Sitting slowly in the chair again, Anika is silent. “I don't know what to say,” she murmurs looking at the cradle. The boarding house is paid in full, until the weekend and she has no idea what will happen after that. “I had thought about being hired on as a maid or laundress until I could find something else, but this… this would be perfect.” Before he can respond, she continues speaking.
“I have to think of my daughter. It is a generous offer, but I would need Delaney's approval, and I would like to talk to Dr. Parker.” Anika doesn't wait, she leaves quickly before she makes a rash decision.
Walking out front, she joins the family on the front porch and gives Delaney a quick hug. “Mama, the dogs love me, and they have cats too!” She stammers excitedly.
“Cats? We have more than cats, Delaney. We have goats, pigs, cow, sheep, and even chickens,” Allen says with a laugh. Delaney's eyes grow wide with excitement.
“Horses, Mr. Allen? Do you have horses too?” She gasps.
“Horses? Of course, we have horses. What kind of farmer doesn’t have horses? In fact, we have a new foal named Starlight. If your Mother says yes, I can take you to meet her.” Delaney whirls around and Anika smiles with gratitude.
“That would be wonderful. Obey, Mr. Ward, Delaney.” She watches her daughter in amazement as she hesitates before looking up at him. Allen reaches out and offers his hand causing Delaney to take a step back. She avoids his eyes, not quite ready to trust so easily.
“Follow me, little lady, Starlight is waiting.” Delaney giggles as she follows Allen and Anika sighs. This family would be good for her daughter to be around. Delaney would get to see how a man is supposed to treat his wife and daughter. Decision made she turns to Dr. Parker.
“I’ll have your lunch brought out to you. Please sit down.” Daisy leaves with Clara offering to help.
“Dr. Parker, exactly what did you tell Mr. Ward?” Anika asks.
“It seemed to me that God brought your two families together with a purpose in mind. I wouldn’t put you and Delaney at risk. I explained that you lost your husband and newborn. Not why or how. I hope you don’t mind, but this family is desperate. I’ve known them for years, Anika, you can trust them.”
Anika is silent for a moment, “I trust your opinion. Will you help me negotiate terms? I want to make sure we are taken care of. I never want to be destitute again. I would hate to take advantage of their generosity or situation, and I'm not sure what the going rate is for a Wet Nurse.”
“Of course.” Josiah is thrilled that she is considering it. “You, of course, would be taking on two babies. I believe you should be able to nurse them for as long as you are healthy and taking care of yourself. Delaney will thrive here, and these babies need you. Not to pressure you more than you already are, Anika, but you are the only chance they have at surviving.”
Anika drops her head into her hands, trying to block out the images of two innocent lives lost. “I never expected this day to end this way,” she murmurs softly.
“I know, Anika. This could be exactly what you and Delaney need. Let me draw up the contract for you. I think they would agree to a trial period of a month and at the end of that time you can decide if the terms are agreeable.”
“Thank you, Josiah. You and Clara have been so kind to us. I don’t know how I will repay you.” He takes her hand and squeezes gently.
“By using this time to heal. God’s plan is not always clear or the path easy to walk, but I believe you will find peace.”
“Thank you, I will try.”
Daisy returns with a tray of food and fresh juice. Anika is starved and eats her fill while Daisy and Clara go inside to check on the boys. Josiah discusses details with Anika while she eats then walks inside to present the offer.
Anika waits for Delaney to return and smiles when she hears her excited chatter. “I love Starlight Mr. Allen, she is perfect. Do you really think I could ride her someday?”
“Of course, sugar. Now I’m going to leave you with your Mama and go see if I can find a cookie or two.” Delaney watches him leave before turning to her Mother.
“I like Mr. Allen, Mama. He’s nice, and the pony is perfect! Are you okay, Mama?” Delaney asks taking her mother’s hands.
“I am fine, but I have a big question for you Delaney.” Anika explains that they would like to hire her to care for the twins and Delaney glances out at the farm.
“We would stay here? With them?” Fear has her moving closer to Anika.
“Yes. They are good people, Delaney. The babies need us, and I could save enough to rent our own house soon. You will have your own room and proper lessons.”
“Could I learn to ride a horse?” She asks with a little more excitement.
“I’m sure we could ask. Maybe, you could learn to care for some of the animals. What do you think?”
“I think… it would be okay with me, Mama.”
Anika hugs her close and whispers to her. “Everything is going to be better now, Delaney. I promise.”
“Look at them, sleeping like little angels,” Daisy says leaning into her husband. No one speaks of the relief of not listening to their screams grow weaker and weaker over the past few weeks.
“This is the first spark of hope in a long time,” Allen says looking at his son. “Will she stay?”
“I don't know, Dad. I hope so, and I haven't asked Sue yet. I'm not