The rest of the week passes swiftly, with virtually no hiccups. Brett managed to secure two of the three potential clients from the party and he also brought in a couple of new prospects that he had been talking to of his own accord, so we were both damned busy all week, which I think helped.
I have spent the week acting like the perfect personal assistant and not letting Brett get under my skin for even a second. More than once, I caught him watching me when he thought I wasn’t looking, and I just have to hope he didn’t catch me doing the exact same thing.
By the time I reached my desk this morning, I almost convinced myself I was over Brett, that I no longer even found him attractive. It is a lie of course, but I thought maybe if I tell myself enough, I will start to believe it.
It’s funny to think that this time last week, I was a tongue tied wreck around Brett. I guess a week can make a big difference.
I glance at my watch. It’s half past one and I know I need to leave the office now if I’m to make it to Mr. Connell’s place at two. He called this morning, saying it had been just over a week since Brett took over running the business and he would like to have a meeting with the both of us to see how everything was going. I tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldn’t hear of it. So he eventually convinced me by reminding me it was Friday and I would get an early finish this way as I could go home after the meeting. The meeting is being held at Mr. Connell’s home as he’s out of the hospital now.
Pick up the pile of files I have already gathered together and copied, I know Mr. Connell will want them left at his place so he can familiarize himself with the new accounts. I’ve also made myself a couple of pages of notes in case Mr. Connell has any questions about the new clients. I stuff those into my purse and sling it over my shoulder.
Brett has already left, telling me he had a lunch appointment and would meet me there. I pointed out there was nothing in his diary about a lunch appointment and he told me the appointment was to have lunch with his mom. It means he’d already be at the house when I arrive, giving me another reason to make damned sure I’m not late for this.
I wonder fleetingly if they’ll have already discussed the important points before I get there, but I dismiss the idea. Neither of the men would think twice about just telling me I wasn’t needed and risking hurting my feelings. If Mr. Connell wants me there, it’s for a reason.
I call a cab as I go down in the elevator. I go to the street to wait for a taxi and it’s there within five minutes. I give the driver Mr. Connell’s address and sit back in the seat to look out of the window. I’m not nervous about this meeting. I know our existing clients and the new accounts inside and out. So there’s nothing Mr. Connell can ask me that I won’t be able to answer. And I have my notes just in case my mind goes blank or anything.
I pay for the cab when we pull up outside of Mr. Connell’s large house and get out. I ring the door bell and wait.
Mrs. Connell answers the door, dressed in turquoise leggings and a white flowy tunic style blouse.
I wait for the glaring and the lectures.
Instead, she smiles at me as she pulls the door open further. “Come on in Opal.”
I step inside.
Mrs. Connell closes the front door and turns to me, looking suddenly awkward. “I wanted to apologize to you Opal. I was rude to you at the hospital and I’m sorry,” she says.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine.” I smile. “I know you were worried about Mr. Connell.”
“I swear that man will be the death of me.” She nods, looking relieved that I’ve accepted her apology without making a big deal out of it. She points down the hallway. “They’re in my husband’s study. Third door on the right.”
“Thank you.” I follow her directions and knock on the closed door.
“Yes,” Mr. Connell barks.
I push the door open and poke my head around it.
Mr. Connell smiles when he sees me. “Come in, come in, Don’t be shy Opal.”
I step all of the way into the room and close the door quietly.
Mr. Connell is still smiling at me, but it’s a strained smile and Brett doesn’t even look up at me. He sits looking out of the window, his face a mask of anger.
Instantly, I can feel the tension between the two of them and I half wish I would have invited myself along for the lunch to save this from happening.
I approach the recliner where Mr. Connell sits.
Brett sits beside him in a normal armchair and there’s another one there for me.
Mr. Connell waves towards the seat.
A horrible thought occurs to me then as I take my seat. What if the tension in the room is because Brett has told his father about what we did and told him he can’t work with me anymore? Am I about to be fired? I dismiss the thought as quickly as it came, reminding myself once more that Brett isn’t going to discuss his sex life with his father. He might have told him there’s a bit of tension between us, but if that’s the case, then that’s not exactly grounds for