and dishonoured? And yet you will find that the harems of the world contain some of the most contented females in human history. Fugitives are rare and suicides unknown. The truth is that a woman who enters such a places loses her liberty in one respect but gains an even greater freedom. Because the privilege of refusal is taken from her, she may abandon herself to every form of pleasure and feel no remorse. Such beauties enjoy the wildest orgies that their master provides and never blush from guilt. They may love one another in any way they choose. If they are sometimes whipped for their master's amusement, is that worse suffering than the loveless marriages arranged in London or Paris? You may be sure that no man will whip his slave-girl so hard that her beauty is destroyed. Yet how many husbands destroy the looks and lives of their brides by unfeeling neglect? Only consider, Freddie. A young miss in high society is told she may not marry the man she prefers. Instead she is to be the bride of Lord Jackanapes or Sir Joseph Moneybags, because the position of her family or its wealth requires it. She is ploughed vigorously until she drops a cub. Then her husband goes off to the more congenial company of his club, his cronies, or his whore. Do you truly think that Elke or Claudia should envy such young women? Once our girls have learnt by Noreen's example that rebellion is profitless, what awaits them but soft loving and languorous pleasure? On his first night, Jack was in fine fettle. He had, for some time before our adventure began, kept his eye on Julia and Natasha with a view to making them my pupils. Now that our two adolescent girls have had the chance to mature and learn wisdom, Jack wished to put them to the proof.

How could I deny him this? Accordingly, we summoned them after dinner and led them to the boudoir set aside for these frolics. Jack's greatest desire was to accustom them to the demands which he would soon make regularly upon them in the long hours of the night. At the centre of the bedroom we placed a padded leather bench. Julia was to kneel on one side and Natasha on the other. When they lifted their hips and knelt forward over the bench, their bodies were touching, though one presented her head and the other her rump. Jack knelt down too. He surveyed the adolescent softness of Julia's jeans-seat and Natasha's prim young beauty under the fringe of her blond coiffure. He stroked her face, smiled, and kissed her coquettish chignon of silky fair hair. Undoing the waist of Julia's jeans, he eased them down to her knees, then stripped her briefs down as well. As he unbuttoned himself, releasing his erection, he was confronted by a delicious choice. Julia presented the muddy pallor of thighs and bottom-cheeks.

The inviting hole peeped between her legs and her anus was almost visible between her lightly parted buttocks. Next to her was Natasha's prim little mouth. Our young blonde was still fully dressed and there was so sweet a look to her in the green jumper, striped tie and white blouse. Jack smiled and presented the knob to her sulky little mouth. “Suck the prick, Natasha. Show me how well you can use your tongue in the vent and under the foreskin.” Natasha gave a resentful little wail and turned her face aside. “Come now, Natasha,” I said gently, and showed her the cane which I picked up from the bed. “Must you have a tanning so soon?” It was all pretended modesty on her part, Freddie. Have no fear of that. Natasha opened her mouth and without closing on her master's tool entirely, played vigorously with her tongue on the knob of the penis. Presently she closed her eyes and began to suck it in the most dreamy manner. At the same time I undid the navy-blue skirt of her uniform and took it off. Natasha's briefs, the white cotton panties, were a mere impediment to my designs. Off they came as well. Now her slender milk-white thighs were bare and the trim young cheeks of her behind.

She was naked from her ankle-socks to her waist. The hem of her green jumper with its blue piping just arched over the tops of her hips but left the slim cheeks of Natasha's schoolgirl bottom quite bare.

Well-prepared by the sucking, Jack turned his attention to Julia.

He gave the little tart a few cunt-squeezes which were quite enough to get her lubricating. I watched Julia's face as he wanked her quickly and thought what a sullen little bitch she is. The rather round pale face with its absurd cocks-comb of dark hair was quite unmoved by his attention. Then her blue eyes widened and she gasped. So she might, for Jack had threaded his prick into Julia's cunt at full length.

