skies, threatening to release harder downpours at any time. Nothing could rival the storm swirling inside me, though.

“I want to apologize to her. She’s Isa’s teacher, so we’re stuck with each other at least until next summer.”

“You’re not fooling me, man. And I must be desperate to call you for relationship advice.” I can see Kevin shaking his head in disgust, with both of us.

“What’s going on with you and Tracy?”

“Never mind. I’ve changed my mind and don’t want to talk about it with you. I’m hanging up now. Drive home. Keep things professional between you and Daisy. Don’t screw it up more than you already have.”

He disconnects, but we both know I’m not taking his advice. I’m here, she’s here, and the conversation I’ve imagined is rooted in my head. We need to talk it out and move away from the mistakes of the past.

My mistakes.

When they finally emerge from the restaurant, I’m relieved to see them going in different directions toward their vehicles, walking fast with their heads down to keep the driving rain out of their eyes.

Nothing says, “you’re in the friend zone,” like going on a date in separate cars.

Cam reaches his first and drives away as I jump out of mine with an umbrella in hand. Daisy looks shocked to see me, but steps under the offered cover, regardless. The fact that he left her to walk through the parking lot alone, in the rain no less, thoroughly pisses me off.

“What are you still doing here, Rod?”

“Where did you park, in the lot across the street?” I chuckle but keep pace with her.

“At the end of this row. All the closer ones were taken when I got here. You didn’t answer me.”

“I’m still here because there’s something we need to talk about, and we need to be alone.”

“Is it about Isabelle or your sister?” She stops walking and looks up at me, her eyes and face expressionless.

“No, it’s not about either of them. It seems Kevin and Tracy are having problems. I know he’s crazy about her. What can we do to help the situation?” I’m grasping at straws, but I have to keep her talking.

She narrows her eyes, rightfully suspicious, but she loves her friend too much not to take the bait.

“The only thing we can do—be there as their moral support and cheerleaders when it all goes down.”

When what goes down? I should’ve made Kevin tell me what’s bothering him when I had the chance.

“Obviously. But there has to be something else we can do.”

She crosses her arms over her chest and glares at me. She knows. “You have no idea what the problem between them is, do you? What is this really about, Rod? I don’t have time for your lies and games.”

Time to man-up.

“It’s about you and me.”

“Let me stop you right there and save us both some time. First, there is no you and me to talk about. Second, there won’t be a you and me ever again. Third, you and I only had a vacation fling, nothing more, and vacation is over now. We’re back home, living our lives in the actual world. You don’t do relationships and I don’t do late-night booty calls. I’m Isa’s teacher. That’s the extent of our involvement.

“And, for the record, if Kevin is your best friend, you should already know what he’s facing and be prepared to support him. If the roles were reversed, he would’ve already been giving you advice and asking how he could help you.” She steps out from under the umbrella and continues on her way.

“Daisy, I miss you. I’m sorry for what I did to you at the water park. I’m sorry I was such a dick and hurt you when you absolutely didn’t deserve that. I’m asking for a second chance. What we felt was not just an island fling. It was real and you know it. You still feel it too. Don’t walk away now. We can move past this hurdle together.”

Her steps halt and she stands stock still for several heartbeats, the rain drenching her hair and clothes, but she doesn’t seem to notice. She slowly turns to face me again. I’m convinced the anger in her eyes would burn holes through me if I were any closer.

“You’re what? You’re sorry? If you think an apology makes it go away, you’re fucking crazy. I opened up to you, Rod. I trusted you in ways I’ve never trusted a man before, and never will again. What you did to me can’t be fixed with a simple apology and thinking I should just let it go. When you say ‘move past it,’ it’s essentially the same as telling me to get over it. You don’t get to belittle how you made me feel or pretend it never happened. You did this, Rod. You move past it. You let it go. You get over it. Without. Me.”

She turns on her heels and jogs the rest of the way to her car, leaving me standing in the middle of the aisle. The open umbrella hangs loosely at my side while the rain soaks through my clothes until my skin is drenched too. But it’s not the cold from the temperature outside that leaves me chilled to the bone.

I have to face the harsh facts, regardless of how much it hurts to admit. Not only am I a shitty boyfriend, I’m also a terrible friend to the best man I know.

The first thing I do when I’m in my car is call Kevin back.

“What?” His greeting isn’t exactly inviting, but I can’t blame him for not wanting to hear from me.

“Talk to me, man. Tell me what’s going on so I can help. Whatever you need from me, you’ve got it. I’m sorry I’ve been MIA lately.”

He sighs heavily into the phone. “It’s okay, Rod. You have enough going on with Juliana and Isa as it is. Honestly, I forgot about that momentarily when I called you before because I’m so wrapped up in

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