But he knew it was hopeless (но он знал, это было безнадежно/бесполезно). He had only averted his doom for a short while (он лишь отсрочил свою гибель на короткое время; to avert — отводить /взгляд/, предотвращать /опасность/). He would never be free (он никогда не будет свободным) — never be able to exercise his vengeance on the murderer of his kin (никогда не осуществит свою месть = не отомстит убийцам своих родных; to exercise — использовать, осуществлять, применять; vengeance — месть, мщение).

mutilation [, mjHtIleIS (q) n] futile [`fjHtaIl] manacles [`mxnqklz] vengeance [`venG (q) ns]

He could stay away from further mutilation for a little while, but eventually his energy would give out completely and he would return to their plane and they would continue their work.

He struggled in the chains, waving the stump of his left wrist in a futile attempt to free himself of those manacles still holding his other limbs.

But he knew it was hopeless. He had only averted his doom for a short while. He would never be free — never be able to exercise his vengeance on the murderer of his kin.

CHAPTER SEVEN (глава седьмая)

The Brown Man (бурый человек)

brown — коричневый, бурый; смуглый

Corum sweated as he forced himself to remain in the other plane (Корум покрылся потом, заставляя себя = пытаясь остаться в другой плоскости), and he watched nervously for the return of Glandyth and his men (и он нервно ожидал возвращения Гландита и его людей).

It was then that he saw a shape move cautiously out of the forest and approach the board (именно тогда = вдруг он увидел, как какая-то фигура вышла осторожно из леса и приблизилась к щиту; shape — форма, очертание; фигура). At first Corum thought it was a Mabden warrior (сначала Корум подумал, /что/ это мабденский воин; to think), without a helmet and dressed in a huge fur jerkin (без шлема и одетый в огромную меховую куртку; jerkin — короткая мужская куртка; приталенный жилет). Then he realised that this was some other creature (затем он понял, что это какое-то другое существо; to realise — представлять себе; понимать, осознавать).

The creature moved cautiously towards the board (существо подошло осторожно к щиту), looked about the Mabden camp (оглянулось на лагерь мабденов), and then crept closer (потом подкралось ближе; to creep — ползать, пресмыкаться; подкрадываться). It lifted its head and stared directly at Corum (оно подняло голову и поглядело прямо на Корума).

cautiously [`kLSqslI] creature [`krJCq] towards [tq`wLdz, tLdz]

Corum sweated as he forced himself to remain in the other plane, and he watched nervously for the return of Glandyth and his men.

It was then that he saw a shape move cautiously out of the forest and approach the board. At first Corum thought it was a Mabden warrior, without a helmet and dressed in a huge fur jerkin. Then he realised that this was some other creature.

The creature moved cautiously towards the board, looked about the Mabden camp, and then crept closer. It lifted its head and stared directly at Corum.

Corum was astonished (Корум удивился; to be astonished — удивляться, изумляться). The beast could see him (животное могло его видеть)! Unlike the Mabden, unlike the other creatures of the plane, this one had second sight (в отличие от мабденов, в отличие от остальных существ этой плоскости, это обладало вторым зрением).

Corum's agony was so intense that he was forced to screw up his eye at the pain (мучение Корума было настолько сильным, что он вынужден был закрыть глаза от боли; agony — агония; мучение, страдание; to screw up — морщить /лицо/; поджимать /губы/). When he opened it again, the creature had come right up to the board (когда он открыл их снова, существо /уже/ подошло вплотную к щиту; to come up to — доходить до, достигать какого-либо уровня).

It was a beast not unlike the Mabden in general shape (то было животное, весьма похожее: «не непохожее» на мабденов в общих чертах), but it was wholly covered in its own fur (но оно было полностью покрыто /своим/ мехом). Its face was brown and seamed and apparently very ancient (его лицо было коричневым и морщинистым и, по-видимому, очень старым; to seam — бороздить; покрывать рубцами, шрамами). Its features were flat (его /лица/ черты были плоскими/бесстрастными; flat — плоский, ровный; однообразный, унылый). It had large eyes, round like a cat's (у него были большие глаза, круглые, словно кошачьи), and gaping nostrils (зияющие ноздри) and a huge mouth filled with old, yellowed fangs (и огромный рот, полный старых, пожелтевших клыков).

general [`Gen (q) rql] features [`fJCqz] yellowed [`jelqud]

Corum was astonished. The beast could see him! Unlike the Mabden, unlike the other creatures of the plane, this one had second sight.

Corum's agony was so intense that he was forced to screw up his eye at the pain. When he opened it again, the creature had come right up to the board.

It was a beast not unlike the Mabden in general shape, but it was wholly covered in its own fur. Its face was brown and seamed and apparently very ancient. Its features were flat. It had large eyes, round like a cat's, and gaping nostrils and a huge mouth filled with old, yellowed fangs.

Yet there was a look of great sorrow on its face as it observed Corum (однако выражение большого горя было на его лице, когда оно смотрело на Корума). It gestured at him and grunted (существо помахало ему и /что-то/ проворчало; to gesture — жестикулировать; указывать; to grunt — хрюкать; ворчать, бормотать), pointing into the forest as if it wanted Corum to accompany him (указывая на лес, словно хотело, чтобы Корум последовал за ним; to accompany — сопровождать, следовать вместе). He shook his head, indicating the manacles with a nod (он /отрицательно/ покачал головой, кивая на оковы: «показывая на оковы кивком»; to shake; to indicate — показывать, указывать /на что-либо жестом, другим движением/).

The creature stroked the curly brown fur of its own neck thoughtfully (существо погладило = почесало задумчиво курчавую шерсть на шее), then it shuffled away again (потом ушло снова, шаркая ногами; to shuffle — перемешивать; волочить ноги, шаркать), back into the darkness of the forest (обратно во тьму леса).

Corum watched it go (Корум наблюдал, как оно шло), almost forgetful of his pain in his astonishment (почти позабыв о своей боли от изумления; forgetful — забывчивый, забывающий).

gestured [`GesCqd] accompany [q`kAmp (q) nI] thoughtfully [`TLtfulI]

Yet there was a look of great sorrow on its face as it observed Corum. It gestured at him and grunted, pointing into the forest as if it wanted Corum to accompany him. He shook his head, indicating the manacles with a nod.

The creature stroked the curly brown fur of its own neck thoughtfully, then it shuffled away again, back into

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