with every second I’m near her. Touching her makes it damn near impossible to separate. She feels so good in my arms.

So right.

“Thank you so much for doing that, Rod. I know you probably think I’m such an enormous baby, scared of everything. Maybe I am. But thank you for not pointing that out and embarrassing me, especially when it was my idea to go down the slide.”

There’s a motherfucker out there somewhere I need to kill. I feel it with every cell in my body.

“I’d never do that to you, Daisy. I’ll go down that slide with you all fucking day, if that’s what you want.”

She stares at me in disbelief for a second, weighing the odds that I’m about to laugh in her face and shame her. When she realizes my offer is sincere, she shocks the shit out of me by pressing her lips against mine. Her hands slide around my neck to hold my face as I get lost in her kiss.

“I’ve never met anyone like you before. I didn’t think there were still kindhearted men out there. I’m thankful we met, and I’m glad I came on this excursion with you. Thank you, for everything.” Her eyes dart between mine as she speaks, emphasizing her message with the intensity in those beautiful blues.

She called me a kindhearted man, but I’m not so sure most of the other women in my life would agree with her assessment. But from Daisy, I’ll accept it.

“You’re welcome. But believe me, it’s my pleasure. I wanted to spend the day with you to make up for our first meeting and get to know you better. One-on-one.”

“You’ve more than made up for that comment, Rod. Don’t even think about it anymore. I don’t, so quit beating yourself up. You’ll look back on it and laugh about it before long. Why not start doing that today?”

“We’ll laugh about it together then.”

“You’ve got a deal. Ready to go down behind me again?”

Simple question. So many meanings.

I physically have to hold back a groan. “More than ready.”

After a few more trips down the slide, Kevin and Tracy join us for a swim. The staff manning the cabana provides us with masks and snorkels, so the four of us spend a couple of hours swimming the shallow waters. Daisy shows me every new fish she finds, and her excitement is contagious. I’d like to know her story, every last detail. On the one hand, she doesn’t seem like she gets out much. On the other, she’s very shrewd and intuitive. She has a backbone when needed but seems almost shy the rest of the time.

Yeah, I’d really enjoy peeling back the layers of this sweet onion.

We finally take a time-out and sit on the beach, letting the water lap at our feet and the sun drench our bodies in its warmth.

“This was exactly what I needed today. This place is paradise. If only I could win the lottery and have an island of my own.” Daisy lies back on the sand and stretches her arms out, not trying to hide the grin that’s splitting her face in two.

“Money isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. You can have tons of it and still not find happiness.” I know from experience.

“That’s true. Money can’t buy true love or happiness, but it sure can take away a lot of worries.”

She’s not wrong. My fortune eliminated many of the worries that used to plague me. How would I feed and clothe my sister? How would I keep a roof over our heads? How would I ever be able to send her to college? But for the most part, we still live like we did before the money. I have a sizeable house and a nice car, and Juliana and Isabelle are set for life, but that’s the extent of my extravagant lifestyle.

I wonder what Daisy worries about, but I don’t want to ask right now and change the mood she’s in. She’s finally relaxed and having fun.

“Looks like our other friends are finally here. Just in time for lunch, too. The chef is keeping our food warm. Let’s go eat, boys and girls.” Tracy exits the water with Kevin close behind her.

I stand then help Daisy up, and we walk together toward the cabana. We keep several paces behind Tracy and Kevin, walking in sync with our arms wrapped around each other as if it’s the most natural position for us. With every step, we move slower, extending our time alone as long as we can before joining the noisy crowd already congregated on the lanai.

We’re so comfortable together, it’s as if we’ve known each other for years.

“Kevin mentioned you and Tracy already have plans for a girls’ day tomorrow. Do you want to go with me on a long hike the day after tomorrow? The island has beautiful mountains and forests we can explore. There are freshwater streams to swim in and waterfalls along the trails. We’ll leave Tracy and Kevin behind and create our own expedition.” I realize it’s a stretch to ask her to join me in the woods, alone, in a foreign country, when she barely knows me. The thing is, even though she’s having a blast so far today, the party scene just doesn’t seem to be her first choice.

She stops walking and focuses her attention on the large open deck of the cabana. A dozen or so people are drinking and laughing. The music is blaring, and several couples are taking advantage of the dancing space. The bartender is hopping, mixing drink after drink. The chef plates the food, and the butler delivers the dishes to the extended dining table.

Then she turns her attention back to me, and the music fades away. The laughing and loud talking from the crowd of people evaporates on the breeze. All that’s left is Daisy and me in our own little world.

“That sounds like the perfect getaway. Count me in.”

Color me shocked, but more than a little

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