sure how she will feel about it.” Glenn murmurs thinking of his wife. Her pain was unbearable this morning, and her heart is stuttering. Breathing is becoming difficult for her, and she has refused food for the last two days. His biggest fear is that he will be burying them all together.

Dr. Parker knocks and enters to check the boys. He listens to their hearts and bellies, struggling to contain his excitement. “If they didn’t reject her milk within the first few minutes, they are holding it.” Turning to look at the family he explains, “Glenn, Sue will be asleep for four to six hours. I will leave drops for you to keep her comfortable. Increase it as needed.” He pauses for a moment before continuing. “I’m afraid I’ve done all I can for your wife, I don’t expect her to make it through the night. I’m sorry to be so blunt.”

“I understand,” Glenn replies quietly.

“Hope waits for your sons, Glenn. Anika and Delaney are like family to Clara and me. She has agreed to a temporary stay for four weeks. If that is agreeable to you, I will act in Mrs. Coltrane’s stead to negotiate terms with you for hiring her as your Wet Nurse.”

They laugh with relief and joy. “Oh, this is wonderful!” Daisy sits heavily in the rocker and weeps.

Glen shakes his hand, “Thank you.”

“Whatever it takes to make her stay son, you know your mother and I will help in every way we can.” Glenn can’t speak. The emotion is overwhelming. On the one hand, he is losing his wife and childhood friend, but he feels like he’s been handed a miracle for his sons.

“You will all stay for dinner,” Daisy says, and she hurries to go speak to the housekeeper.

“Before I agree to any terms, I will speak to Sue. Until she is able to meet Mrs. Coltrane, this is a temporary accord.”

“Of course, let the boys sleep. When they wake Anika will feed them again and perhaps, seeing your sons full and content will ease Sue’s pain,” Dr. Parker suggests.

Chapter 4

Anika hears the babies fussing and hurries into their room. Daisy and Clara have already changed them.

Glenn steps inside and clears his throat over the fussing boys. “Mrs. Coltrane, my wife would like to meet you, and she has asked if you would feed the boys in our room.”

Delaney grips her hand as she stares at the large man with trepidation. “Of course, that would be fine.”

“Me too, Mama,” Delaney whispers.

“I will bring Allen, he seems to be demanding a little louder than his brother,” Daisy laughs as she lifts the squalling baby. “Delaney, could you carry his blanket for me?”

Delaney nods, “Yes ma’am,” and watches Glenn pick up Quinton before gently tucking him into his chest. “Come on then, can’t let your brother win. I know a shortcut,” he teases and winks at Delaney.

Anika follows swiftly behind Glenn with Delaney, and they are surprised to learn the house has two sets of stairs leading to the second floor. “In case of fire, we didn't want to be trapped with no second exit. It is also convenient for when guests are staying in the house.” Glenn leads the way and smiles when he hears his Mother behind them.

“Curse my short legs,” Daisy sniffs as she falls in behind them. Delaney giggles and Anika smiles down at her. They stop outside a door and Glenn takes a deep breath before opening the door.

Sue Ward sits propped up in a dimly lit bedroom with her black hair around her shoulders. Her chocolate eyes stand out against the blue pallor of her skin. Glenn walks over to the window holding the baby and opens the curtain allowing the sunset to cast a golden light on everything. Sue’s rapid breathing indicates the struggle she is having just to breathe. Despite her condition, she smiles when she sees the family.

Dr. Parker steps away from Sue and touches Glenn's shoulder as he passes.

“Clara and I will be on our way home. I will come tomorrow to drop off Anika's things and check in on Sue.” Clara hugs Anika before Josiah leaves and Anika isn't sure how she feels about being left with virtual strangers.

“Sue, I’m not sure this is a good idea,” Glenn starts to say, but she is intent on Anika.

“Glenn, I'd love some tea. I …” she gasps, “have plenty of company until you return.” Glenn pats Allen and turns away from his wife with a frown. He offers the baby to Anika, and he immediately starts rooting against her dress and fussing loudly. Quinton picks up on his brother's fussing, and both boys are soon screaming together. Glenn leaves to get her tea and stops outside the door to listen.

Anika smiles and sits in the rocking chair beside the bed. Daisy offers her a blanket and Sue holds her breath as Anika removes the top of her dress revealing a worn camisole covering the bruises. Daisy props a pillow under her arm and hands the baby to her. Allen settles, and within seconds he latches on. The moment Allen stops screaming, Quinton calms down as if he knows he will be next.

Silence fills the room, and everyone sits in the peace that feeding them brings.

“I'm Anika Coltrane, and this is my daughter, Delaney.” Anika smiles at Sue and runs a loving hand over Allen's dark hair.

“It’s lovely… to… meet… you,” Sue pants. Tears fill her eyes as she watches this stranger give life to her sons.

Delaney crowds close to her Mother and smiles at the baby, “Poor lambs are hungry again, right Mama?” The awkwardness fades away as the women laugh.

 “Newborns eat every few hours, well, at least you did,” she says touching Delaney on the nose. She switches sides and struggles

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