“That’s right little one, take what you need,” Anika whispers as Daisy drapes a blanket over her shoulder and baby to keep his tiny body warm. He suckles greedily, and they laugh when he protests ten minutes later when she pulls him off to burp. Again, she feeds him for another ten minutes and burps once more. Thinking it is best not to let him take too much the first feeding, she slows him down to his angry protest, which startles his brother Allen.
Daisy switches babies with her and walks with Quinton, praying he keeps the rich milk down. “Allen is bigger, but he seems to be struggling more than his brother.” Anika lifts him to the other breast and nods.
“I’ll make sure he takes his time, so he doesn’t get an upset tummy. Delaney used to drink so fast her stomach would rebel.” Quinton roots around for a minute before screaming and pushing away from her. His skin is cold to the touch and clammy from sweat, and his cries are weak. Not liking where this is going, she looks up at Daisy in concern.
“Daisy this is going to sound strange, but could you help me undress him.” Daisy nods and quickly strips him to his cotton diaper and hands him back to Anika. She lays him against her body, skin to skin, and wraps the blanket over them. Anika makes a shushing sound, and he stops fussing for a minute, before rooting around and latching on. Then, like his brother, he takes to her quickly. Anika sighs in relief. Her breasts were becoming engorged, and it is a relief to nurse. She stops every five minutes to pat and burp Allen.
“That’s amazing. How did you know to do that?”
“My mother was a midwife in Virginia. I used to assist her with the deliveries and follow up visits. She encouraged the mothers to use skin to skin contact with the newborns. It soothed them and kept them warm.”
“Does it pain you to feed them?” Daisy asks, watching Quinton sleep contentedly for the first time since birth.
“It’s actually a relief. It was becoming painful.” Lifting Allen to her shoulder, she laughs as he drapes over her and burps softly. Anika inhales his sweet scent and presses a soft kiss to his tender cheek. Daisy lays him beside his brother, while Anika moves to the water basin to clean up and buttons her dress.
“I'll get the family.” Daisy hurries from the room, struggling not to sob. She has never seen such a selfless act, and it was beautiful to witness. With a quick swipe to her eyes, she finds them on the front porch watching Delaney play with and the dogs.
Glenn leaps to his feet and takes his mother by her shoulders. Tears are streaming, and she is struggling to contain herself. “They rejected her?” He asks with a sore heart.
“No, forgive me, it’s just… go see for yourself son.” Glenn drops his hands and hurries down the hall.
“Allen, it’s a miracle. The boys took straight to her and are sleeping like… well… like babies.” Her husband laughs and pulls her to his chest, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Listen, no screaming babies!” Allen teases and holds his wife tightly to his heart. “God is good.”
Delaney watches quietly, glad that her Mama could help before one of the dogs distracts her with a game of chase.
Glenn knocks softly and pushes the door open with a trembling hand. Anika is rocking in the chair with closed eyes, head back and a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. The creaking of the wooden rocker is the only sound in the room. The silence rocks him to his core as he walks over to the bassinet and stares in shock at his sons. They are side by side and sound asleep.
“It’s called milk drunk, Mr. Ward.”
Anika opens her eyes and smiles softly, “They did fine. So far, they have kept it down. I will feed them once more before we leave.” Anika offers standing up gingerly, intending to go find her daughter.
“How will we ever thank you? You don't know…” his voice breaks and Glenn turns away to walk to the window to compose himself.
“I do know,” Anika replies gruffly and turns away willing herself to move away from them. She knows Dr. Parker told him about her circumstances. “It makes my daughter's passing seem to have… meaning.” Her voice is hoarse and raw with pain. “I know that God is in control and has a purpose for everything, but I couldn't see it clearly, until now. Rosie gave us all a gift today, and for now, it will have to be enough.”
Glenn doesn’t try to stop his tears from falling as his sons sleep with full bellies for the first time since birth. “Their mother is dying, slowly, ebbing away from us.” He turns back to look at her. “I believe she waits, to make sure they are going to be okay. I know it’s a lot to ask, Mrs. Coltrane, but would you consider staying for a few days.” Glenn wipes his eyes and hurries to stand in front of her and blurts out, “I would be willing to pay you whatever the going rate is, plus, room, board, and all your meals included.”
Anika steps back from him in stunned silence. “You want to hire me?” The bruises stand out shockingly against her pale skin.
“Dr. Parker explained that you’ve just lost your husband and daughter and I know it must seem selfish of me to drop this on you, but I’m desperate. We’ve tried everything…” he rubs the back of his neck seeming to be at a loss for words for the first time since