
“I know you didn’t. Like I told Tracy, it’s fine. It’s Christmas, there will be plenty of people there to mingle with, and it’ll be good for Juliana and Isabelle to get away for a while.”

“I’m already imposing as it is, but I have a request regarding the travel arrangements. It’s for Juliana’s safety.” He appears humble, but with her current health status, I have no objection to playing it safe.

“No problem. What do you have in mind?”

“We can take my company’s jet. That way, Juliana doesn’t have to be around a bunch of people and all their germs. Plus, we can stash the presents in the cargo hold so the kids don’t see them.”

“That’s actually a brilliant idea. Landen’s gifts are already at my parents’ house, but he’ll appreciate having them in the jet on the ride home. I’m sure Isa will too, and the kids will keep each other entertained. Sounds like a plan to me.”

“Great. I’ll arrange everything. I’ve already talked to the doctor’s office about a home health care nurse accompanying us, just in case. Juliana will definitely fight me over that one, but she has to be reasonable. She hasn’t gained enough of her strength back yet, so someone has to keep a close watch on her overall health status.”

“If you point out she has to do whatever it takes to stick around for Isa, you won’t have to fight her very much on it. She’ll agree to it for her.” I give him a reassuring smile but keep my distance. Getting too close to Rod is not a mistake I’ll make again anytime soon. “Tell Jules to call me if she needs help with Isa between now and when we leave for Florida.”

“Thanks, Daisy.” He looks like he’s about to say something else, so I leave before he has a chance. I don’t need another gratitude-induced encounter. Those never end well for me.

On the way home, my phone rings, and I automatically assume it’s Juliana, since I didn’t get to say goodbye before I left.


“Hi, Daisy. It’s Cam. I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner tonight. It’s short notice, I know, but I’m hoping you don’t have plans already.”

My mind tells me to thank him and make up an excuse for why I can’t go. “Sure, that would be great. I’m on my way home now from a friend’s house and I’m starving.”

“If it’s okay, I can pick you up in about an hour.”

“That’s perfect. I’ll see you then.”

We disconnect as I pull into my driveway, and I sit in the car alone, asking myself what I’m doing. Dating isn’t in my playbook, now or in the future. After the continued fiasco with Rod, it’s the last thing that should be on my mind. But Cam feels safe with his lack of angsty drama and complete transparency. Plus, I don’t have to question if he actually wants to spend time with me or if I’m just a warm body he’s with for the time being.

After I call Landen, change clothes, and freshen my makeup, my doorbell rings. A quick glance at my watch tells me Cam is right on time. He’s dependable, consistent, and responsible. If I’m going to subject myself to the horrors of dating, that’s exactly what I need, not someone who constantly makes me feel I’m losing control.

When I open the door, I burst out laughing before I can catch myself. Cam, such a handsome man, is wearing the ugliest Christmas sweater I’ve ever seen. It’s a green sweatshirt with large white snowflakes, ropes of lighted garland, and red baubles. The gigantic smile on his face is a dead giveaway wearing it was a conscious decision.

“Aren’t you festive?” I finally find my voice after my laughing fit.

“Well, ‘tis the season and all. You look beautiful, as always.” He extends his elbow. “Are you ready to go?”

I grab my bag and keys off the table and nod. “Where are we going?”

Before we leave, he checks to make sure my door latched and locked. “Can’t be too careful.”

I know that fact all too well.

Over dinner, we spend hours just chatting and laughing, getting to know each other better on a more personal level as each minute passes. We share a lot of the same interests, are passionate about similar causes, and have compatible personalities. Before I know it, the restaurant is nearly empty as we approach closing time. Cam and I have been at this same table all night.

“Our poor waitress. She hasn’t been able to get rid of us.” I dig into my bag and double the generous tip Cam left on the table to make up for what she would’ve earned if we’d left earlier.

The ride back to my house is as friendly and chatty as dinner. Cam walks me to my door, and after an awkward moment of hesitation, he leans in to place a soft kiss on my lips. So soft, it’s barely perceptible, and I question if I closed my eyes for nothing.

“Good night, Daisy. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Good night, Cam.”

As he slides into the front seat of his car, I quickly make my way inside, then lean my back against the door. After a few times of intentionally banging my head against it, I release a long held breath.

I’m almost positive he kissed me, just a peck, nothing more than a male relative would do, and I felt nothing.

Less than nothing, in fact.

One touch from Rod and my entire body lights up like the night sky on the Fourth of July.

It’s not fair. I don’t want Rod to be the one who sends chills down my spine and keeps me awake at night, longing for his touch. Rod shouldn’t get to be the one who captures my heart and mind, ruining me for any other man.

I stomp toward my bedroom, mad at Rod and myself for this predicament. When I dig my cell out of my bag, I realize I didn’t even glance at

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