were capable of doing and he said, “Kya, it might just be a coping mechanism. I'm sure they don't mean anything personal about it. I think that it's just how some people deal with it.”
“Well, I guess if you ask me, which I know no one did, and don't care that I think that's a really, really crappy way to deal with the dead.”
They rode in silence for a few blocks, hoping they could make it to the college campus before the Turned were able to find them. When they made it through a small portion of the city that was densely populated, which was mostly a commercial area for small businesses, they found a small victory that there hadn't been any of the Turned lying in wait.
Joe bit his tongue as he tried to think of something positive to say. He realized they were lucky to be alive after that, at least everyone but Lucas, that is. He approached the hill going down steeply, trying his best to navigate in and around and going in between cars. He had to take the ditch