“Walking through the door right now,” Mayor Henderson said looking away from his wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Agosto walked in first arm in arm in classic black suits, hesitantly awaiting the families that had suffocated their son for nine months. Santo entered alone in a simple black tailor-made Gucci suit and at last Nicola entered with Rachel on his arm, both gracing the small audience’s presence in simple but elegant black attire.
“Are they in mourning?” Mrs. Henderson asked smugly.
“This is an absolute farce,” Sadie said under her breath.
“What is it that they do, exactly?” Mayor Henderson asked Madison.
“They own a conglomerate of very successful businesses from what Ivy tells me…a freight line, a law office, commercial real-estate and some other stuff,” Madison said rubbing it in to his uptight counterparts.
“I didn’t realize that Nicola’s family was wealthy,” Mrs. Henderson said with his eyes wide. Were they democrats?
“I’m sure that was Nicola’s idea not to mention it. He’s quite modest,” Sadie said as Mrs. Agosto approached. She was already growing tired of the Henderson’s family relentless pursuit of riches and power. “You must be Liz, I’m Sadie.”
“Oh, I’ve heard wonderful things about you,” Liz said instantly liking Sadie’s cool demeanor. They embraced each other for a moment, while Madison and Adamo shook hands and then turned to Mrs. Henderson.
“Allow me to introduce you to Grey’s mother and father, Mayor and Mrs. Henderson,” Sade said stepping away.
“Please allow me,” Grey said walking over calmly. “Mrs. Agosto, I’m Grey Henderson.”
“Oh,” Mrs. Agosto said smiling. “Well it is very nice to finally put a face with a name.” Adamo said carefully guarding his words for Nicola’s sake. To him all of this was the most chaotic display he had ever seen, but his son had explained to him that this was closure and after seeing his grandsons for the first time, he too would do whatever it took to keep them close to him.
Ivy had not taken her eyes off Nicola the entire, while he stood with Rachel whispering in her ear and laughing behind his family. All she could see was him only a few days before crying over her, pleading with her. What if Santo had not come in that night? Would she be here tonight? Would he? She felt Trina nudge her several times before she turned her attention to her father, who walked over from the large crowd and touched her shoulder.
“Are you alright, little sis?” Madison asked concerned.
“No, Madison,” Ivy said smiling softly. “But I will be as soon as all of this is over.”
“You don’t have to go through this,” he said looking Grey. “There are better men out there.”
“I know,” she said looking back at Nicola. “But I want him.” She wasn’t even sure which one she meant.
“Then support him,” Madison eyes narrowed unsure of her true desires. “Go over and properly welcome your other guests. Allow them to see how much of diamond you truly are,” he said rubbing through her hair.
Understanding her father’s request, Ivy smiled and stood up obediently. He was right. She had to shine for her own sake. Throwing her hair off of her shoulder and remembering her old charms, she walked gracefully over to Nicola’s family and hugged his father first, breaking Nicola’s attention. Then she hugged his mother, warming his heart. Then she kissed Santo, drawing out his fire further. Nicola stood stiff as a board watching her, wanting her.
After Ivy had gained all the momentum that she needed, she swayed in one beautiful motion over to the happy couple feeling Nicola watch her every move. He looked at her ample breast sway in her fitted soft pink chiffon Chanel dress that stopped modestly at her calves and her matching pink strappy sandals that displayed her manicured feet. Her bare caramel toned arms were decorated with only the princess cut diamond solitaire engagement ring that Grey had given her. Her hair was pulled carefully to the back in feather curls bringing great attention to her beautiful bone structure, her soft, delicate chin, her glittering brown eyes, her full rose glossed lips, and her long swan like neck. Her eyes spoke for her as she looked up in the same hooded look that Nicola had given her the first time nearly a year ago causing his heart to stop, and then she gave a wide suggestive smile.
“Rachel, how good to see you,” Ivy said offering her long dainty left hand so that Rachel could better analyze her engagement ring and perfectly manicured hands.
“Great to see you, too. You look…marvelous,” Rachel said feeling underdressed and over accessorized.
“Thank you,” Ivy said turning her attention to Nicola. “And Nicola, it’s so nice of you to bring everyone.” Her eyes burned through him. “We’re really glad that you came.”
Nicola cleared his throat as he finally realized what she was doing. “Thanks,” he said softly. “Like Rachel said, you look great.” He averted his eyes to hers after a moment.
“Thank you. Well, allow me to show you to your seats before we get started.” She looked over at Grey who watched carefully and smiled. “We’ve got you right here by Emerald and Trina.”
“Nicola, how are you doing?” Emerald said standing up from the table.
“Fine,” Nicola said shaking his hand. “This is my friend, Rachel Danning.”
As the dinner began, Ivy relaxed back down in her seat and smile at Trina who watched confused along with Emerald who watched pissed that she was pleased with her little circus show.
If I could just get through tonight, Ivy thought to herself as she picked up her fork and stabbed her Caesar salad. Tonight may have had hope if Nicola wasn’t here to remind her of the past. She would have enjoyed everyone being here together before she and Grey were married to celebrate. Would have.