you’ve switched your phone back on at last.” He sounds triumphant, like he’s won some sort of prize.

I sigh. I really don’t need this right now. “Gary when someone changes their phone number and doesn’t give you their new one, there’s usually a reason for that,” I say.

“Yes, I know,” he agrees. “And I know why you did it. You wanted me to prove my love for you by finding it for myself.”

“What? No. Not even close. Gary this is crazy. Just … just stop calling me and stay out of my life,” I snap.

“I just wanted to ask you something real quick,” Gary says, ignoring my anger.

“What?” I figure it might be quicker just to answer him than it will be to ignore him and have him keep bothering me. I’m still making my way across the lobby as I talk and I turn right as I leave the building, heading for the car park. I might still be able to catch up with Brett yet.

“Who were you with on Friday night when I called you? And don’t lie to me Opal. I could hear a man’s voice,” Gary says.

“It’s none of your damned business,” I snap. I should have just hung up. I should have known his question would be something ridiculous.

“Of course, it’s my business. You’re my girl Opal and I don’t like the idea of you with other men and making a fool of me. I’m willing to let it go this once, but just keep in mind that we haven’t broken up. We’re only on a break.”

“Oh my God Gary, listen to yourself. We’re not a break. It’s been weeks. We have broken up.”

“No we haven’t,” he insists.

He’s crazy and I know I can’t reason with crazy. “Just stay out of my life,” I say, ending the call and dropping my phone back into my purse.

It starts ringing again almost immediately, but I ignore it. I have reached the car park and I look around quickly, trying to spot Brett. I can’t see him anywhere. A silver car drives past me heading out of the car park and into the street and I curse when I see that Brett is driving the car.

Thanks Gary, thanks a fucking bunch.

Almost before I’ve even sat down at my desk the next day, I am summoned to Brett’s office. I already know what it’s going to be about, and I have already decided how I am going to handle it. I’m not letting him push me around and transfer me somewhere.

It’s all right him saying it’s temporary, but how will I explain it to Mr. Connell? I’m sure Brett would come up with some explanation for it that doesn’t make me look too bad, but whatever he says, Mr. Connell is going to think that either I’m not as good at my job as he thought I was, or that I don’t play nicely with others, and neither of those options bode well for me at the company.

Plus, I don’t see why I should be the one made to move. I wasn’t the only one fucking on the kitchen counter. Why should I be punished for something Brett and I both did?

I have also decided that I’m not going to give him a piece of my mind after all. I won’t give him the satisfaction of thinking he has that kind of power over me. Screw that. I get up and go to Brett’s office, only entering once he calls for me to come in. He smiles at me coolly and tells me to sit down, which I do.

“I just wondered if you’ve given any thought to my suggestion of a temporary transfer,” Brett says.

Crap, he’s still so damned hot. I try to avoid looking at his eyes, and I end up looking at his mouth instead, but all I can think of when I see his mouth is what his lips felt like on mine, and I think maybe looking at his mouth is even worse than looking into his eyes.

Clearing my throat, I smile politely. “I have thought about it and I’ve decided to decline the offer.”

Brett raises an eyebrow. He clearly wasn’t expecting that one.

I resist the urge to grin.

“I must admit I’m a little bit surprised,” he says.

“Why?” I dare to ask.

“Well you seemed so … so thrown yesterday. I thought you want to avoid feeling like that every day until my father returns.”

“Look Brett, let’s cut the bullshit ok?” I say.

He looks taken aback but he doesn’t interrupt.

I go on, “I was pissed off yesterday because you accused me of faking an illness to get out of work, something I’ve never done and have no intention of starting doing now. It had nothing to do with what happened between us. I know you think you’re the hot shit and you have some sort of effect on me, but honestly, you don’t. We got tipsy and did something stupid. So unless you’re regularly going to call me a liar and doubt my integrity, I really see no reason for me to transfer departments.”

He looks ready to argue.

Now, I play the final ace I have up my sleeve, because I really want to stay here. I love my job, and more than that, I want to prove to Brett that he has no effect on me. That I am a true professional. “Unless of course I’m having some sort of effect on you. I mean I’d hate to think I was distracting you from your work,” I say with a smile.

“Not at all,” Brett says through gritted teeth. “If that’s your decision then that’s fine. That will be all for now.”

I stand and smile sweetly at him. Although inside, I’m doing a victory dance as I reach the door.

Brett calls after me, “Opal?”

I glance back.

“Well played,” he says.

For a second, I see a flash of the smile he wore on Friday night and I feel a shiver go down my spine. I flash him

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