admit this to anyone, but her lack of jealousy or possessiveness over me was a little insulting. She doesn’t know this, but I quietly told more than a few guys to fuck off when they tried to approach her.

I suppose that means I need to up my game, show her what a catch I am.

What is she supposed to do with you when she catches you, Rod?

Shut up. My rational brain and my emotional side aren’t on the same wavelengths at the moment.

Daisy drops her bag on one of the lounge chairs and pulls her cover-up over her head. With the rays of sun shining directly on her blond hair, she leans her head back with a smile playing on her lips and basks in the warmth. She’s wearing a tiny bikini that shows off her perfect form.

“This is pure heaven. I can’t imagine anything that could feel better than this. Soaking in the sun with the surf lapping at my toes. Friends surrounding me in a place that’s heaven on earth. Name one thing that could top this feeling.” Daisy’s smile is contagious, because I’ve broken out in one just watching her.

“Multiple orgasms.” Tracy drops her bag and removes her cover-up, oblivious to the images she just conjured in my mind. Not of her, though. They’re all of Daisy … screaming my name.

“Hmm … good call. Too bad I can’t help you with that.” Daisy giggles at their friendly banter. “Can I offer you some sunshine instead? It feels damn good on my skin.” She runs her fingertips along her arm to demonstrate.

My lips twitch on their own, hungry to feel every inch of her. My tongue darts out, longing to taste every inch of skin she’s showing. My hands ball into tight fists, aching to throw her over my shoulder and carry her somewhere far away from prying eyes. This petite lady is getting to me in ways I never imagined.

A vision of her meeting my sister Juliana pops into my mind, as clear as the ocean water before me.

This is only a vacation fling. Remember what that is, Rod? You can’t even wish for more.

I’ll only admit to myself that a five-foot-two beauty captured my mind and is worming her way into my heart with every awkward encounter we have. I am powerless to stop this speeding train while I’m around her. When the trip is over, I’ll go back home and only remember the enjoyable times. I will repress anything more than that in the recesses of my memories, along with everything else I’d rather forget.

I don’t know what Kevin has done to me. He chose one woman to stay with for the duration of the trip, and I followed suit. By definition, my predicament is his fault, and he deserves a good ass-kicking for it. But for today, I’m pushing my own commitment issues aside and enjoying the company of an intriguing woman.

“What can I interest you in first?” I approach her with a fruity tropical drink in hand, complete with one of those little umbrellas all girls love for some reason.

She accepts the proffered glass from me, takes a long drink, and peers up to my six-foot-one frame from under her lashes. “I’m ready for that swim now if you are. The water is too perfect not to jump in right away.”

“I’m absolutely ready. Thought you’d never ask.” I grab the back of my tank top and pull it over my head. My chest swells with pride when her eyes bug out and her lips part as she stares at my bare chest.

Yes, I work out and take care of myself. But it’s still nice to witness that level of appreciation.

She takes another long pull from the straw, and half her drink disappears. “Let’s check out the slide.”

Liquid courage, but courage, nonetheless.

“Do you want me to go first so I’ll be down there to catch you?” I toss my shirt on the same chair as her bag and walk toward the back of the cabana.

“That’s very sweet of you to offer, but I think I can take it from here.” She laughs as she climbs up to sit on the top of the slide. “But you’d better be right behind me.”

“I won’t leave you hanging.”

Despite my encouragement, she still hesitates at the top of the slide. She’s afraid, but she faces her fears and tries to garner enough courage to overcome it on her own.

“Do you want me to go down from behind you?” I honestly didn’t mean that the way it sounds, but the words are already out in the universe. And now that’s all I can think about. Thankfully, she didn’t catch the double entendre of my offer, because I’m more than willing to help her with that too.

“Would you mind?” She looks over her shoulder at me, a little fear and a little embarrassment in her eyes.

Someone has made her feel ashamed of being afraid or asking for help. What I wouldn’t give to get my hands on that fucker right now.

“I don’t mind at all.” I join her on the slide and position my legs on either side of her. Then I wrap my arms around her waist, much like I did last night when she didn’t know I was dressed as Cap. “Ready to go for a swim?”

“Let’s go.”

I push us off, and we fly down the tall slide, rushing toward the clear water below with her squeals of delight echoing in the air. When we hit the water, I don’t release her. For whatever reason, I can’t seem to make my fingers let her go, so I push her to the surface and join her immediately after.

She turns in my arms to face me and throws her arms around my neck. Her embrace is merely one of pure innocence. The sole reason behind it is genuine gratitude, I know this. But that doesn’t stop me from pulling her tighter against my chest. The desire to shelter and protect her only grows

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