between Noreen's bottom-cheeks and over them, between her legs, as she bent for retribution, and only then was wadded to prevent unseemly outbursts.
In the present case, Elke began to read aloud to the other girls, their eyes growing ever wider, though one or two still seemed mystified as to the events of the story. Noreen's master had entered the room to find the culprit strapped bottom-upwards in this posture, though the strong-jawed and fiery-eyed rebellion was still visible as she turned her gaze upon him. At every peephole in the walls of that room, at every crack and aperture, there was a listener or a watcher. It seems to be the universal opinion of mankind-if not womankind as well-that young women of Noreen's build and disposition merit the strictest retribution for this crime. From the old bosun to the newest cabin-boy they licked their lips and waited with smiling excitement. Many of them had suffered Noreen's impudence and contempt.
Here and there a youthful prick was already stiffening in a busy hand at the prospect of seeing the sturdy young slut get what was coming to her. Our young German girl-students read with some puzzlement that Noreen's master seemed not the least angry with her now. He spoke quietly and with laughter in his voice as he surveyed the two pale mounds of her broad young buttocks. Though he might promise her a smacked bottom with disciplinary leather when his arm was healed, he was in no state to administer such wholesome correction at the present. How, then, was he to teach Noreen a lesson in manners?
At this, too, our young pupils furrowed their pretty brows. Yet, as they read the tale or heard it from Elke, the cabin-boys and bosun gripped their stiff cocks harder and grinned with delight as they saw the drama which was developing. Noreen's master took a fine Havana, cut the end, and struck a match. His hand stroked the broad pale smoothness of Noreen's bare buttocks as he puffed the cheroot to a glowing tip of ash. Then he began to tease her. The listeners and peepers at the keyholes were at once gratified by a muffled shrillness from this well- built girl of nineteen. Our valiant captain drew the cheroot to vivid red and remarked that there was nothing like a well-stoked Havana for bringing the roses to Noreen's pale bottom-cheeks. They heard the dry squeak of leather as Noreen pulled vainly against her straps. But the captain merely chuckled.
“I vow you would break those straps if you could, Noreen! Such desperation. First, the left-hand cheek of your arse, Noreen. We shall begin there. Ah, yes! You would love to break free and create havoc, if you could! Have no fear, Noreen, the straps will hold you securely during your ordeal. Lie quite still, then. Don't try to squirm that fat young backside, Noreen!” (You may be sure, Freddie, that Elke and the others could not take their eyes from the pages which contained such dramatic incidents and speeches!) The first scorching kiss of the cigar upon the pale mound of Noreen's buttock was followed by a long and red-hot tickle, which drove her quite frantic. He allowed her a moment's respite, then the sparkling tip returned and traced an intricate pattern on that same sturdy cheek of Noreen's bottom. “Does that make your toes curl, Noreen? Does it?
Why, you would burst your eardrums with your shrillness if we had not wadded your mouth so well! How fortunate that you will not be free to tell tales of this little encounter to the world outside. A young trollop of nineteen with such a strapping young backside as yours, Noreen, is well able to stand a little touching-up. Lie quite still, Noreen! I shall rouge one arse-cheek quite outrageously before we proceed to the other.” Stiff with excitement, the grooms and servants who peeped, watched with widening eyes. The laughter had gone from the captain's voice. His mouth was tight and his eyes unsmiling as he circled the cherry-bright tip upon the broad young buttock. The escorts had tied Noreen's lank dark hair into a collar-length pony-tail, the better to show her face to her master during retribution. Under the level fringe, you may be sure that the firm features, the wide cheek-bones and the brown eyes had lost all their insolence as they reflected Noreen's wildness in her present predicament. When a pair of deeply blushing bottom-cheeks confronted him at last, nothing would do but the captain must stroke the cherry red between them, colouring up and down the arse-valley with a quick stippling motion. One must not, of course, draw too solemn conclusions from such an account-yet fiction is here entirely faithful to fact. Could one believe that the captain touched up Noreen merely with his finger-or with the “torture” of the feather which is so exquisitely applied to Alice by the hero of A Man with a Maid? You may be sure that Noreen's indignation at this would have been shrill enough to warrant a gag. The enforced tickling of the young woman's clitoris, the systematic masturbation, would have provoked her rage.
