second you wake tomorrow morning.”

I’m shocked beyond words. All I can do is openly gape at him, literally. My eyes are as wide open as my mouth is. Yet I can’t produce even an opposing grunt. If I’m in physical pain, then I know he has to be too. I mean, his balls must’ve passed regular blue a long time ago and moved into the midnight blue spectrum.

He rolls off the side of the lounger to stand and looks down at me. “Come on. I’ll take you dancing, and we’ll have a few more drinks before we call it a night.”



The perplexed expression on her face was adorable. But that’s the only part of ending our impromptu make-out session I remotely enjoyed. Taking her to the nightclub to dance the night away, instead of back to my room to explore every single inch of her naked body, was one of the hardest things I’ve done. It’s definitely the most chivalrous I’ve ever been toward a woman who’s only supposed to be a pleasurable pastime for the short term.

But my damn conscience kept nagging at me, cautioning me against pushing her further than she was ready to go. She may have thought she was ready to punch her wild card, but she got caught up in the moment. For some reason, it bothers me to think she’d wake up tomorrow and regret her decision to give herself to me tonight. When she’s ready, and not just momentarily worked into a frenzy, we’ll both know the time is right. For now, I’m trying to be the decent guy and save her from herself, and from me.

But no good deed goes unpunished, as I’m finding out firsthand. She’d never admit it outright, but she’s grinding against my crotch over the entirety of every single song just to punish and torture me.

Fast song? Grind on me.

Slow song? Slow grind on me.

At this point, I’m looking for a piña colada to pour down my own pants. A simple cold shower won’t be able to touch this raging hard-on. I need an hour-long soak in nothing but ice cubes.

“Time for a drink, Miss Daisy. Are you thirsty?”

“I’m definitely parched. It’s hot in here with so many people. There are more guests tonight than the other night.” I wrap my arm around her to keep her close to my side as we wind through people to reach the bar.

“You came up here before tonight?”

“Of course. I was here for the first costume party. Weren’t you?”

Thankfully, we reach the bar just in time that I don’t have to answer, and I don’t have to lie. The bartender jerks his chin up toward me, his nonverbal way of asking for our order.

“Another cosmo for you?” I look down at Daisy and wait for her confirmation before relaying the order. “Have you tried anything else? You know, besides frozen coconut concoctions and girlie drinks.”

“I have, but since my drink has more alcohol content than most others, it takes fewer drinks to get that feel-good buzz. But don’t worry, I never drink enough to get sloppy drunk or anything like that. I just like the taste of it better than anything else.”

“Fair enough.” The bartender passes our drinks across the bar and we find a deserted table in the corner to sit until we’ve finished them. “So, I know you like swimming, slides, and hiking. What else do you like to do?”

A pensive expression crosses her features before she quickly pulls the mask back over her face. “As boring as this sounds, I don’t do much else besides work. I love my job, but one thing I’ve realized over the past couple of days is I need to find more hobbies when I get home.”

“What is your job? What do you love so much?”

“I’m a teacher, early childhood education. I love working with kids, so that takes most of my time and energy, but I don’t mind. The benefits far outweigh any drawbacks.”

“That’s great. I can tell how dedicated you are from the change in your tone. There’s nothing wrong with loving your job and being good at it.” A teacher, huh? She can teach me anything she wants, anytime she pleases. “Do you take summers off?”

“I do. One perk of the job. I have one passion outside of my job, a charity organization I run every summer.”

“I’m not trying to pry, but it’s October. Don’t you have a class to teach now?”

“That’s not prying. There were cuts in my district and they combined classes. I moved to a different school system a few days before this trip. My job there doesn’t start for a couple more weeks, though. I’m replacing a teacher who’s going out on maternity leave soon. She doesn’t plan to return after the baby’s born. What about your job? You mentioned once about developing software. Do you like it?”

“It’s not as interesting as molding and shaping young minds all day, but I enjoy creating new toys for others to play with. It pays the bills.” I realize I’m playing down the significance of my company, but my financial situation isn’t something I share with many people. One mention of the name of the company I own will give it all away.

“I’m impressed. It’s fascinating to me. Most users never get to see how programs run behind the scenes, and you’re the one who codes them to make them work.” She takes the last sip from her glass.

“Want another one?”

“No, thank you. That’s my limit for tonight. I’m looking forward to our trek in the mountains tomorrow. But you should know that Tracy will watch for my return. She’s a force to be reckoned with, so don’t think you’ll get away with dumping my body in a ravine and leaving me there.”

“I’ve already told you once, if you fall, I fall with you. I believe I proved that to you during our outing at the cabana.” I reach over and cover her hand with mine,

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