fael Befylam: serpent-form of the jheherrin

Faer: mare of Lord Callindrill

Fall: Haruchai name for a caesure

Fangs: the Teeth of the Render; Ramen name for the Demondim

Fangthane the Render: Ramen name for Lord Foul

Far Woodhelven: a village of the Land

Father of Horses, the: Kelenbhrabanal, legendary sire of the Ranyhyn

Favoured, the: courtesans of the gaddhi

Findail: one of the Elohim; the Appointed

Fields of Richloam: a region in the Centre Plains

Fire-Lions: living fire-flow of Mount Thunder

fire-stones: graveling

First Betrayer: Clave-name for Berek Halfhand

First Circinate: first level of the Sandhold

First Haft: third in command of the Warward

First Mark: the Bloodguard commander

First of the Search, the: leader of the Giants who follow the Earth-Sight

First Ward of Kevin’s Lore: primary cache of knowledge left by High Lord Kevin

Fleshharrower: a Giant-Raver, Jehannum, moksha

Foamkite: tyrscull belonging to Honninscrave and Seadreamer

Fole: a Haruchai

Foodfendhall: eating-hall and galley aboard a Giantship

Forbidding: a wall of power

Forestal: a protector of the remnants of the One Forest

Fostil: a man of Mithil Stonedown; father of Liand

Foul’s Creche: the Despiser’s home, Ridjeck Thome

Furl Falls: waterfall at Revelstone

Furl’s Fire: warning fire at Revelstone

gaddhi, the: sovereign of Bhrathairealm

Gallows Howe: a place of execution in Garroting Deep

Galt: a Haruchai, a Master of the Land; one of the Humbled

Garroting Deep: a forest of the Land

Garth: Warmark of the Warward of Lord’s Keep

Gay: a Winhome of the Ramen

ghohritsar: a Waynhim

ghramin: a Waynhim

Giantclave: Giantish conference

Giantfriend: title given first to Damelon, later to Thomas Covenant

Giants: the Unhomed, ancient friends of the Lords; a seafaring people of the Earth

Giantship: a stone sailing vessel made by Giants; dromond

Giantway: path made by Giants

Giant Woods: a forest of the Land

Gibbon: the na-Mhoram; leader of the Clave

Gilden: a maple-like tree with golden leaves

Gildenlode: a power-wood formed from the Gilden trees

Glimmermere: a lake on the plateau above Revelstone

Gorak Krembal: Hotash Slay, a defence around Foul’s Creche

Gossamer Glowlimn: a Giant, the First of the Search

Grace: a Cord of the Ramen

Graveler: one who uses stone to wield the Sunbane

graveling: fire-stones, made to glow by stone-lore

Gravelingas: a master of the stone-lore

Gravin Threndor: Mount Thunder

Great Desert, the: a region of the Earth; home of the Bhrathair and the Sandgorgons

Great Swamp, the: Lifeswallower, a region of the Land

Grey Desert, the: a region south of the Land

Grey River, the: a river of the Land

Grey Slayer: plains name for Lord Foul

Greywightswath: a region north of the Soulsease River

Greshas Slant: a region in the Centre Plains

griffin: lion-like beast with wings

Grim, the: (also the na-Mhoram’s Grim) a destructive storm sent as an attack by the Clave

Grimmand Honninscrave: a Giant; Master of Starfare’s Gem; brother of Cable Seadreamer

Grimmerdhore: a forest of the Land

Guard, the: hustin; soldiers serving the gaddhi

Guardian of the One Tree, the: mystical figure warding the approach to the One Tree; ak-Haru Kenaustin Ardenol

Haft: commander of an Eoward

Halfhand: title given to Thomas Covenant and to Berek

Hall of Gifts, the: large chamber in Revelstone devoted to the artworks of the Land

Hamako: sole survivor of the destruction of During Stonedown

Hami: a Ramen Manethrall

Handir: a Haruchai leader, the Voice of the Masters

Harbour Captain: chief official of the port of Bhrathairealm

Harn: one of the Haruchai, protector of Hollian

Haruchai: a warrior people from the Westron Mountains

Healer: a physician

Hearthrall of Lord’s Keep: a steward responsible for light, warmth, and hospitality

Heart of Thunder: cave of power in Mount Thunder; Kiril Threndor

Hearthcoal: a Giant; cook of Starfare’s Gem; wife of Seasauce

Heartthew: a title given to Berek Halfhand

heartwood chamber: meeting-place of a Woodhelven, within a tree

Heer: leader of a Woodhelven

Heft Galewrath: a Giant; Storesmaster of Starfare’s Gem

Herem: a Raver, Kinslaughterer, turiya

Hergrom: one of the Haruchai

High Lord: leader of the Council of Lords

High Lord’s Furl: banner of the High Lord

High Wood: lomillialor, offspring of the One Tree

Hile Troy: a man formerly from Thomas Covenant’s world; Warmark of High Lord Elena’s Warward

Hiltmark: second in command of the Warward

Hirebrand: a master of wood-lore

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