higher. Her torso passed slowly in front of his face, and then her pussy was right in front of him. Her thick black curls were matted and sticky from the quick screwing, and there was the heavy odor of sex-semen and female lubricant. “Eat me,” Mary Kay whispered, stroking Harry's head, combing her fingers through his silver hair. “Eat me,” she repeated, pulling his head forward. Harry's nose drove through her thick bush, his mouth found her soft, hairy labia. He pressed his tongue into her hot, steamy nest, licked the wet, slick folds of her flesh.

He bored into her hot tunnel. He worked his jaw in her soft, quivering pussy. “Stick your tongue in my vagina,” Mary Kay moaned. “See how far you can reach. Taste me! Taste my juices, and your come! Eat it all up!” Smothering in her humid folds, Harry tried his best to do as she asked. He found the act fiendishly exciting. He drove his tongue deep into the wet, salty-metallic folds of her vagina. His cheeks and nose blanketed by her hot, soft, moist pussy, he drilled his tongue into her cunt. Mary Kay was tangling and twisting strands of his hair around her fingers. Then she jammed him into her crotch and pressed her pussy down on his face. Harry managed to look up. She towered over him. Her monster breasts shook and shuddered as she writhed and twisted in the throes of her ecstasy. “Now my clit,” Mary Kay moaned. “Suck my clit!” ' Harry tipped his head back farther, yanked his tongue from the streaming depths of her vagina and ripped it up along her hot wet slit. He stroked it across her protuberant bud and she convulsed violently. Flattening his tongue against her nerve button, Harry stroked it hard. “Aawww,” Mary Kay growled. “Now suck it, suck it, suck it, SUCK IT!” Harry pursed his lips around her clit and sucked, drawing it away from her body and into his mouth. When the little bud was out of its shielding hood, he applied the suction she had pleaded for. Maintaining the vacuum, he battered the resilient little bump with his tongue.

Then Mary Kay's full weight came down on his face, jamming his head into the back of the couch. Her pelvis began to squirm and twist, making it hard for him to keep hold of her clitoris, but somehow he managed. He felt thick waves of fluid pouring out of her. They streamed down over his chin where it ground into the end of her vagina. His face sinewed with her fragrant secretions, he tried to suck her clit right off her. He was also tonguing it at the same time.

“Coming,” Mary Kay groaned, “Oh, Jesus, I'm coming. Aww! Don't stop. Whatever you do, don't stop! Eat my clit! Eat me all up! Aww! I love it! I love it! I love it!” Surprisingly, Harry loved it too.

His drained penis was swelling, reviving as he sucked on Mary Kay's pussy. He loved the taste of her and the taste of the semen his cock had left in her. Sliding his hands up her soft, rounded thighs, he sank his fingers into her cushiony buttocks and pulled her hard against his face. He lapped up her flood, then sucked the berry of her clitoris again. He found it was extraordinarily arousing to squeeze and massage the lush globes of her ass while still chewing on her pussy. He looked up past the generous roundness of her belly. Her jutting breasts were heaving and shivering as she panted ecstatically.

Her erect nipples brushed the wall behind the sofa as her torso jerked and quivered. A pink flush made her belly glow. As he watched, it spread, covered her generous breasts. He Felt the flow from her vagina double and redouble as she came. Her coming stimulated him to even greater efforts. After tormenting her clitoris for a few more searing seconds, he moved his face downward, found her vagina, and rammed his tongue deep into her fountaining tunnel. He felt her vaginal walls convulse around his invading tongue. He rolled his nose back and forth over her clit as he sucked on her vagina. He kept it up until at last her smothering folds became too much for him and he had to break away in order to breathe. Clutching her ass hard, he used the bruising, brutal grip to drag her crotch away from his face so he could suck in great gulps of air. She humped her hips reflexively as her orgasm faded. Then she folded at the waist. She wound up sitting on his legs, facing him. As he sat there, catching his breath, his head against the back of the sofa, Harry felt her sticky love-juice drying on his cheeks, nose, and chin-most of his face, in fact. Then Mary Kay leaned forward and began to lick his face clean.

Her breasts brushed his chest gently as she washed his face with her tongue. Then she kissed him. He started to berate himself for doing what he Had done, then realized he shouldn't blame himself. He hadn't undressed her, she had undressed herself. She had deliberately gotten him so aroused that what had happened was unavoidable.

