buildings [`bIldINz] smeared [smIqd] balcony [`bxlkqnI] wrench [renC] wrist [rIst]

Corum wandered through the streets of a strange city. The buildings were high and seemed but recently built, though already they were grimed and smeared with slime.

There was still pain, but it was remote, dull. He was blind in one eye. From a balcony a woman's voice called him. He looked around. It was his sister, Pholhinra. When she saw his face, she cried out in horror. Corum tried to put his hand to his injured eye, but he could not. Something held him. He tried to wrench his left hand free from whatever gripped it. He pulled harder and harder. Now the wrist began to pulse with pain as he tugged.

Pholhinra had disappeared (Фолинра исчезла), but Corum was now absorbed with trying to free his hand (но Корум был поглощен попыткой освободить свою руку; to absorb — всасывать, впитывать; поглощать /внимание/). For some reason (по какой-то причине), he could not turn to see what it was that held him (он не мог /повернуться/ посмотреть, что же держит его). Some kind of beast, perhaps, holding on to his hand with its jaws (какой-то зверь, наверное = словно зверь вцепился в его руку зубами; to hold on to — держаться за что-либо, кого-либо; jaws — челюсти).

Corum gave one last, huge tug and his wrist came free (Корум дернул сильно в последний раз, и его запястье освободилось).

He put up the hand to touch the blind eye, but still felt nothing (он поднял руку, чтобы потрогать невидящий глаз, но однако ничего не почувствовал).

He looked at the hand (он посмотрел на руку).

There was no hand (/у него/ не было руки). Just a wrist (только запястье). Just a stump (только культя; stump — обрубок; культя, ампутированная конечность).

Then he screamed again (потом он снова закричал) …

absorbed [qb`zLbd] reason [rJzn] touch [tAC]

Pholhinra had disappeared, but Corum was now absorbed with trying to free his hand. For some reason, he could not turn to see what it was that held him. Some kind of beast, perhaps, holding on to his hand with its jaws.

Corum gave one last, huge tug and his wrist came free.

He put up the hand to touch the blind eye, but still felt nothing.

He looked at the hand.

There was no hand. Just a wrist. Just a stump.

Then he screamed again…

…and he opened his eyes and saw the Mabden (он открыл глаза и увидел мабденов) holding the arm and bringing down white-hot swords on the stump to seal it (державших /его/ руку и тыкавших раскаленными добела клинками в культю, /как будто/ клеймя ее; to seal — ставить печать; герметически закрывать; клеймить).

They had cut off his hand (они отрезали ему руку).

And Glandyth was still laughing (Гландит по-прежнему смеялся), holding Corum's severed hand up to show his men (показывая отрезанную руку Корума своим людям; to hold up — выставлять, показывать; to sever — отделять; отрезать, отрубать), with Corum's blood still dripping from the knife he had used (кровь Корума все еще капала с ножа, /который/ он /Гландит/ использовал /для этого/).

Now Corum saw the other plane distinctly, superimposed (теперь Корум видел другую плоскость отчетливо, /она/ заслоняла /его собственную/; to superimpose — накладывать /одно на другое/, совмещать), as it were, over the scene before him (словно /была/ поверх вида перед ним = накладывалась на сцену пыток). Summoning all the energy born of his fear and agony (призывая /на помощь/ всю силу, рожденную его страхом и мучением; to summon — вызывать; собирать, призывать /волю, силы и т. д. /; to bear), he shifted himself into that plane (он переместился в ту плоскость).

severed [`sevqd] superimposed [, s (j) Hp (q) rim`pquzd] scene [sJn] agony [`xgqnI]

…and he opened his eyes and saw the Mabden holding the arm and bringing down white-hot swords on the stump to seal it.

They had cut off his hand.

And Glandyth was still laughing, holding Corum's severed hand up to show his men, with Corum's blood still dripping from the knife he had used.

Now Corum saw the other plane distinctly, superimposed, as it were, over the scene before him. Summoning all the energy born of his fear and agony, he shifted himself into that plane.

He saw the Mabden clearly (он ясно видел мабденов), but their voices had become faint (но их голоса стали слабыми). He heard them cry out in astonishment and point at him (он слышал, как они кричали в изумлении и указывали на него = на то место, где он был). He saw Glandyth wheel, his eyes widening (он видел, как Гландит вертелся /по сторонам/, его глаза расширились /от удивления/; to wheel — поворачивать/ся/, вертеть/ся/; описывать круги). He heard the Earl of Krae call out to his men to search the woods for Corum (он слышал, как граф Краэ приказал своим людям прочесать леса в поисках Корума; to call out — выкрикивать; кричать; призывать).

The board was abandoned as Glandyth and his men lumbered off into the darkness seeking their Vadhagh captive (щит оставили/покинули, так как Гландит и его люди бросились в темноту, ища своего вадагского пленника; to lumber — тяжело ступать, неуклюже двигаться).

But their captive was still chained to the board (а их пленник был по-прежнему прикован цепями к щиту), for it, like him, existed on several planes (так как щит, как и Корум, существовал /сразу/ в нескольких плоскостях). And he still felt the pain they had caused him (и он по-прежнему ощущал боль, /которую/ они причинили ему) and he was still without his right eye and his left hand (и был по-прежнему без правого глаза и левой руки).

widening [`waIdnIN] search [sq: C] lumbered [`lAmbqd] caused [kLzd]

He saw the Mabden clearly, but their voices had become faint. He heard them cry out in astonishment and point at him. He saw Glandyth wheel, his eyes widening. He heard the Earl of Krae call out to his men to search the woods for Corum.

The board was abandoned as Glandyth and his men lumbered off into the darkness seeking their Vadhagh captive.

But their captive was still chained to the board, for it, like him, existed on several planes. And he still felt the pain they had caused him and he was still without his right eye and his left hand.

He could stay away from further mutilation for a little while (он мог избежать дальнейшей пытки на короткое время; to stay away from — избегать; to stay away — держаться подальше, не являться; mutilation — увечье, калечение), but eventually his energy would give out completely (но со временем его силы полностью иссякнут) and he would return to their plane and they would continue their work (он вернется в их плоскость и мабдены продолжат свое /черное/ дело).

He struggled in the chains (он забился в цепях; to struggle — бороться, отбиваться; стараться изо всех сил), waving the stump of his left wrist in a futile attempt to free himself of those manacles still holding his other limbs (размахивая обрубком левого запястья = культей в тщетной попытке освободиться от тех оков, /что/ все еще держали его остальные конечности; futile — бесполезный, напрасный; manacles — ручные кандалы, оковы; препятствие, помеха).

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