armoured [`Rmqd] parley [`pRlI] conversation [, kOnvq`seIS (q) n]

`None, prince.

`Then we must learn rapidly.


There was a noise on the steps within the tower and brightly armoured men came out. Each was armed with a bow and many arrows. Each had a helmet on his head that was made from the curly-spined pink shell of a giant murex. Each controlled his fear.

`We will try to parley with them, murmured Corum, `when the causeway is clear. We will attempt to continue the conversation until the tide comes in again. This will give us a few more hours in which to prepare ourselves.

`They will suspect such a ruse, surely (они заподозрят = распознают подобную хитрость, наверняка; ruse — прием, уловка, хитрость), Beldan said.

Corum nodded and rubbed at his cheek with his stump (Корум кивнул и потер щеку своей культей). `True (верно). But if we — if we lie to them, regarding our strength (но если мы — если мы соврем им относительно нашей численности; strength — сила; прочность; численный состав), perhaps we shall be able to disconcert them a little (возможно, мы сможем смутить их немного; to disconcert — приводить в замешательство; нарушать планы).

Beldan gave a wry smile, but he said nothing (Белдан криво улыбнулся, но ничего не сказал). His eyes began to shine with an odd light (его глаза начали сиять странным светом). Corum thought he recognised it as battle-fever (Корум подумал, /что/ узнал его как = ему показалось, это была нервное возбуждение перед сражением; fever — жар, лихорадка; нервное возбуждение).

`I'll see what the Margravine has learned from her husband's texts (посмотрю, что маркграфиня узнала из записей супруга; text — текст; руководство, учебник), Corum said. `Stay here and watch, Beldan (оставайся здесь и наблюдай, Белдан). Let me know if they begin to move (дай мне знать, когда они начнут двигаться).

suspect [sqs`pekt] wry [raI] fever [`fJvq]

`They will suspect such a ruse, surely, Beldan said.

Corum nodded and rubbed at his cheek with his stump. `True. But if we — if we lie to them, regarding our strength, perhaps we shall be able to disconcert them a little.

Beldan gave a wry smile, but he said nothing. His eyes began to shine with an odd light. Corum thought he recognised it as battle-fever.

`I'll see what the Margravine has learned from her husband's texts, Corum said. `Stay here and watch, Beldan. Let me know if they begin to move.

`That damned drum (этот проклятый барабан)! Beldan pressed his hand to his temple (Белдан прижал руку к виску). `It makes my brains shiver (он заставляет мои мозги дрожать = от него голова раскалывается).

`Try to ignore it (постарайся не замечать его). It is meant to weaken our resolve (он предназначен /для того/, чтобы ослабить нашу решимость).

Corum entered the tower and ran down the steps (Корум вошел в башню и побежал вниз по лестнице) until he came to the floor where he and Rhalina had their apartments (пока не добрался до этажа, где находились покои его и Ралины).

She was seated at a table with manuscripts spread out before her (она сидела за столом с манускриптами, разложенными перед ней). She looked up as he entered and she tried to smile (она подняла глаза, когда он вошел, и попыталась улыбнуться).

`We are paying a price for the gift of love, it seems (похоже, мы платим /высокую/ цену = дорого заплатим за дар любви).

damned [dxmd] apartments [q`pRtmqnts] manuscript [`mxnjuskrIpt]

`That damned drum! Beldan pressed his hand to his temple. `It makes my brains shiver.

`Try to ignore it. It is meant to weaken our resolve.

Corum entered the tower and ran down the steps until he came to the floor where he and Rhalina had their apartments.

She was seated at a table with manuscripts spread out before her. She looked up as he entered and she tried to smile.

`We are paying a price for the gift of love, it seems.

He looked at her in surprise (он посмотрел на нее удивленно).

`That's a Mabden conception, I think (это мабденское представление = так думают только мабдены). I do not understand it (я не понимаю этого) …

`And I am a fool to make so shallow a statement (я глупа, чтобы делать = глупо делать настолько мелкое заявление; shallow — мелкий; пустой, несерьезный). But I wish they had not chosen this time to come against us (я желаю, чтобы они не выбрали это время, чтобы прийти против нас = жаль, что они пришли сейчас, чтобы атаковать замок). They have had a hundred years to choose from (у них была сотня лет, чтобы выбрать /другое время/) …

`What have you learned from your husband's notes (что ты узнала из записей мужа)?

`Where our weakest positions are (где наши самые слабые места). Where our ramparts are best defended (где наши крепостные валы лучше всего защищены). I have already stationed men there (я уже расставила людей там). Cauldrons of lead are being heated (котлы со свинцом нагреваются).

rampart [`rxmpRt] cauldron [`kLldrqn] lead [led]

He looked at her in surprise.

`That's a Mabden conception, I think. I do not understand it…

`And I am a fool to make so shallow a statement. But I wish they had not chosen this time to come against us. They have had a hundred years to choose from…

`What have you learned from your husband's notes?

`Where our weakest positions are. Where our ramparts are best defended. I have already stationed men there. Cauldrons of lead are being heated.

`For what purpose (с какой целью = зачем)?

`You really do know little of war (ты действительно знаешь мало о войне)! she said. `Less than do I (/даже/ меньше, чем я). The molten lead will be poured on the heads of the invaders when they try to storm our walls (расплавленный свинец будет литься на головы атакующих, когда они попытаются штурмовать наши стены; invader — захватчик, оккупант).

Corum shuddered (Корум содрогнулся).

`Must we be so crude (/неужели/ мы должны быть настолько жестокими; crude — сырой, необработанный; грубый, резкий)?

`We are not Vadhagh (мы не вадаги). We are not fighting Nhadragh (мы не воюем с надрагами). I believe you can expect these Mabden to have certain crude battle practices of their own (думаю, ты можешь ожидать = убедился, /что/ эти мабдены имеют свой определенный жестокий военный опыт; practices — практика, тренировка; обычай) …

poured [pLd] invader [In`veIdq] crude [krHd] practices [`prxktIsIz]

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