already have the cabana, let’s just enjoy it with the water and beach today. Maybe they’ll have a nature excursion open another day.” The words just tumble out of my mouth before I realize what I’ve said.


I just insinuated I expect him to join me one of the other days we’re here. Where is a deep hole when I need one to crawl in and pull the dirt over my head to hide? I didn’t mean that the way it sounded, but if I try to correct it now, I’ll just make an even bigger fool out of myself.

Change the subject, quick.

Dear God. For the life of me, I can’t think of anything else to talk about now. He’s smiling while I’m dying inside. Is this a prelude of how the entire day with Hot Rod will be?

“So, you said several others are joining us?” Finally. Something came to mind. Anything. I should’ve talked about the damn weather or anything else mundane eons ago.

“Yeah, they’re meeting us a little later. They wanted to do some souvenir shopping first.”

“That’s smart. If it’s half as beautiful as the pictures I’ve seen of the beach and the ocean, they won’t want to leave the cabana once they get there. By the way, are your friends all right over there? They look like they’re passed out cold.” The other two guys with us broke down and sat on the floor with their backs leaned against the wall.

“Good. Let’s leave them there. I was trying to get away from them for the day. I can only take Hunter and Jace in small doses… say, five minutes at a time… tops. That drops to about two minutes when they’re together. They’re usually better to be around than they’ve been on this trip.”

My eyes stray to his bare arms as he speaks. The muscle striations contract and expand with his every movement. I have an overwhelming urge to run my fingers over the deep cuts and prominent ridges of his biceps. Instead, I grip the straps of my beach bag tighter until my knuckles turn white. I’ve made it painfully obvious I can’t trust myself around him, letting my mouth run away from me. Now my fingers are plotting mutiny from obeying my brain.

Just hold it together for a few more minutes, Daisy. You can do it.

The staff saves me from any further embarrassment by calling our group to board the next boat. Thank God for small favors.

“Ladies first.” Rod extends his arm, indicating for Tracy and me to take the lead.

When we reach the small boat that will serve as our water taxi, the waves pick up and make the boat rock harder. The foot or so that separates the water taxi from the dock suddenly seems very far away.

“Hang on a second, Daisy. Let me hop on first so I can help you aboard.” Rod notices my hesitation and steps up without a second thought.

He jumps from the pier onto the boat with the nimble grace of a finely tuned athlete. Then he takes my bag from me and drops it on the seat before offering his hand. I slip mine into his, and he keeps me steady as I cross the great divide. When I step onto the lip of the tender, I’m face-to-face with Rod, and the boat is rocking from the waves. My fingers itch to feel the tautness of his muscles. I’ve never been this close to a man with such muscle definition. Under the guise of steadying myself, I grip his other bicep with my free hand, and my fingers thoroughly enjoy what they find.

Fine. The rest of me is also pleased. Sue me.

“Thank you, Rod. I appreciate the help. I’m not exactly one for swimming alone.”

“If you fall, I’ll fall with you.”

Simple statement. So many meanings.

I’m not sure how to respond, so I keep my mouth shut for once and step down into the boat. When I take my seat, I realize Rod is right beside me, and Kevin is helping Tracy across the gap. Is it wrong that I’m a little too pleased with knowing he only helped me? He could’ve easily stayed there and helped my friend.

But he didn’t.

He’s sitting beside me, not leaving a space for Tracy on our bench. He wants to be close to me, to talk to me, to spend time with me.

This man will break your heart, Daisy. You know it’s coming.

Let it come. I plan to enjoy the ride as long as I can. There will come a time when we’ll part, my logical brain knows that. But I’ll cross that bridge when I reach it and not let that knowledge ruin anything between now and then.



Our private cabana is better than I could’ve imagined, even after seeing the pictures of it. We have the entire beach and clear, aqua blue water of the Caribbean Sea to ourselves since the area surrounding it is secluded. We’re fortunate the staff is attentive without being overbearing. They had already made a tray of tropical drinks and delicious snacks to greet us the moment we arrived.

Kevin invited a group of people he met last night, but they won’t be here for a while, which is fine with me. Now that we’re here, I don’t want to share Daisy with anyone else, so I’m regretting going along with this plan somewhat. This is my time to get to know her as myself, with no masks, no subterfuge, and no audience.

Just a man, standing on a wooden pier, asking a girl to give him a second chance to prove he’s not a complete self-absorbed dick.

Lounging by the pool with her yesterday was nice, but there were too many people crowding our space. Other men were trying to get her attention, and other women were vying for mine, despite the overt clues that showed I wasn’t interested. Daisy watched with mild amusement every time some other woman tried to catch my eye. I’d never

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