Hoerkin: a Warhaft

Hollian: daughter of Amith, eh-Brand of Crystal Stonedown

Home: original homeland of the Giants

Horizonscan: lookout atop the midmast of a Giantship

Horse, the: human soldiery of the gaddhi

horserite: a gathering of Ranyhyn in which they drink mind-blending waters in order to share visions, prophecies, and purpose

Hotash Slay: flow of lava protecting Foul’s Creche; Gorak Krembal

Hower: a Bloodguard, assigned to Lord Loerya

Hrama: a Ranyhyn stallion, mount of Anele

Humbled, the: three Haruchai maimed to resemble Thomas Covenant; a reminder to the Masters of their limitations

Hurn: a Cord of the Ramen

hurtloam: a healing mud

Huryn: a Ranyhyn, Terrel’s mount

Husta/hustin: partly human soldiers bred by Kasreyn to be the gaddhi’s Guard

Hyn: a Ranyhyn mare; mount of Linden Avery

Hynaril: a Ranyhyn, mount of Tamarantha and then Mhoram

Hynyn: a Ranyhyn stallion; mount of Stave

Hyrim: a Lord, son of Hoole

Illearth Stone, the: powerful bane long buried under Mount Thunder

Illender: title given to Thomas Covenant

Imoiran Tomal-mate: a Stonedownor

Infelice: reigning leader of the Elohim

Irin: a warrior of the Third Eoman of the Warward

Isle of the One Tree, the: location of the One Tree

Jain: a Manethrall of the Ramen

Jass: a Haruchai; a Master of the Land

Jehannum: a Raver, Fleshharrower, moksha

jheherrin: soft ones, misshapen by-products of Foul’s making

Jous: a man of Mithil Stonedown; son of Prassan; father of Nassic; inheritor of an Unfettered One’s mission to remember the Halfhand

Kalina: wife of Nassic; mother of Sunder; woman of Mithil Stonedown

Kam: a Manethrall of the Ramen

Kasreyn of the Gyre: a thaumaturge; the gaddhi’s Kemper (advisor) in Bhrathairealm

Kastenessen: one of the Elohim; former Appointed

Kelenbhrabanal: Father of Horses in Ranyhyn legends

Keeper: a Ramen rank; one of those unsuited to the rigors of being a Cord or a Manethrall

Keep of the na-Mhoram, the: Revelstone

Kemper, the: chief advisor of the gaddhi; Kasreyn

Kemper’s Pitch: highest level of the Sandhold

Kenaustin Ardenol: a figure of Haruchai legend, paragon and measure of all Haruchai virtues

Kevin Landwaster: son of Loric Vilesilencer, last High Lord of the Old Lords

Kevin’s Dirt: smog-like pall covering the Upper Land; invisible from below, it blocks health-sense

Kevin’s Lore: knowledge of power left hidden by Kevin in the Seven Wards

Kevin’s Watch: mountain lookout near Mithil Stonedown

Khabaal: one of the Seven Words

Kinslaughterer: a Giant-Raver, Herem, turiya

Kiril Threndor: chamber of power deep under Mount Thunder; Heart of Thunder

Koral: a Bloodguard; assigned to Lord Amatin

Korik: a Bloodguard

kresh: savage giant yellow wolves

krill, the: knife of power forged by High Lord Loric, awakened to power by Thomas Covenant

Kurash Plenethor: region of the Land formally named Stricken Stone, now called Trothgard

Kurash Qwellinir: the Shattered Hills, region of the Lower Land protecting Foul’s Creche

Lake Pelluce: a lake in Andelainscion

Lal: a Cord of the Ramen

Landsdrop: great cliff separating the Upper and Lower Lands

Land, the: generally, area found on the map; a focal region of the Earth where Earthpower is uniquely accessible

Landsverge Stonedown: a village of the Land

Landwaster: title given to High Lord Kevin

Law, the: the natural order

Law of Death, the: the natural order which separates the living from the dead

Law of Life, the: the natural order which separates the dead from the living

Lena: a Stonedownor, daughter of Atiaran; mother of Elena

Lifeswallower: the Giant Swamp

lianar: wood of power used by an eh-Brand

Liand: a man of Mithil Stonedown, son of Fostil; companion of Linden Avery

lillianrill: wood-lore; masters of wood-lore

Lithe: a Manethrall of the Ramen

Llaura: a Heer of Soaring Woodhelven

Loerya Trevor-mate: a Lord

lomillialor: High Wood; a wood of power

Lord: one who has mastered both the Sword and the Staff aspects of Kevin’s Lore

Lord-Fatherer: title given to Berek Halfhand

Lord Foul: the enemy of the Land; the Despiser

“Lord Mhoram’s Victory”: a painting by Ahanna

Lord of Wickedness: a-Jeroth

Lords, the: the primary protectors of the Land

Lord’s-fire: staff-fire used by the Lords

Lord’s Keep: Revelstone

loremaster: a leader of ur-viles

Loresraat: Trothgard school at Revelwood where Kevin’s Lore is studied

Lorewarden: a teacher in the Loresraat

loreworks: Demondim power laboratory

Loric Vilesilencer: a High Lord; son of Damelon Giantfriend

lor-liarill: Gildenlode

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