“Well,” she exclaimed, “ain’t ye goin’ on? What did he say to ye?”
“Cert’nly, cert’nly,” responded David, “I’ll tell ye near ’s I c’n remember, an’ I c’n remember putty near. As I told ye, I felt a twitch at my hair, an’ he said, ‘What be you thinkin’ about, sonny?’ I looked up at him, an’ looked away quick. ‘I dunno,’ I says, diggin’ my big toe into the dust; an’ then, I dunno how I got the spunk to, for I was shyer ’n a rat, ‘Guess I was thinkin’ ’bout mendin’ that fence up in the ten-acre lot’s much’s anythin’,’ I says.
“ ‘Ain’t you goin’ to the cirkis?’ he says.
“ ‘I hain’t got no money to go to cirkises,’ I says, rubbin’ the dusty toes o’ one foot over t’ other, ‘nor nothin’ else,’ I says.
“ ‘Wa’al,’ he says, ‘why don’t you crawl under the canvas?’
“That kind o’ riled me, shy ’s I was. ‘I don’t crawl under no canvases,’ I says. ‘If I can’t go in same ’s other folks, I’ll stay out,’ I says, lookin’ square at him fer the fust time. He wa’n’t exac’ly smilin’, but the’ was a look in his eyes that was the next thing to it.”
“Lordy me!” sighed Mrs. Cullom, as if to herself. “How well I can remember that look; jest as if he was laughin’ at ye, an’ wa’n’t laughin’ at ye, an’ his arm around your neck!”
David nodded in reminiscent sympathy, and rubbed his bald poll with the back of his hand.
“Wa’al,” interjected the widow.
“Wa’al,” said David, resuming, “he says to me, ‘Would you like to go to the cirkis?’ an’ with that it occurred to me that I did want to go to that cirkis more’n anythin’ I ever wanted to before—nor since, it seems to me. But I tell ye the truth, I was so far f’m expectin’ to go’t I really hadn’t knowed I wanted to. I looked at him, an’ then down agin, an’ began tenderin’ up a stun-bruise on one heel agin the other instep, an’ all I says was, bein’ so dum’d shy, ‘I dunno,’ I says. But I guess he seen in my face what my feelin’s was, fer he kind o’ laughed an’ pulled out half-a-dollar an’ says: ‘D’ you think you could git a couple o’ tickits in that crowd? If you kin, I think I’ll go myself, but I don’t want to git my boots all dust,’ he says. I allowed I c’d try; an’ I guess them bare feet o’ mine tore up the dust some gettin’ over to the wagin. Wa’al, I had another scare gettin’ the tickits, fer fear someone that knowed me ’d see me with a half-a-dollar, an’ think I must ’a’ stole the money. But I got ’em an’ carried ’em back to him, an’ he took ’em an’ put ’em in his vest pocket, an’ handed me a ten-cent piece, an’ says, ‘Mebbe you’ll want somethin’ in the way of refreshments fer yourself an’ mebbe the el’phant,’ he says, an’ walked off toward the tent; an’ I stood stun still, lookin’ after him. He got off about a rod or so an’ stopped an’ looked back. ‘Ain’t you comin’?’ he says.
“ ‘Be I goin’ with you?” I says.
“ ‘Why not?’ he says, ‘ ’nless you’d ruther go alone,’ an’ he put his finger an’ thumb into his vest pocket. Wa’al, ma’am, I looked at him a minute, with his shiny hat an’ boots, an’ fine clo’es, an’ gold pin, an’ thought of my ragged ole shirt, an’ cotton pants, an’ ole chip hat with the brim most gone, an’ my tin pail an’ all. ‘I ain’t fit to,’ I says, ready to cry—an’—wa’al, he jest laughed, an’ says, ‘Nonsense,’ he says, ‘come along. A man needn’t be ashamed of his workin’ clo’es,’ he says, an’ I’m dum’d if he didn’t take holt of my hand, an’ in we went that way together.”
“How like him that was!” said the widow softly.
“Yes, ma’am, yes, ma’am, I reckon it was,” said David, nodding.
“Wa’al,” he went on after a little pause, “I was ready to sink into the ground with shyniss at fust, but that wore off some after a little, an’ we two seen the hull show, I tell ye. We walked ’round the cages, an’ we fed the el’phant—that is, he bought the stuff an’ I fed him. I ’member—he, he, he!—’t he says, ‘mind you git the right end,’ he says, an’ then we got a couple o’ seats, an’ the doin’s begun.”
The widow was looking at David with shining eyes and devouring his words. All the years of trouble and sorrow and privation were wiped out, and she was back in the days of her girlhood. Ah, yes! how well she remembered him as he looked that very day—so handsome, so splendidly dressed, so debonair; and how proud she had been to sit by his side that night, observed and envied of all the village girls.
“I ain’t goin’ to go over the hull show,” proceeded David, “well ’s I remember it. The’ didn’t nothin’ git away from me that afternoon, an’ once I come near to stickin’ a piece o’ gingerbread into my ear ’stid o’ my mouth. I had my ten-cent piece that Billy P. give me, but he wouldn’t let me buy nothin’; an’ when the gingerbread man come along he says, ‘Air ye hungry, Dave? (I’d told him my name), air ye hungry?’ Wa’al, I was a growin’ boy, an’ I was hungry putty much all the time. He bought two big squares an’ gin me one, an’ when I’d swallered it, he says, ‘Guess you better tackle this one too,’ he says, ‘I’ve dined.’ I didn’t exac’ly know what ‘dined’ meant, but—he, he, he, he!—I tackled