say, you will make it back here in one piece and completely unharmed, or Rod will never see the light of day again.” She kisses me on the cheek. “You know I love you and I’d never encourage you to do anything that would end up hurting you.”

“I do know that, and I love you too.” I lay the dress on the bed while she grabs her makeup bag out of the bathroom and begins her routine. “You and Kevin seem to be all cute and cozy. What’s going on with you two?”

“Just a little vacation fun. He’s a nice guy and so good looking. And he does this crazy thing with his tongue that I can’t get enough of.”

“Stop. Stop it right now. There is no way this story can end with me ever looking him in the eye again. Considering I’ll see him at dinner in a little while, I don’t need that visual stuck in my head.”

Tracy shrugs. “Your loss. I’m just trying to help so you can tell Rod how to do it.”

“Tracy—seriously—stop right now.” She cackles with her evil laugh behind me as I walk toward the bathroom for my shower.

Great. Now I’m thinking about Rod, his tongue, and whether he’s taught it any freaky moves. Dinner tonight won’t be awkward at all. Then after dinner, when we go for a stroll on deck or dancing in the nightclub, all my thoughts will gravitate to that one question. I’ll have a permanent blush on my face.

I’m blaming it on the sun today.

After showering, shaving, and setting my makeup, Tracy and I slip into our little robes and enjoy some quiet time on our balcony. Watching the waves wash ashore as the sun sets is relaxing, and not anything I get to see living in the Atlanta area.

“When we get home, I want you to promise me you’ll have more fun and be happy. I’m just warning you now, so you’ll have plenty of time to get your mind settled.” She doesn’t bother looking at me as she relates her directive. I know she means well, so I give her a pass.

“You have my word.” My instant agreement surprises her at first.

“Remember this moment, Daisy, because I’m holding you to this agreement.” The devious smile on her face worries me. That’s usually reserved for the most heinous situations. “Time to get dressed for dinner. I can’t wait to see Rod’s tongue fall out of his mouth when he sees you in that dress.”

Rod’s tongue will fall out his mouth.


Someone help me.

After I slide the slinky dress over my head and step into my heels, I move in front of the mirror. I’m shocked by what I see in the reflection. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was a beautiful, confident woman who had everything going for her.

“Forget Rod. My fucking tongue is on the floor. You look so fucking hot. Too bad we’re both heterosexual, huh?”

“Yeah, that’s too bad.” I laugh with her. “Thank you, though. I appreciate the confidence booster.”

“Did you bring that other dress for formal night like I said?” She arches one brow at me.

“Yes, ma’am. I wasn’t planning on actually wearing it until now, though. I only brought it so I could say I did.” I smile sweetly at her to prevent her wrath.

“Just be glad you changed your mind when you did. It’s in a few nights and we’re going all out for it. Spa treatments, getting our hair done, and adding some new jewelry from the resort’s shopping center. I can’t wait.” Tracy rarely gets excited over anything like this, so I know she’s put a lot of thought into this.

“I’ll be right beside you, with bells on. Well, maybe not bells, but a beautiful formal gown and whatever new jewelry you pick out for me.”

We purposely wait several minutes past the official formal dining time to avoid the lengthy lines. Everyone else is seated already, so we’re able to walk through the double doors without waiting behind anyone. It feels like the vacation equivalent of being fashionably late for a red-carpet event. When we approach our prearranged table, Rod looks up from the evening menu. His bottom jaw drops to his chest and his eyes bulge out of their sockets. I may have imagined a slightly exaggerated cartoon version of him, but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

However, the heat level in his eyes that’s nearing the flash point of spontaneous combustion is very real. I feel their searing caress as he inhales deeply and lets his gaze flow over my skin. He doesn’t try to hide his obvious reaction, and it serves as an aphrodisiac for me. Being desired and feeling desirable is a heady combination.

Then he licks his lips.

My mind goes right there. To his tongue, and all the tricks it may or may not know.

The blush starts at my chest and flames up my neck to my face. With his attention solely on me, he notices it immediately. I drop my gaze from his to focus on the floor directly in front of me, but I can’t stop the corners of my mouth from lifting. When I finally meet his intense stare again, there’s no doubt his mind-reading skills rival Tracy’s. I also detect a fair amount of pride in his realization that he’s the cause of my current state, even if he doesn’t know exactly why.

“You look absolutely amazing, Daisy. I mean, I’ve drooled over you in a bikini all day already, so I never thought putting on more clothes could make you even sexier. I’m not sure what to do with myself now. It’s as if everything I ever believed in was a lie.” He steps over to my table and pulls my chair out for me. Then he takes my hand in his and kisses the back of it.

I’ve always wanted someone to do that. How I wish this guy was real and not only a vacation version of himself.

“Thank you. You

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