sounds of people both men and women roaring loudly from the tent he was in. Valverno followed the sounds to a nearby tent.

Valverno came to a yellow tent and went inside and it was loud inside. There were mugs people were drinking from and the people shouting and pouting.

Behind Valverno came Sora, Flavius, and Marina. The four of them had went into the tent to see what the commotion was all about and it was people celebrating their victory. They were hearing loud cries and cheers of victory.

“There he is!” shouted Kelda, lifting her mug.

“To the Demigod of the Mortal Realm!” shouted Bjorg.

“To the Demigod of the Mortal Realm!” shouted all the men and women in the tent.

After they shouted Valverno’s title, the loud noises ceased as the drinkers drank from their big mugs. After several seconds of drinking, the three clan leaders resumed their loud noises of cheers and did the people.

Valverno saw Teutates sitting in one corner only holding a mug but not joining in their cheering. There were other people dressed in brown armor and didn’t recognize those soldiers as people from any of the clans or men from Geraldus’s army; they have to be from the Southern Swamps Geraldus called for aid.

The tent had lots of people from all the corners of Shimabellia drinking and partying around. Strangers from different lands are together and not killing each other for gold coins or power; they were just having fun and giving stories how people went to battle.

“Come. Sit down. Grab a chug of cheers. Let us toast to our victory. Cheers.”

The three clan leaders drank their large mugs with great cheers of joy. They seem exited and Teutates hardly drank at all with the emotionless face as he was always showing. Sora decided to join them into their drinking and grabbed an untouched mug full of strong ale she never had tasted before.

Valverno, Flavius, and Marina stood while the people still retained unhappy faces.

“What’s with the looks?” asked Kelda.

“That’s right!” said Bjorg. “We’ve won and the enemy is defeated and it seems their memories have been wiped clean. What do we have to worry about?’

Valverno looked at Marina and Flavius who gave him the same looks he gave them. Then he looked at the three clan leaders, Sora, and Teutates. He stepped forward and said, “Belverda and Uragiru are dead indeed, but Lusìvar still remains a threat.”

This sudden news suddenly silenced the joy everyone was showing off and silence struck the room. The silence didn’t seem to surprise Teutates as he knew there were dangers lurking on the island.

“You people may call it a victory, but there are other people allied with Lusìvar. The Snake Clan is hiding in mountain border of the Northern Region. The Piper, the servant of Belverda’s witch sisters, still lives. Stephanie may take the throne after she hears the news of Uragiru’s death. And ultimately, Lusìvar still remains our biggest threat. I could hardly call today a victory.

“Not to mention I haven’t found the third armor artifact that will restore my broken power back to its full potential. The power you all have witnessed didn’t come from me; I used a dark power I’ve got from the Pool of Shadows to summon worth the god. My divinity at its two-third potential is not enough to summon one of the gods from their realm. Just was just power from the Pool of Shadows.

“And not to mention we lost a White Knight on the battlefield. Geraldus is dead, and he was the White Knight of Loyalty. Now his power is going have to be transferred to the next person who is to be the next White Knight of Loyalty. And another problem is new leadership of the island and its future. There are many so things to do and little time to do those. But first, there is something else I need to do. Sora, do you have that book?”

Sora dropped her mug and stepped over to Valverno. She placed out her hands and the book of failed experiments appeared before her. Valverno took the book and angrily looked at it.

“The last legacy Belverda has left behind and here it is: the book of Failed Experiments. Now to be a pile of burned ashes.” Valverno dropped the book and unleashed dragon fire upon the book, created and written by Belverda and Ralenskrit. The hard cover erupted into purple flames upon meeting Valverno’s dragon fire.

Everyone around him saw the big book burning before their eyes. They knew very little of whom Belverda was or what she even was trying to do. It would seem she was in rush to go places that she just questions around and leave once she required to get the information she was trying to get.

Valverno turned to see Teutates standing in the corner he was in; he gave a small nod before turning away. Valverno knew there some respect Teutates showed, some agreement the book needed to be burned away and forgotten.

“Now we should head back to the Western Region to discuss the next form of leadership of Shimabellia. Lusìvar is on the loose, the Snake Clan is hiding in the mountain border of the Northern Region, and the Piper is waiting to strike me in the darkness when I am not looking. We have tons of stuff to do that needs to get it done in the next three years, before the solar eclipse happens on the Summer Solstice.”

Valverno turned and left the tent. After he left, he soared to the sky and weakly rose about a hundred feet into the air. This was about how strong enough he is to fly high. He could see it was night already and there were noises booming throughout several tents. He turned to the west and headed in that direction. He would wait there for some of the people to come the Western Region to talk about the island’s future.


Two weeks went by after the

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