“Do you think that witch Belverda may have been a Pangaean?” asked Sora.
“No, she was never a Pangaean; she used to be a little girl who gotten lost during a battle some four thousand years that led her to the Pool of Shadows. All her memories I saw before she fell she’d completely wiped out. Belverda clearly doesn’t want to remember her past.”
“Fell over?” said Marina said. “Does that mean she’s… dead?”
Valverno nodded.
“Belverda and Uragiru are both dead, but Lusìvar still remains. Not to mention the other girl, Stephane. She would want to take the throne before someone else claims it. And I don’t know how well trained she is into ruling a nation, yet alone the city itself.”
“Then I gauss we should go back and get the other leaders who brought their armies from around the island,” said Sora. She still tried to stand up on her feet, but her legs remained very numbed and collapsed. “That battle did more damage to me than I thought.”
Valverno stretched out a hand and his hand glowed blue; his skin color changed and his scales turned to a different color. Valverno laid his sister on the ground so that Sora was sitting up. Then Valverno used his glowing hand to swirl glittering glowing liquid on Sora’s legs.
From his eyes, he was her muscles disabled from her bones and it would have been impossible to walk.
“It seems your battle nearly cost you: your leg muscles nearly look like they were ripped from the bone and the ligaments of your joints. Luckily for you, Elder Brother is here to help his baby sister help her to her feet.” Valverno gave a small blow from his mouth and an icy chill roared on Sora’s legs.
Sora smiled. Then she shivered at the sudden cold from a healing power Valverno was giving her. Now she couldn’t feel her legs and she began to feel ice growing on her bare feet.
Valverno then touched both her both legs with both hands and the glow had vanished. After a few seconds, Valverno released his hands from her. “There. How do you feel?”
Sora could move her legs again and she slowly stood up. She stood perfectly with the help of Valverno’s healing power. “I feel like my old self again. Thank you, my dear Elder Brother.” Sora leaped forward and embraced her half-brother, in appreciation for helping her when she needed his help at the moment.
“Touching, isn’t it, sir?” asked a man’s voice.
Valverno and Sora saw from an angle Flavius and his horsemen standing several feet away from them. They all were staring at him and Marina.
“You think he’d saved a princess, but he may claim all the ladies around every corner part of the island,” said Flavius.
“You may right, soldier,” agreed Flavius. “And he may just go after my village next. If we go to war again, we all can make sure we go after the hybrid first. We wouldn’t want him taking a dragon girl.”
The soldiers laughed at that.
Sora and Valverno released from each other as they heard the soldiers laughing at Flavius’s remark. As Valverno turned around to see the men, Sora gasped so loudly. This made Valverno turn to see what Sora had gasped at.
“What is it?”
Sora showed Valverno with a worried face. “Your back! It’s been cut.” Sora held out a mirror she suddenly created out of thin air and handed it Valverno.
Valverno held it in his hand and looked his reflection in the mirror. Instead of looking at his face, he saw his entire backside of the mirror. He saw the wings attached to his back-shoulders, and there a long thin deep-red cut stretching down his spine. That flesh wound was badly red it could have been a cut for a pig.
“Uragiru gave me it,” said Valverno.
“Let me return the favor then.” Sora walked to see Valverno’s backside and the flesh wound bleeding horribly. Sora raised her hands and a thin emerald mist showed up. Her eyes turned green and the mist went to Valverno’s spinal wound. Sora swirled her hands in the air and guided the mist go into the wound.
Valverno grunted once Sora’s magic spell touched his wound. Of all his life not feeling any physical pain, he was now feeling it again. He could have kept the abilities given to him by Belverda but he didn’t want to have any animal DNA upgrades in his own; he was a demigod. His half-godlike power was enough for him.
“Sorry about that, but healing can hurt badly like losing an arm in battle.”
“I’ll better the healing’s hurt than the arm-cutting hurt. And I feel like the gap I have to starting to be sewed back into place.”
“Or maybe your just lucky, Valverno. This cut would have killed you. It goes in deep and wide enough for you to bleed to death. It more than a miracle you have survived an injury. I gauss being the half-god you are made you lucky enough to keep you alive.”
Valverno was stunned. When he felt the cut at him in the buried city, it felt like a bee sting. But being compared to a sword’s blade slashing a hundred percent mortal and retained no divinity could have killed the victim.
Valverno was very lucky to have been half god. Otherwise, he would have died and hope for the islands would have been lost.
“Well, having the tough DNA hide of a Minotaur and dragon scales are what made my skin so strong in the first place. When the God of Shadows sent his swoop to banish all unnatural thins from the islands, those things Belverda inserted into me were unnatural. Now I don’t have those abilities anymore and I have my natural abilities now. It was good while it lasted, but now it was time to say goodbye to those upgrades I no longer need.”
After several