singularly [`sINgjulqlI] barbarian [bR`beqrIqn] sure [Suq]

`They might be deaf men for all they'll respond. They seem singularly well-ordered for barbarians. I think there is some extra element to this situation that has not revealed itself as yet.

Corum had the same feeling.

`Why did you send for me, Beldan?

`I saw something in the trees. A flash of gold. I am not sure. Vadhagh eyes are said to be sharper than Mabden eyes. Tell me, prince, if you can make anything out. Over there. He pointed.

Corum's smile was bitter.

`Two Mabden eyes are better than one Vadhagh…

But none the less he peered in the direction Beldan indicated (но, тем не менее, он всмотрелся в направлении, /которое/ Белдан указал). Sure enough there was something hidden by the trees (действительно, там было что-то, скрытое за деревьями). He altered the angle of his vision to see if he could make it out more clearly (он изменил угол зрения, чтобы выяснить, нельзя ли разглядеть это более ясно). And then he realised what it was (затем он понял, что это). It was a gold decorated chariot wheel (то было украшенное золотом колесо колесницы).

As he watched, the wheel began to turn (пока он наблюдал, колесо начало вращаться). Horses emerged from the forest (лошади появились из лесу). Four shaggy horses, slightly larger than those ridden by the Pony Tribes (четыре мохнатые лошадки, немного больше, чем /лошадки/, на которых ездили племена на пони), drawing a huge chariot in which stood a tall warrior (тащили огромную колесницу, в которой стоял высокий воин).

Corum recognised the driver of the chariot (Корум узнал возничего). The Mabden was dressed in fur and leather and iron (мабден был одет в меха, кожу и металл) and had a winged helmet and a great beard and held himself proudly (у него был шлем с крыльями и большая борода; он держался гордо).

`It is Earl Glandyth-a-Krae, my enemy (это граф Гландит-а-Краэ, мой враг), said Corum softly (сказал Корум тихо).

decorated [`dekqreItId] winged [wINd] beard [bIqd] proudly [`praudlI]

But none the less he peered in the direction Beldan indicated. Sure enough there was something hidden by the trees. He altered the angle of his vision to see if he could make it out more clearly. And then he realised what it was. It was a gold decorated chariot wheel.

As he watched, the wheel began to turn. Horses emerged from the forest. Four shaggy horses, slightly larger than those ridden by the Pony Tribes, drawing a huge chariot in which stood a tall warrior.

Corum recognised the driver of the chariot. The Mabden was dressed in fur and leather and iron and had a winged helmet and a great beard and held himself proudly.

`It is Earl Glandyth-a-Krae, my enemy, said Corum softly.

Beldan said: `Is that the one who took off your hand and put out your eye (это тот, кто отрубил тебе руку и выколол глаз; to take off — убирать, уносить; ампутировать; to put out — удалять, убирать; выкалывать /глаза/)?

Corum nodded (кивнул).

`Then perhaps it is he who has united the Pony Tribes (тогда, наверное, это он объединил племена на пони) and given them those bright, new swords they carry (дал им те блестящие новые мечи, что они держат; to carry — носить с собой, иметь при себе), and drilled them to the order they now hold (и обучил их строю, который они теперь держат; to drill — обучать /строевой подготовке/; order — строй, построение).

`I think it likely (думаю, это вероятно). I have brought this upon Moidel's Castle, Beldan (я навлек эту /беду/ на замок Мойдел, Белдан; to bring upon).

Beldan shrugged (пожал плечами).

`It would have come (это произошло бы /все равно/). You made our Margravine happy (ты сделал нашу маркграфиню счастливой). I have never known her happy, before, prince (я никогда не знал = не видел ее счастливой раньше, принц).

Beldan said: `Is that the one who took off your hand and put out your eye?

Corum nodded.

`Then perhaps it is he who has united the Pony Tribes and given them those bright, new swords they carry, and drilled them to the order they now hold.

`I think it likely. I have brought this upon Moidel's Castle, Beldan.

Beldan shrugged.

`It would have come. You made our Margravine happy. I have never known her happy, before, prince.

`You Mabden seem to think that happiness must be bought with misery (вы, мабдены, кажется, считаете, что счастье должно быть куплено = за счастье нужно платить страданиями; to buy).

`I suppose we do (думаю, да, /считаем/).

`It is not easy for a Vadhagh to understand that (нелегко вадагу понять это). We believe — believed — that happiness was a natural condition of reasoning beings (мы полагаем — полагали — что счастье — естественное состояние мыслящих/разумных существ).

Now from the forest emerged another twenty chariots (и вот из леса появились еще двадцать колесниц). They arranged themselves behind Glandyth (они выстроились позади Гландита) so that the Earl of Krae was between the silent, masked warriors (так, что граф Краэ оказался между безмолвными воинам в масках) and his own followers, the Denledhyssi (и своей свитой, денледисси; follower — последователь, сторонник).

The drum stopped its beating (барабан прекратил бой).

misery [`mIz (q) rI] Earl [q: l] masked [mRskt]

`You Mabden seem to think that happiness must be bought with misery.

`I suppose we do.

`It is not easy for a Vadhagh to understand that. We believe — believed — that happiness was a natural condition of reasoning beings.

Now from the forest emerged another twenty chariots. They arranged themselves behind Glandyth so that the Earl of Krae was between the silent, masked warriors and his own followers, the Denledhyssi.

The drum stopped its beating.

Corum listened to the tide drawing back (Корум слушал, как течение отходит = как шумит отлив). Now the causeway was completely exposed (теперь дамба полностью обнажилась).

`He must have followed me, learned where I was (он, должно быть, следовал за мной, узнал, где я) and spent the winter recruiting and training those warriors (и провел зиму, вербую и тренируя тех воинов), Corum said.

`But how did he discover your hiding place (но как он обнаружил твое убежище: «потайное место»)? Beldan said.

For answer, the ranks of the Pony Tribes opened and Glandyth drove his chariot down towards the causeway (в качестве ответа, ряды /всадников/ племен на пони раздвинулись, и Гландит повел свою колесницу = подъехал к дамбе). He bent and picked something from the floor of his chariot (он наклонился и взял что-то с пола колесницы), raised it above his head and flung it over the backs of his horses to fall upon the causeway (поднял это над головой и швырнул через спины лошадей /так/, что предмет упал на дамбу;

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