“After last night, maybe she felt guilty.” Santo reasoned. “Man, could you imagine the chaos this morning if I hadn’t disturbed you and Ivy, and Grey showed up this morning. He would have…hell, I don’t know what the man might have done if he pulled up and saw his fiancée’s car in the driveway at the crack of dawn.”
“Everything happens for a reason.” Nicola wiped his tired eyes. “I’m just ready for it all to be over, man.”
“Even still, are you sure that you just want to hand her over to Grey?”
“Hand Ivy over?” Nicola chuckled. “Ivy’s the one with all the control. Besides that she’s pissed at me for not telling her about you.”
“Women get over being pissed. Believe me, I know. I’ve been married for ten years to a woman with constant irrational mood swings.” Santo yawned.
“Look at us. We aren’t kids anymore. And I’m tired of the rat race. I want a real relationship, Santo. I want what you have, what my father has. I want to joke at the possibility of cheating on my wife, but not mean it.” He sipped his coffee. “The strip clubs, the random women and the games don’t do it for me anymore. I’ve done it long enough…too long. But now that I’ve changed who I am inside, it’s like I still can’t find happiness.”
Santo ignored Nicola’s sincere pleas in his hung-over state. “I wish that I had a little…variety. You’ve got a legal whorehouse of beautiful women at your discretion. You’ve got Ivy, who is hot. I didn’t believe how hot until I saw here, but…wow. Then, I’m sure that Rachel is just as beautiful. What else could a man want?”
“Peace,” Nicola said softly. “Peace.”
It was as though Grey had slapped Ivy with a wet rag across her face when he told her the news of the Agosto family’s attendance to her wedding festivities. She stood holding one of the babies and trying to grasp a breath for her own to reply. Blinking every once in a while she watched him explain his reasoning. She couldn’t raise her voice because they were at his parent’s house, hardly the place for a harsh word against Mrs. Henderson’s wonderful youngest son. But she thought the words in her mind. Clinching her teeth as a guest walked between them through the hall, she finally spoke.
“Why would you invite this man to our wedding?” she asked as she realized that the baby was sucking on an empty bottle. “What is going on in your head?” She removed the bottle abruptly and shoved it into the Grey’s chest.
“This wedding is a perfect opportunity to squash this quarrel between us.” Grey looked around to make sure that no one could hear them. “You know what…let’s go into the study.”
“So people won’t here me scream at you.” Her eyes narrowed.
“So people won’t be in our business.” He ushered her in to the room quietly.
Walking into the dim study that hid itself away from the afternoon sun with its dark heavy burgundy velvet drapes, Grey closed the door behind him. He leaned against the doors and propped his foot up leisurely. Placing his perfectly manicured hands on her bare shoulders and looked her in her eyes.
“I think that it’s a good decision. Will you just back me on this?” he said almost in a clear crisp whisper. “To change our minds now, after inviting him, would show great signs of weakness.”
“What would make you think that it’s a good decision?” she asked in an equally low tone searching his eyes for just one clue. Had the man gone insane? Did he know about last night?
“People need to see that we have an understanding and that you and I are going into this marriage without outside interference.”
“Was this one your father’s political schemes?” she said looking around the room.
“Of course not. This was all my idea.” He spoke proudly of his decision. “The family doesn’t even know yet, but I’m sure that everyone will love it. I wish you would see how this new position places us in the public eye. Right now, we are a laughing stock. Everyone knows about the baby and Nicola, but if we use this to make a statement, there will be nothing to laugh at and no one to talk about.” His voice became firm as he looked across the room at the portrait of his family. “I make a formal statement of intention to run for Congress the day after we marry. This union will secure my seat. People need to know that I have my home in order.”
“So this is about your campaign?”
Grey’s voice rose. “No, this is about my entire life.” He saw that his tone startled her. Calming down, he began again. “I love you, but you made a stupid decision with this guy, and everyone that has worked so hard to get me…us here shouldn’t have to take the fall for it.” He walked across the room to gain distance as he became agitated. “Ivy, you have to see how this looks.”
“I do,” she finally said feeling lowly, unaware that this was Grey’s design for her.
“Then you agree with me that we need to take some action together.” He said preparing to close the deal.
“If you feel like we should…” her voice trembled as she tried to keep from crying.
“Good.” He turned and smiled at her. “I knew that I could count on you for this.”
Chapter Thirty-Three: Decisions
Chapter 33
“They’ve all lost their minds,” Sadie said to Madison who drove silently up to the entrance of the Peabody Hotel.
“I couldn’t agree with you more Sadie, but we have to think of Ivy.” Madison kept his opinion brief in hopes of neutralizing the volatile situation.
“I thought we