подробно обсуждавшимся в памфлетной литературе тех лет. Непосредственная дискуссия вокруг этой темы возникла как реакция идеологов англиканства на массовые действия католических и пуританских священников, использовавших идею одержимости и связанный с ней ритуал изгнания дьявола в качестве средства пропаганды своего учения. В результате насыщенной «памфлетной войны», противникам одержимости удалось одержать верх, частично благодаря позиции и поддержке власти, для которой не были выгодны эффектные демонстрации конфессиональных оппозиций, частично благодаря поддержке среди английских медиков, отрицавших мистический характер одержимости, настаивавших на понимании ее как болезни, и выдвигающих в качестве ее этиологии концепцию истерии. Объединенные в совместном противостоянии средневековой традиции и оппозиционным религиозным силам англиканские скептики и рациональные медики добились того, что идея одержимости потеряла свою актуальность в религиозной теории и практике. Этот результат имел свои последствия в развитии теории и практики ведовства, которые проявились в том, что уже в 20–30 годах XVII века одержимость практически перестали связывать с деятельностью ведьм, что, в свою очередь, повлияло на сокращение количества ведовских судов. В это же время произошла приостановка публикаций популярных памфлетов о судах над ведьмами, что свидетельствовало об исчезновении интереса к теме ведовства со стороны широкой публики. Возникший благодаря дискуссии об одержимости скептицизм вокруг темы ведовства привел к тому, что она исчезла на два десятка лет со страниц популярных изданий. Вновь эта тема обрела популярность благодаря историческим обстоятельствам уже только в период гражданских войн.


Справочно-библиографическая литература

Catalogue of books printed on the Continent of Europe, 1501–1600 / Comp, by H. M. Adams. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 1967. 2 vols.

A Short-Title Catalogue of Books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America 1641–1706 / Comp, by D. Wing. New York, 1945. 3 vols.

A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1475–1640 / Comp, by A. W. Pollard and G. R. Redgrave. London, 1986. (second edition)

Titles of English Books (and of Foreign Books Printed in England) / by A. F. Allison and V. F. Goldsmith. Kent, 1976. 2 vols.

Witchcraft catalogue of the Witchcraft Collection in Cornell University Library / Introd. by R. H. Robbins / Ed. by M. J. Crow. New York, 1977.

Справочно-библиографическая литература. Электронные ресурсы

Библиография по проблеме ведовства: <http://www.medlina.com>, 20.05.2006.


Ady Т. A Candle in the Dark. A Treatise Concerning the Nature of Witches & Witchcraft. London, 1658.

An Act against Conjurations, Enchantments, and Witchcrafts // Complaint and Reform in England 1436–1714. Fifty Writings of the Time on politics, religion, society, economics, architecture, science and education / Arranged with introduction by W. H. Dunham and S. Pargells. New York, 1938. P. 181–183.

An Act against seditious words and rumours uttered against the Queens most excellent Majesty // Select Statutes and other Constitutional Documents illustrative of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I / Ed. by G. W. Prothero. Oxford, 1898. P. 78–79.

Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion, and other various Occurrences in the Church of England. With an Appendix of Original Papers / by J. Strype, M. A. 2 vols. London, 1725. vol. 1.

Anon. The Apprehension and confession of three notorious witches arraigned and by justice condemned and executed at Chelmsford, in the county of Essex, the 5th day of July last past, 1589, with the manner of their devilish practices and keeping of their spirits, whose forms are herein truly proportioned. London, 1589 // English Witchcraft 1560–1736 / Ed. by J. Sharpe. 6 vols. London, 2003. vol. 3. P. 33–48.

Anon. A Child possessed by the Devil // The Witchcraft Papers. Contemporary Records of the Witchcraft Hysteria in Essex. 1560–1700 / Coll. and ed. by P. Haining. London, 1974. P. 130– 132.

Anon. A Declaration in Answer to Several Lying Pamphlets Concerning the Witch of Wapping. Being a More Perfect Relation of Arraignment, Condemnation and Suffering of Joane Peterson, who was put to Death on Munday the 12 of April, 1652. London, 1652.

Anon. Deposition against a Witch // The Witchcraft Papers. Contemporary Records of the Witchcraft Hysteria in Essex. 1560–1700 / Coll. and ed. by P. Haining. London, 1974. P. 23–26.

Anon. A Detection of Damnable Driftes, Practized by Three Witches arraigned at Chelmsford. London, 1579.

Anon. The Examination, Confession, Trial and Execution of Joan Williford, Joan Cariden, Jane Hott: Who were executed at Feversham in Kent, for being Witches, on Mundey the 29 of September 1645. With Examination and Confession of Elizabeth Harris, not yet executed. London, 1645.

Anon. The Examination of John Walsh, before Maister Thomas Williams, Commissary to the Reverend father in God William bishop of Excestre, upon certayne Interrogatories touching Wytchcrafte and Sorcerye, in the presence of diuers gentlemen and others. London, 1566 // Gibson M. Early Modern Witches. Witchcraft Cases in Contemporary Writing. London, New York, 2005. P. 25–32.

Anon. A Full Confutation of Witchcraft. More particularly of the Depositions against Jane Wenham, lately condemned for a Witch at Hertford. London, 1712.

Anon. How a witch Served a Fellow in an Alehouse // The Witchcraft Papers. Contemporary Records of the Witchcraft Hysteria in Essex. 1560–1700 / Coll. and ed. by P. Haining. London, 1974. P. 127–129.

Anon. The Laws against Witches, and Conjuration and some brief Notes and Observations for the Discovery of Witches. Being very useful for these Times wherein the Devil reignes and prevailes over the souls of poor Creatures in drawing them to that crying Sin of Witch-craft. Also, the Confession of the Mother Lakeland, who was arraigned and condemned for a Witch, at Ipswich in Suffolk. London, 1645.

Anon. The life and death of Lewis Gaufredy, a priest of the Church of the Accoules in Marceilles in France, (who after he had given himselfe soule and bodie to the Divell) committed many most abhominable sorceries, but chiefly upon two very faire young gentle-women, Mistris Magdalene of the Marish, and Mistris Victoire Corbier, whose horrible life being made manifest, hee was arraigned and condemned by the Court of Parliament to Aixin Province, to be burnt alive, which was performed the last day of the April, 1611. London, 1612.

Anon. A Most certain, strange and true discovery of a witch, being overtaken by some of the Parliament forces, as she was standing on a small plank-board and sailing on it over the River о Newbury, together with the strange and true manner of her death. London, 1643.

Anon. The Most Cruell and Bloody Murther committed by an Inkeepers wife, called Annis Dell, and her sonne George Dell. London, 1606.

Anon. The Most Strange and Admirable Discoverie of the Three Witches of Warboys, arraigned, convicted and executed at the last assizes at Huntingdon, for the bewitching of the five daughters of Robert Throckmorton Esquire, and divers other persons, with sundrie Divellish and grievous torments. London, 1593.

Anon. The Several Facts of Witchcraft approved and laid to the charge of Margaret Harkett. London, 1585 // Gibson M. Early modern witches. Witchcraft cases in Contemporary Writing. London, New York: Routledge, 2005. P. 125–128.

Anon. A strange report of sixe most notorious witches who by their divelish practises murdred above the number of foure hundred small children: besides the great hurtes they committed upon divers other people: who for the same, and many other like offences, were executed in the princely cittie of

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