“Nicola, wake up,” he whispered. “Nico.”
“What?” Nicola said without opening his eyes. “What the hell do you want this early in the morning? You know I’m still mad at you for that shit you did last night.”
“You know, you really aren’t a morning person,” Santo said watching the slits of his brother’s eyes finally open, his coal black eyebrows arched in frustration.
“I’m just in a bad mood. Can’t you tell?” Nicola shifted slightly.
“Well, that’s been going on for thirty years.” Santo sighed. “Look, I told you that I was sorry about last night, but you did tell me that you weren’t going home with a woman.”
“Yeah. Did you wake me up to tell me this or what?”
“No. Actually, you have a visitor.” Santo sat down on the bed.
“Ivy?” Nicola sat up quickly.
“Close but not cigar. It’s Grey.” Santo tried to repress his smile and the overwhelming need to laugh.
“What the hell does he want?” Nicola laid his head back on his pillow and rubbed his aching temples.
“To talk to you. Evidently. Hey, maybe he wants to duke it you with you? Maybe he knows about last night?” Santo chuckled.
“You are really enjoying this aren’t you?” Nicola asked looking over at Santo excited as a five-year old boy on Christmas morning.
“I’m just watching in total fucking awe,” Santo said yawning. “Man, I miss being a bachelor.”
“Oh, it’s just great,” Nicola said sarcastically as he threw his pillow at this brother.
Still half asleep Nicola walked into the living room unsure of what Grey wanted to say. Did he know about Ivy’s little trip to his house last night? Did he know what they had nearly done? Going straight to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee, Nicola looked at Grey for a moment before speaking.
“What’s wrong,” Nicola finally said coming to conclusion that there had been an accident.
“Nothing. Look I know that it’s early, but I need to talk to you.”
“Sure. Would you like some coffee?” he asked holding up the pot.
“No thanks.”
“Well, I’m gonna have some. Come on in and have a seat,” Nicola said pointing at the kitchen table.
“Thanks.” Grey walked over and sat down at the table.
“You look a lot better than last night,” Nicola said retrieving a cup from his cabinet.
“I feel a lot better, too. Actually last night is the reason that I’m here. I wanted to thank you for what you did. I know that you and I haven’t been on good terms from day one, but we both know that under other circumstances we wouldn’t have had any problem with each other.”
“Yeah, I know,” Nicola said pouring the coffee. What was he getting at?
“But what you did last night was really…commendable.” Grey searched for the proper thing to say. “And I appreciate it.”
“No problem, man. I’ve been there,” Nicola said sitting down at the table. This guy came all the way over here to tell me this, Nicola thought inwardly.
“Yeah, well it seems like lately I’m always there.” There was a brief silence.
“So, is that it? Nothing else?” Nicola waited for an explosion.
“One more thing. I want to invite you, Rachel and your brother and what ever other family you have here to the wedding and festivities. I want to go into this marriage with good blood between us. It’ll be good for all of our families. Good for the children. So, what do you say?” Grey paused.
Nicola felt short of breath and set down his coffee. As he looked away, he could see Santo out of the corner of his eye standing in the living room stupefied, mirroring the same look of bafflement that he had on his face. So, there is a catch, Nicola thought.
“Look, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Nicola said stretching. He didn’t want to mislead Grey, as easy as it was to do. He knew that he still had feelings for Ivy even if she had rejected him. Plus, this was asking too much of any sane man.
“Well, we’ve all moved on. This is the way to put it all behind us. Enough with the bad blood. I want to end this war, including that crap about Trina. It was weak of me to threaten you with that. I was just in a difficult place, pinned in a corner really.” Grey reasoned with Nicola without pleading, trying to be the bigger man.
“What about Ivy? Does she feel the same way?” Nicola thought of their fight the night before.
“I wouldn’t be here if she didn’t” Grey said lying. “In fact, it was sort of her idea as well… a united front. She just wants to be happy, you know. And nothing would make her happier than having you and your family at the wedding to close this chapter of our lives.” He crossed his legs as he tried to close the deal.
“I see,” Nicola said pouring his coffee. Thinking back to the night before, it all made sense to him now. Ivy wanted him to see for himself that she was moving on and leaving whatever they had behind. “Well, if that is what she wants, then I’ll do it.” I’ll show her.
“Great,” Grey said feeling accomplished. “Well, I’ll send over a schedule of the activities and your invitations.”
“Alright.” Nicola peered at him untrustingly.
“Okay. Well, I had better go.” Grey stood up and straightened his suit.
“Yeah,” Nicola said standing up as well.
“Nice meeting you, Santo.” Grey said before he headed out of the door.
“Likewise, Grey,” Santo said smiling at Nicola.
As Grey closed the door behind him, Nicola sat back down in the chair and sighed. “Ain’t that something,” Nicola