“Well, it’s obvious that he loves her, too. He’s just doing what’s best for his children.” He placed his free hand over Sadie’s. “Try to put your feelings to the side for her sake. I know, with you, it’s not easy. But just for tonight…”
“You would walk through hot coals for that girl,” Sadie said as the valet opened her door.
“And you wouldn’t?” Madison said giving an exhausted sigh.
“Not when there is a better option for the both of us,” Sadie concluded her rant with a roll of her eyes and got out of the car.
After Grey told his father of his plans to make peace with Nicola, they decided to have a formal gathering at the Peabody Hotel to bring the Henderson, Winters and Agosto family together for dinner. The Agosto family accepted to support Nicola and meet the opposing team. And no one in the Winters’ family took the news well, but accepted it, as they had to support Ivy during her time of desperate need.
Emerald tried to back out of the dinner at first, but Trina’s persistence made him change his mind. They had arrived just moments before Sade and Madison and had been escorted to the small dining hall where everyone was waiting. With a bit of a tug and a few hard stares, Trina had gotten Emerald to be sociable while in public. He, however, still had a great deal of hate towards his soon-to-be brother-in-law and a lot of anger towards Ivy for taking him back.
“You know, regardless of how you feel about Grey, you need to be on your best behavior tonight,” Trina whispered softly in Emerald’s ear.
“I am already being as nice as possible,” Emerald said smiling. “It’s bordering on ass-kissing.”
“Just remember that this was Grey’s idea and not his whole family’s”
“That’s what Ivy told you, but you don’t actually believe her. Do you?”
“Yes, I do. Ivy is my best friend. She wouldn’t lie to me.” Trina rubbed her stomach.
“Are you alright?” He held her arm gently realizing that he had upset her.
“I’m fine,” she said looking sternly at him. “Just please, behave tonight for her sake. Believe it or not, she’s been through a lot.”
“Alright,” Emerald said giving in to his new wife’s pleas.
Mayor & Mrs. Henderson stood outside of the ballroom with the Shelby County Mayor, Maynard Werner discussing the upcoming NAACP gala that was supposed to the opportunity for Senator Henderson to formally endorse Grey for the seat in the House of Representatives. It had been perfectly strategized for nearly a year by his local heavy monetary supporters and backed by all of the top democrats in the region. Senator Henderson had a proven track record and his support of Grey would push him into the seat with little opposition.
To Mayor Henderson, this wedding was a perfect time to get his name back in the newspapers and get his son out of the strip clubs. To Mrs. Henderson, however, this wedding was the worst thing that could have ever happened to her youngest child, and she had made occasion to tell him so several times. Clearly marriage would prove to the public that he was a stable figure, but his choice was key. Ivy Winters wasn’t exactly the woman that she had in mind for Grey. There were hundreds of other women his age more socially recognized with more under their belt and more to offer the family. She just never thought that the two would make it this far, especially after Ivy’s latest stunt.
Now, she had to reshape Ivy and make her more presentable after she was officially a Henderson. Image was very important in this next election, and she had worked too hard on her family to allow them to just wither into another has-been political pillar in the Memphis community. Her mother had been married into politics along with her mother’s mother and God willing, Ivy would contribute yet another daughter to the cause.
Ivy and Grey stepped out of his BMW and walked into the hotel side-by-side smiling at the relatively familiar faces that had longed discussed their relationship and their recent problems. To Ivy this night was more important than her wedding night, because she would meet Nicola’s entire family. Plus, she would have to face Rachel again and this time pretend to be happy to see her. Quietly, she entered the elevator on Grey’s arm, trembling inside but giving a gilded bright smile to soothe her family and friends.
Grey hadn’t spoken much the entire ride. From time to time, he had started a conversation with Ivy but had failed to maintain long interaction. He too needed time to meditate. If his planned worked, he would be rid of Nicola for good after this wedding and on with preparing for the House of Representatives. If his planned failed, he could cost his family everything.
All eyes were on the Ivy and Grey, who cosmetically were a perfect pair. However, the anticipated arrival was that of the Agosto family. Grey had asked them to arrive early in order to be able to introduce them to everyone before the dinner began, but in actuality he wanted he and Ivy to make the last grand entrance. His plan had not unraveled with perfect execution. Nicola and his family were running late.
Looking around anxiously, Grey saw the small room packed with the entire Henderson family, the entire Winters family and not one sign of his experiment. As he escorted Ivy to his seat, he stepped over the side and spoke with his father.
“Any sign