And, moreover, could the captain now resist the temptation of stretching Noreen's arsehole on his stiffness? All this would have been enough to cause the muffled rage and squirming, her desperation made all the worse by knowing that he would make her scream with pleasure before he had finished. Yet if the truth is to be believed, he continued his revenge until the Havana was a dead stub.
Withdrawing, he allowed a boy to enter, where Noreen of the glowing bum-cheeks still lay in her straps. The lad carried a handy jar of kitchen-fat which had been amply salted. Indeed, the spending of the boy himself had topped it. Taking it on his fingers he spread it on Noreen's blushing and smarting buttocks, until her rear cheeks shone with the grease and every fire of the punishment blazed up anew. As he withdrew the lad explained, smiling, that his master intended Noreen to spend the whole night in this state, so that she might ponder on her crime and the retribution exacted for it. You will understand, Freddie, what a pensive look this story brought to the faces of Elke, Claudia, and the others. Nor did the drama end there.
Though it might be only a story-who can tell?-they had seen Noreen with their own eyes and knew she was no insubstantial creation. I allowed the menservants to drop hints to the girls. The secrets of your own plantation (and Noreen's story) may be revealed now that we are safely out of Europe. It is natural that we entrust the papers to our friend Professor J- with freedom to publish when he thinks fit.* * Which he will shortly do for readers of this volume, Chez The Society of Private Bibliophiles, Rue du Faubourg Montmartre. It is enough to let our girls hear of Noreen's defiance and its cure.
They have also heard of the “Obedience Test” to which certain dinner guests put her every month or two. All is described to them. The stage on which Noreen stands; the apparatus; the youthful pricks poking erect through partition holes for her to suck; the commands of the guests to her; the severe penalties which a failure of obedience incurs. The voices and the merriment of the occasion already ring in our pupils' ears as a foretaste of things to come, while they picture Noreen standing naked and attentive to the orders.
“Noreen! The first penis in your mouth, Noreen, and drink a toast to Cupid!… Now suck another, Noreen… And another… Lie over the table and make love to yourself, Noreen. Show us how you like to do it… Noreen! Arse-upwards over the thrashing stool for forty strokes… Your bottom on the rubber dildo, Noreen. Exercise your backside for twenty minutes… Do it better than that, Noreen!…Noreen! Drink another toast to Cupid!…
Bottom-upwards over the thrashing stool again, Noreen!… Now the masturbating-saddle, Noreen. Ride it long and slow… Another toast to Cupid, Noreen… Now, the rubber dildo up your bottom again, Noreen. Twenty minutes of vigorous backgammon exercise!… Such resentment in those brown eyes, Noreen! We must help you to overcome it. See the cheroot-glow poking through the hole? Snuff it between your strapping young bottom-cheeks, Noreen!… So timid now, Noreen?
Do it at once or face the penalties!…” How Elke and Claudia gaped at this news! And Julia and Natasha stared and wondered! How long must it be before the same degree of compliance is expected from them? I took the opportunity of adding that a failure of obedience in Noreen was followed by a visit from a very knowledgeable gentleman called a “jumper.” A soundproof room was set apart where a variety of penalties would be inflicted in absolute secrecy. There is a greater horror in mystery than in explanation, for which reason I leave our girls to guess at the precise nature of the discipline. Yet I have assured them that the jumper will make Noreen's punishment last all night. The effect of this object-lesson has been entirely salutary. Elke was never anything but a randy young miss and now gives herself up to the pleasures demanded with total abandon. As for Claudia or Helena, they know they cannot be proof against such means as we have at our disposal and therefore, casting aside a reserve of false modesty, they enter truly into the spirit of the game. Sonja needs no persuading, in any case, and Petra's withholding of the delights which her body offers was never more than a certain adolescent surliness which she has now outgrown in a few days. Of our two ingenues, Julia has no reputation to lose. She reconciled herself quickly to the idea that she must purchase a life of pleasure at the cost of being denied any refusal in her partner or the type of pleasure decided upon. Natasha doubted for very little longer. What must be, must be. In all this, Freddie, I find a singular truth.
If our story is read by the world at large, only imagine the indignation of the bourgeoisie. Why, they will say, these poor girls were made off with and used against their will. These poor abducted youngsters have been forced into the routine of depravity and lasciviousness. Modesty has been torn from them and every veil of decency put aside. Now, Freddie, if this were true would there not be fugitives from every harem that the world has ever known? Or would not those girls for whom escape proves impossible take their own lives rather than be so abused