“Why?” he asked vaguely. Mary Kay linked her hands behind his neck and leaned back. She sat up very straight and thrust her breasts out wantonly. “I've had my eye on you for a long time,” she answered. “You're a very handsome specimen, Mr. Chambers. Jan sort of indicated that you were-uh-available, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to get to know you better.” “Jan,” Harry groaned.

“She'll be home soon.” “Jan won't be back for hours,” Mary Kay answered. “And we both know it.” Harry felt both concerned and relieved that that particular avenue of escape was cut off. “Is-is Jan all right?” he asked. “Jan's fine,” Mary Kay assured him. “I've been keeping an eye on her. I'll tell you one thing, though, Mr.

Chambers. You had better come out of that shell of yours and start paying a little more attention to her.” Harry was nonplussed to hear Mary Kay echo the very thought he had had so recently himself.

“That's a little vague,” he retorted. “Could you be a bit more specific?” “Do things with her. Talk with her. She's a good kid.

But she's young, and she needs direction. And she needs to know that you care about her.” Harry mulled this over. Absent-mindedly, he began stroking one of Mary Kay's soft flanks. His cock drooped limply out of the open fly of his trousers. “One of the best ways for her to learn about men is from you,” Mary Kay went on. “Maybe you could be a little less uptight about her seeing you naked, and vice versa.” “But she's only fifteen,” he replied. “Or maybe the trouble is that she is fifteen and getting sexy.” “She's already sexy. So are most girls her age.” “But…” “If Jan doesn't get some guidance sex-wise, she's going to get herself in a real mess some day. If she doesn't learn the right ways, she'll learn the wrong Ones, and wind up in trouble-preggers, or badly hurt, or shitty, or all three.” “You're not exactly pure,” Harry pointed out acidly.

“I'm careful, though. I'm careful who I choose and I make sure I can handle them. Now, let's have another beer, and get you out of those clothes so you can relax. Sitting naked, beside the well-rounded naked teen-ager, Harry had the feeling he had learned more about sex and nudity in the past few weeks than he had in his whole life up till then. He realized, suddenly, just how inhibited his life with Sarah had been. Sitting casually naked in the living room with Mary Kay, he felt comfortable, free, and sort of languidly sexy, rather than tensely horny. He wondered what would happen next. He was conscious of the soft warmth of Mary Kay's thigh against his.

Experimentally, he put his hand on her leg, enjoying the feel of her smooth skin. Instead of pushing his hand away, she let it rest there and reached over and casually began toying with his half-erect penis.

“Do you really go around your house naked all the time?” he asked curiously. “Yeah. I hate clothes.” “It sounds sexy,” Harry observed. Mary Kay shrugged. It made her full breasts do interesting things. “Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.” “What do your parents think about it?” “Mom's been doing housework in the nude for as long as I can remember. She says it's easier to wash herself than clothes. She never paid much attention to dressing me when I was little unless it was cold. Dad sleeps in the nude, but isn't quite as casual during the day, except Sundays. The back yard is private and he often works in the garden, starkers.” “Doesn't he-uh-get an erection sometimes?” Harry asked. “Does he ever!

Then he and Mom head for the bedroom and have a little frolic.”

“Sounds pretty uninhibited.” “Well, they do close the door,”

Mary Kay joked. “They don't always on the shower though. They get water the hell and gone all over the floor. Have you ever taken a shower with a woman?” “Uh, no.” “Well, come on then,” Mary Kay urged. “Let's go get clean.” In moments she had him under the shower. Her wet slippery body bumped against his in the small cubicle.

“Wash me,” Mary Kay ordered, handing him the soap. “Your back?” he asked stupidly. “All over.” Starting at her neck, Harry lathered her. His hands skated over her broad, graceful shoulders, then down her back. Her buttocks felt solid and exciting as he soaped them. Cautiously, he slid a soapy finger into the crack between them.

When she pushed her tail back, he pried deeper into the crevice, probing and pressing his fingertip along the bottom of it. Then she leaned forward against the wall of the shower and stuck her ass out at him. Assuming she knew what she wanted, he worked his fingers deep into the crack of her tail. He felt the hard knot of her anus.

She wiggled her butt delightedly. He soaped down between her thighs, plunged his fingers into the steamy nest of her pussy. She spread her legs, welcoming the invasion. “Not too much right now,” she said at last. “Sorry,” he apologized, extracting his soapy fingers From her slippery snatch. “Don't be sorry,” she responded. “I was just getting to like it too much, and you haven't done my front yet.

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