He rode her easily and the young slut had the grace, at least, to begin fretting at her lower lip and sighing with the upheaval in her heart. There are girls like Julia who never give of their best unless they have been “loosened up” by a smacked bottom beforehand. At last she was moaning and squirming, head drooping and eyes closed as Jack rode into her. But now he withdrew and positioned the well-lubricated knob at the tightness of Julia's arsehole. She cried out indignantly, swore she would rather die, and then the veins in her forehead seemed to swell with the energy of a wild scream. Jack had broken the barrier and his prick was surging triumphantly into Julia's adolescent backside. She grew calmer at once, though emitting self-pitying and resentful little whimpers, squirming a little as if she would shit out Jack's penis at the first opportunity. He buggered Julia for several minutes before sheathing himself in her cunt again, which she accepted with a shudder and a moan of gratification. Then he drew away again and presented his knob to Natasha's startled mouth. There was such a cry, and many protests between her pressed lips. Yet, Freddie, you and I know that Natasha can play at being a dirty little girl when the mood takes her, for she knows how to enjoy it despite her prim blond looks. I smiled at her present performance. “Are you bashful of sucking your master's prick, Natasha? Come now, you have tasted Julia and Mr. Jack before.

Ah, you cannot do it in front of Julia unless it seems you are forced to! Very well, my pet. Eighteen strokes across those slim fair-skinned buttocks. How your mistress would have loved to do this to you.”

I flexed the bamboo and gave a smacking stroke across the pert young cheeks of Natasha's bottom. She yelled at full force but the cane lashed and smacked until she was frantic to obey. I treated Natasha as if she were a pupil in the strictest reform institution, and I raised a weal across her pert little buttocks with every stroke.

As soon as I was finished and Jack approached again, Natasha opened her mouth and sucked his tool as if her very life depended on it. He withdrew presently. Then the stout erection parted the lips of Julia's cunt. After that it plunged deeply up Julia's arse and withdrew only to demand Natasha's mouth. Our young blonde hesitated but a well-aimed stroke of the cane across her elfin backside had her mouth open and sucking with wanton enthusiasm. Presently, Jack changed sides and was confronted by an equally charming sight. Now it was Julia's mouth which accompanied Natasha's close-fitting cunt and her dark anus-bud between bamboo'd buttocks. To bugger a girl so pert yet demure, of Natasha's kind, is beyond even the ambition of most men who set eyes upon such beauty. Jack took the hem of the green jumper and pulled it well above her slim hips. He vaselined her and eased his way in against shrill and frenzied dismay. He kissed her neck and ears, as well as our young blonde's saucy chignon. Then he sodomised Natasha long and gently, as only a man of his resolve would dare to do. Yet he did not spend, for he withdrew and touched his knob to Julia's lips.

It had taken the cane to ensure Natasha's obedience. You will not be surprised, then, to learn that a snakeskin training-lash is necessary for Julia. I whipped the fattened muddy pallor of Julia's bottom far beyond what is customary with such a girl. Yet she twisted the spiky crop of her hair and struggled to avoid the rampant guest who demanded admittance at her mouth. Need I tell you what the outcome was? In the end she offered her open lips and sucked until the tastes of Jack and Natasha must have run together in her saliva. Julia was informed that her master had chosen to come in her mouth, and she received a peremptory smack on the bottom for trying to pull away. And so, pretending that she had never done such a thing for the boys of her acquaintance, Julia swallowed down her pride and Jack's passion.

After regaining his energy, our friend rode the young blonde's cunt, though for safety's sake he squirted his second boiling of passion deep into Natasha's bottom. Her mouth revived him until he was fit to attack Julia's ramparts again, threading between her legs but, once again, choosing to spend in Julia's backside for safety's sake.

By this time, we were content to take our ease and merely ordered Julia and Natasha to perform for our entertainment. So they did. Lips clung to lips, hands caressed one another's breasts. They lay head to tail and kiss-fucked each others moist and yearning cunt. At our insistence, Julia's mouth sought Natasha's anus and Natasha's lips found Julia's arsehole. Such things were commanded, Freddie, that even I hesitate to inscribe them in the present letter. Yet I am obliged to add that their games would never have been possible had I not prepared the two girls so well during the past months by insisting upon cleanliness and decency. If they were lewd now, had they not been trained to it? Lying together every morning they had received the most intimate caresses and performed the most suggestive bodily acts-all in the name of moral hygiene. You see how well I have taught them to perform? You may prove all this for yourself, dear Freddie, when next you are our guest. Meantime, now that Jack has arrived safely, we look forward to our visit to you. I confess there is but one thought which delays our departure. We should both feel easier in our minds if you were able to nominate a man of sense and taste who might superintend this establishment during our absence. You have so much more experience in choosing persons of the right calibre for these things-and besides your knowledge of this country is so much more extensive than our

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