Brett is sitting in his father’s chair looking at the computer on the desk in front of him. He glances up at me as I step in.
I feel my heart sink. He is as cold and distant as he’s ever been, but beneath that cool professional exterior, I can see he’s pissed off with me. Great. He looks like a totally different person to the guy I had sex with in my kitchen on Friday night. A different person to the one who laughed with me at the party before we went back to my apartment and ruined everything. He even looks more distant than he did before the party, and I really didn’t think that was possible.
This is all I need.
“Sit down please,” Brett says.
I stand just inside of the door fidgeting my fingers together in front of me. I move towards his desk and take a seat, keeping my hands away from each other. Whatever this is, I don’t want to look nervous. It will make it look like I have something to hide and I haven’t. “What can I do for you?” I ask brightly, hoping his anger isn’t at me and we can just get down to business.
“You can start by telling me why you thought it was appropriate to call in sick today,” he says, dismissing any notion of this just being pushed under the rug. “I really thought better of you after my father’s recommendation of you, and I didn’t expect you to be the type of person who pretends to be ill to get out of work.”
If only it was as simple as me wanting to get out of work. That I could have easily ignored and came in anyway. “That’s quite some accusation,” I say. “And for the record, it’s a baseless accusation. I wasn’t lying. I have come in because you said you needed me. I still feel under the weather and I would appreciate it if we could get to the point, because clearly there’s something important you want to discuss with me to ask me to come in when I’m not feeling very well.” My voice comes out steady, my tone cool and professional and I surprise myself. I was half expecting my voice to break and give away how utterly nervous I am.
Brett raises an eyebrow at my little lecture, but he doesn’t lose his composure for even a second. “I asked you to come in because it’s your job to be here Opal. I am a little disappointed that you’re being so immature about this. Yes, we fucked a couple of nights ago, but that shouldn’t be affecting your work.”
I just stare at him, my jaw hanging open. I can’t believe he just said that. I don’t know whether to be angry, sad or amused by his bluntness. My body decides for me and a little laugh squeezes out of my throat. I try to cover it with a cough, but I’m too late.
Brett glares at me. “Is something funny?”
“Just your assumption that me being ill is anything to do with what happened between us.”
He waves away my words and shakes his head. “It clearly has everything to do with it Opal. If you think I can’t see that, then you’re either deluding yourself, or you’re hugely underestimating me. What happened between us was a mistake. I should never have allowed myself to get caught up in the moment like that, and for that I apologize. It won’t ever happen again.”
I open my mouth to respond, but Brett just keeps on talking like I’m not really there, “Now that’s out of the way, let’s move on shall we? I do have a business matter to discuss with you. I have a meeting with Brice Newcomb later on today. I know you said his company is in the IT sector, but can you elaborate on that? I’d like to know the ins and outs of his business before I put together a package for him.”
I’m still reeling at how this worked out. First Brett scolded me like I was some silly school girl and now, he’s back to work talk like it’s normal to talk to an employee that way? I can’t believe how easily he just brought up what happened between us, and then just dismissed it equally as easily. I mean what the actual fuck is that all about?
I manage to hold my emotions in check though and I give him the run down on Brice Newcomb’s business, including the bits I know he won’t find on any official documentation.
“Thank you.” Brett nods when I’m finished talking. He has been taking notes.
At least I know he’s serious about the business. My anger has mostly fizzled out now and I just want to get through today and then have things go back to the way they were between us before any of this happened.
Brett peers at me as though he’s studying my face, looking for something there.
“What?” I ask, reaching up to touch my mouth, self conscious that I have something on my face or something.
“Nothing,” he says. “I was just thinking you do look a little pale, and if you need to go home, then just go.”
Somehow, that is the final insult and I feel my temper flaring up again. If that is his idea of an apology for accusing me of lying to get out of work and acting unprofessionally, then he’s in for a shock, because it doesn’t even come close to making me want to forgive him. “It’s fine,” I snap. “I’m sure I can make it to the toilet in time if I need to. Is there anything else you need?”
Brett shakes his head, watching me with amusement again.
God, he’s so fucking arrogant. I can’t believe I ever found him attractive. He’s just a massive douche bag. I get up and