Joe was going to say hang on but it wasn’t going to matter the second that the action happened. Joe never let off from the gas and spun the wheel hard. Everyone but Yassa was screaming in terror, including Joe. Joey looked over at Yassa, seeing a smile from ear to ear. Ellie had her hand around the ‘oh shit’ handle. Her eyes were locked on the boy trying his damndest to get in. She smiled a little, feeling better about him being thrown from the hood so much that she had forgotten about the reason she was screaming in the first place. Joe shifted gears mid-turn and the Turned boy flew off, landing up against the side of a van. It should have crushed every bone in his body, but alas, that was not the case. He wasn’t going to catch up, but he sure as hell didn’t look like he was going to stop trying.
Hands were coming around and smashing at the windows. Joe was doing his best to think on the fly, but he did know that it’d still be important to get as far away from these things as possible. He just hoped that they had the time to get away before he dealt with his uninvited guests. Joe said something that made Ellie sick to her stomach. Ellie had not for a second even thought about it and the fact that she hadn’t made her feel a fool. He asked, “So, just a thought but if we are going to fetch all these ingredients to make more of that stuff, is there a reason that we didn’t fucking bring any with us? These bullets won’t do anything if we don’t have the time to fire them, damn it!”
Joey yelled, “You don’t use that word towards Ellie, Mr. Joe! It isn’t her fault that we didn’t bring that stuff that we probably should have brought.”
Ellie asked, “Sorry, but how is blame going to help anything at the moment? Your genius that wrote the list out for me didn’t seem smart enough to mention that we should bring any, and I’m pretty sure that guy has more than an unfinished junior high education. So, why don’t you go ahead and stick it where the sun don’t shine, if you have an issue. The only thing he was smart enough to do was to not come with.”
Joe was swerving the Humvee left and right, cursing at whatever was left up on top of its roof. He was thinking they must have some kind of amazing strength to be able to keep that kind of grip. Joe yelled, “We need to get these things off the roof.”
Ellie, usually respectful replied, “No shit, Joe. Do you have any ideas on how to make that work?”
“No, I have zero ideas, but Kya was so damn optimistic about shooting those things that I'd be more than happy if that was something you decided you wanted to do right now.”
Lucas, who had been sitting there ready to earn some respect from the original orphan’s brigade, thought out loud without waiting for anyone to say anything and said, “I'll roll the window down and I can lean out and shoot them.”
Ellie yelled no, just at the same time as he got the window down quicker than anyone would have expected him to. Ellie was really hoping that this wasn't going to play out like an absolute shit show, but anytime they left she felt like the plans they came up with were just God's way of making a joke.
Lucas used the ‘oh shit’ handle to steady himself, coming up off of the doors window ledge, and he tried to steady his rifle, realizing after the fact that he should have used a pistol; it would have probably been a whole hell of a lot easier to aim. But, nonetheless, options were limited and do-overs were nonexistent. Lucas aimed his rifle as well as he could, with his one free hand holding on to the ‘oh shit’ handle, and fired off two shots. The first of the two shots went through its gut and Lucas looked for where the second shot went and realized it probably completely missed. He was going to curse himself but he realized that it was not just a gunshot but it was also a spinal tap. Whatever that bullet did, if it didn't have zombie blood on it, he would give it a big wet kiss. The Turned looked directly at Lucas and started making its way his direction, but as it did, the spine gave out and it fell backwards, rolling off the rear of the Humvee. He smiled, pleased and proud with himself watching it bounce off of its head first and then would end up with some horrific road rash.
Lucas screamed down inside of the Humvee yelling, “I got it! I got it God damn it I got it!”
Jon asked, “How many are there? You need to get all of them!”
Lucas was going to answer how many of them there were when he felt a pressure like he never had in his entire life grip the side of his face. Lucas tried to scream but he couldn't open his jaw, the hand clasped around his mouth might as well have been a vice. He tried pulling his head back, which did little good, and seemed to only annoy his pursuer even more. He was screaming bloody murder through his clenched teeth and there was little anyone was going to be able to do for the boy. Had he waited a second and gotten some advice, it would have been very strongly suggested that he didn't do anything stupid. He had just done more stupid than anybody should right now or really any time during a zombie apocalypse.
Ellie tried making her way into the back, over